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Created April 20, 2019 07:55
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#region Copyright & License Information
* Copyright 2015- OpenRA.Mods.AS Developers (see AUTHORS)
* This file is a part of a third-party plugin for OpenRA, which is
* free software. It is made available to you under the terms of the
* GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software
* Foundation. For more information, see COPYING.
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using OpenRA.Effects;
using OpenRA.GameRules;
using OpenRA.Graphics;
using OpenRA.Mods.Common.Effects;
using OpenRA.Mods.Common.Graphics;
using OpenRA.Mods.Common.Orders;
using OpenRA.Mods.Common.Traits;
using OpenRA.Mods.Common.Traits.Render;
using OpenRA.Primitives;
using OpenRA.Traits;
namespace OpenRA.Mods.AS.Traits
[Desc("Support power for detonating a weapon at the target position.")]
public class DetonateWeaponPowerInfo : SupportPowerInfo, IRulesetLoaded
public readonly Dictionary<int, string> Weapons = new Dictionary<int, string>();
[Desc("Delay between activation and explosion")]
public readonly int ActivationDelay = 10;
[Desc("Amount of time before detonation to remove the beacon")]
public readonly int BeaconRemoveAdvance = 5;
[Desc("Range of cells the camera should reveal around target cell.")]
public readonly WDist CameraRange = WDist.Zero;
[Desc("Can the camera reveal shroud generated by the GeneratesShroud trait?")]
public readonly bool RevealGeneratedShroud = true;
[Desc("Reveal cells to players with these stances only.")]
public readonly Stance CameraStances = Stance.Ally;
[Desc("Amount of time before detonation to spawn the camera")]
public readonly int CameraSpawnAdvance = 5;
[Desc("Amount of time after detonation to remove the camera")]
public readonly int CameraRemoveDelay = 5;
[Desc("Sequence the launching actor should play when activating this power.")]
public readonly string ActivationSequence = "active";
[Desc("Altitude above terrain below which to explode. Zero effectively deactivates airburst.")]
public readonly WDist AirburstAltitude = WDist.Zero;
public readonly WDist TargetCircleRange = WDist.Zero;
public readonly Color TargetCircleColor = Color.White;
public readonly bool TargetCircleUsePlayerColor = false;
public readonly Dictionary<int, WeaponInfo> WeaponInfos = new Dictionary<int, WeaponInfo>();
public override object Create(ActorInitializer init) { return new DetonateWeaponPower(init.Self, this); }
public override void RulesetLoaded(Ruleset rules, ActorInfo ai)
foreach (var weapon in Weapons)
WeaponInfo weaponInfo;
var weaponToLower = weapon.Value.ToLowerInvariant();
if (!rules.Weapons.TryGetValue(weaponToLower, out weaponInfo))
throw new YamlException("Weapons Ruleset does not contain an entry '{0}'".F(weaponToLower));
WeaponInfos.Add(weapon.Key, rules.Weapons[weaponToLower]);
base.RulesetLoaded(rules, ai);
public class DetonateWeaponPower : SupportPower, ITick
public new readonly DetonateWeaponPowerInfo Info;
int ticks;
public DetonateWeaponPower(Actor self, DetonateWeaponPowerInfo info)
: base(self, info)
this.Info = info;
public override void Activate(Actor self, Order order, SupportPowerManager manager)
base.Activate(self, order, manager);
if (self.Owner.IsAlliedWith(self.World.RenderPlayer))
Game.Sound.Play(SoundType.World, Info.LaunchSound);
Game.Sound.Play(SoundType.World, Info.IncomingSound);
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(Info.ActivationSequence))
var wsb = self.Trait<WithSpriteBody>();
wsb.PlayCustomAnimation(self, Info.ActivationSequence);
var targetPosition = order.Target.CenterPosition + new WVec(WDist.Zero, WDist.Zero, Info.AirburstAltitude);
Action detonateWeapon = () => self.World.AddFrameEndTask(w => Info.WeaponInfos.First(wi => wi.Key == GetLevel()).Value.Impact(Target.FromPos(targetPosition), self, Enumerable.Empty<int>()));
self.World.AddFrameEndTask(w => w.Add(new DelayedAction(Info.ActivationDelay, detonateWeapon)));
if (Info.CameraRange != WDist.Zero)
var type = Info.RevealGeneratedShroud ? Shroud.SourceType.Visibility
: Shroud.SourceType.PassiveVisibility;
self.World.AddFrameEndTask(w => w.Add(new RevealShroudEffect(targetPosition, Info.CameraRange, type, self.Owner, Info.CameraStances,
Info.ActivationDelay - Info.CameraSpawnAdvance, Info.CameraSpawnAdvance + Info.CameraRemoveDelay)));
if (Info.DisplayBeacon)
var beacon = new Beacon(
Info.BeaconPosters.First(bp => bp.Key == GetLevel()).Value,
() => FractionComplete);
Action removeBeacon = () => self.World.AddFrameEndTask(w =>
beacon = null;
self.World.AddFrameEndTask(w =>
w.Add(new DelayedAction(Info.ActivationDelay - Info.BeaconRemoveAdvance, removeBeacon));
public void Tick(Actor self)
public override void SelectTarget(Actor self, string order, SupportPowerManager manager)
Game.Sound.PlayToPlayer(SoundType.UI, manager.Self.Owner, Info.SelectTargetSound);
self.World.OrderGenerator = new SelectDetonateWeaponPowerTarget(order, manager, this);
float FractionComplete { get { return ticks * 1f / Info.ActivationDelay; } }
public class SelectDetonateWeaponPowerTarget : OrderGenerator
readonly SupportPowerManager manager;
readonly string order;
readonly DetonateWeaponPower power;
public SelectDetonateWeaponPowerTarget(string order, SupportPowerManager manager, DetonateWeaponPower power)
// Clear selection if using Left-Click Orders
if (Game.Settings.Game.UseClassicMouseStyle)
this.manager = manager;
this.order = order;
this.power = power;
protected override IEnumerable<Order> OrderInner(World world, CPos cell, int2 worldPixel, MouseInput mi)
if (mi.Button == MouseButton.Left && world.Map.Contains(cell))
yield return new Order(order, manager.Self, Target.FromCell(world, cell), false) { SuppressVisualFeedback = true };
protected override void Tick(World world)
// Cancel the OG if we can't use the power
if (!manager.Powers.ContainsKey(order))
protected override IEnumerable<IRenderable> Render(WorldRenderer wr, World world) { yield break; }
protected override IEnumerable<IRenderable> RenderAboveShroud(WorldRenderer wr, World world)
var xy = wr.Viewport.ViewToWorld(Viewport.LastMousePos);
if (power.Info.TargetCircleRange == WDist.Zero)
yield break;
yield return new RangeCircleRenderable(
power.Info.TargetCircleUsePlayerColor ? power.Self.Owner.Color : power.Info.TargetCircleColor,
Color.FromArgb(96, Color.Black));
protected override string GetCursor(World world, CPos cell, int2 worldPixel, MouseInput mi)
return world.Map.Contains(cell) ? power.Info.Cursor : "generic-blocked";
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