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Created December 6, 2018 16:10
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Benchmark for the performance of FixedPointDecimals relative to other types
# Decimal Representation Comparisons
# This benchmark compares the performance of several numeric representations, over various
# numeric operations (+,-,*,/,÷...) on large arrays of numbers, in order to guide
# decision-making about how to represent fixed-decimal numbers.
# It compares fixed-decimal types against the builtin Int and Float types of various sizes.
# The output is written to a .csv file in the same directory as this file.
module DecimalRepresentationComparisons
using FixedPointDecimals
using Random
using BenchmarkTools, Statistics
using DataFrames
using CSV
decimal_precision = 2
# Express that data through the various types. Round it for integers.
fd_FixedPointDecimal_types = [
FixedPointDecimals.FixedDecimal{Int32, decimal_precision},
FixedPointDecimals.FixedDecimal{Int64, decimal_precision},
FixedPointDecimals.FixedDecimal{Int128, decimal_precision},
inttypes = [Int32,Int64,Int128]
floattypes = [Float32,Float64]
bigtypes = [BigInt, BigFloat]
alltypes = (inttypes..., bigtypes..., floattypes..., fd_FixedPointDecimal_types...,)
identity1(a,_) = a
allops = (*, /, +, ÷, identity1)
# Category for the results output CSV
category(::Type{<:Union{inttypes...}}) = "Int"
category(::Type{<:Union{floattypes...}}) = "Float"
category(::Type{<:Union{bigtypes...}}) = "Big"
category(::Type{<:FixedPointDecimals.FixedDecimal}) = "FixedDecimal"
type(T::Type) = "$T"
type(T::Type{<:Union{Int32, Int64}}) = " $T"
type(T::Type{Int128}) = " $T"
type(::Type{FixedPointDecimals.FixedDecimal{T,f}}) where {T,f} = "FD{$T,$f}"
type(::Type{FixedPointDecimals.FixedDecimal{T,f}}) where {T<:Union{Int32,Int64},f} = "FD{ $T,$f}"
opname(f) = Symbol(f)
opname(f::typeof(identity1)) = :identity
# --------- Define benchmark functions -------------
# Some care is taken here to prevent the compiler from optimizing away the operations:
# - Marked @noinline so the constants we pass in aren't available to the optimizer.
# - We take `a` and `out` as parameters so that their values aren't available when
# compiling this function.
# - `out` is a Ref{T} so that this function will have side effects. We use an output
# parameter instead of returning the value directly so that it will play nicely with
# the `@benchmark` macro which returns the benchmark results as an object.
# - `T` and `op` _should_ be available as compile-time constants, since we don't want to be
# measuring the time it takes to read from global variables.
@noinline function benchmark(::Type{T}, op, a::T, n, out::Ref{T}) where {T}
for _ in 1:n
tmp = op(a,a)
out[] += tmp
a += one(T)
@noinline function baseline(::Type{T}, a::T, n, out::Ref{T}) where {T}
for _ in 1:n
tmp = a
out[] += tmp
a += one(T)
# ------------ Run the Benchmarks -------------------------
function perform_benchmark()
# Collect the results
results = DataFrame(Operation=Symbol[], Category=String[], Type=String[],
DurationNs=Float64[], Allocations=Int[], MinGcTime=Number[],
# Run the benchmarks
for op in allops
for T in alltypes
print("$T ")
N = 1_000_000
initial_value = zero(T)
a = one(T)
# For some reason this is necessary to eliminate mysterious "1 allocation"
fbase = @eval (out::Ref{$T})->baseline($T, $a, $N, out)
fbench = @eval (out::Ref{$T})->benchmark($T, $op, $a, $N, out)
# Run the benchmark
outbase = Ref(initial_value)
bbase = median(@benchmark $fbase($outbase) evals=1 setup=($outbase[]=$initial_value))
outbench = Ref(initial_value)
bbench = median(@benchmark $fbench($outbench) evals=1 setup=($outbench[]=$initial_value))
# Compute results
difftime = (bbench.time - bbase.time)
println("$(round(difftime, digits=2)) ns ($(bbench.allocs) allocations)")
value = outbench
push!(results, Dict(:Operation=>opname(op), :Category=>category(T), :Type=>type(T),
:DurationNs=>difftime/N, # average (b.times reports ns)
:Allocations=>bbench.allocs, :MinGcTime=>bbench.gctime,
CSV.write("$(@__DIR__)/comparisons-benchmark-results.csv", results)
return results
results = perform_benchmark()
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