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Created November 29, 2016 14:53
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Creating a dynamic header with multiple sections and multiple items
//section model file
import RxDataSources
enum CommentTableSectionModel {
case section(comment: Comment, items: [CommentTableSectionModelItem])
extension CommentTableSectionModel: SectionModelType {
// define the different types of items that can go in the feed here
enum CommentTableSectionModelItem {
case commentSectionItem(Comment)
var items: [CommentTableSectionModelItem] {
switch self {
case .section(comment: _, items: let items):
return items
var comment: Comment {
switch self {
case .section(comment: let comment, items: _):
return comment
init(original: CommentTableSectionModel, items: [CommentTableSectionModelItem]) {
switch original {
case let .section(comment: comment, items: _):
self = .section(comment: comment, items: items)
// to drive the table view...
.flatMapLatest { _ in
return items
.map { items -> [CommentTableSectionModel] in
return { item in
return CommentTableSectionModel.section(comment: item as! Comment, items:{
return CommentTableSectionModel.CommentTableSectionModelItem.commentSectionItem($0 as! Comment)
.asDriver(onErrorJustReturn: [])
.drive((tableView?.rx.items(dataSource: dataSource))!)
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