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Last active January 18, 2019 18:21
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This is the output from building julia with the changes in
13:10:10  ~/src/julia   v1.0.3-inline-investigation ✘ ✹ ✭  make -j 6
JULIA usr/lib/julia/corecompiler.ji
(nhdaly) promote_type(Type{T}, Type{UInt64}) where {T} --- cost: 3000
(nhdaly) promote_type(Type{Bool}, Type{S}) where {S} --- cost: 3000
(nhdaly) promote_type(Type{Bool}, Type{#s55} where #s55<:Integer) --- cost: 3000
(nhdaly) promote_type(Type{T}, Type{UInt32}) where {T} --- cost: 3000
(nhdaly) promote_type(Type{UInt64}, Type{S}) where {S} --- cost: 3000
(nhdaly) _is_convertible_Int(Integer) --- cost: 2002
(nhdaly) _promote(Real, Integer) --- cost: 3000
(nhdaly) _promote(Real, Real) --- cost: 3000
(nhdaly) iterate(Core.Compiler.Iterators.Zip2{_, _} where _ where _) --- cost: 2001
(nhdaly) iterate(Core.Compiler.Iterators.Zip2{_, _} where _ where _, Tuple{Any, Any}) --- cost: 2001
(nhdaly) promote_type(Type{Int64}, Type{S}) where {S} --- cost: 3000
(nhdaly) promote_type(Type{Int64}, Type{#s55} where #s55<:Integer) --- cost: 3000
(nhdaly) promote_type(Type{T}, Type{Int64}) where {T} --- cost: 3000
(nhdaly) promote_type(Type{#s55} where #s55<:Integer, Type{Int64}) --- cost: 3000
(nhdaly) pointer(Array{Any, 1}, Integer) --- cost: 2033
(nhdaly) checkbounds(Type{Bool}, Core.Compiler.LinearIndices{1, Tuple{Core.Compiler.OneTo{Int64}}}, AbstractArray{Bool, 1}) --- cost: 2006
(nhdaly) _promote(Integer, Real) --- cost: 3000
(nhdaly) checkbounds(Type{Bool}, AbstractArray{#s55, N} where #s55, AbstractArray{Bool, N}) where {N} --- cost: 3000
(nhdaly) promote_type(Type{Int64}, Type{S} where S<:Real) --- cost: 3000
(nhdaly) _promote(Int64, Real) --- cost: 3000
(nhdaly) iterate(Core.Compiler.Iterators.Zip2{Core.Compiler.UnitRange{Int64}, _} where _) --- cost: 2001
(nhdaly) iterate(Core.Compiler.Iterators.Zip2{Core.Compiler.UnitRange{Int64}, _} where _, Tuple{Int64, Any}) --- cost: 2001
(nhdaly) ntuple(getfield(Core.Compiler, Symbol("##65#66")){_} where _, Core.Compiler.Val{3}) --- cost: 3000
(nhdaly) axes(Array{Core.LineInfoNode, N} where N) --- cost: 2012
(nhdaly) pointer(Array{Core.LineInfoNode, N} where N, Int64) --- cost: 2020
(nhdaly) pointer(Array{T, N} where N where T, Int64) --- cost: 2010
(nhdaly) lerpi(Int64, Int64, T, T) where {T} --- cost: 2021
(nhdaly) iterate(Core.Compiler.OrdinalRange{Any, S} where S, Tuple{Core.Compiler.OneTo{_} where _}) --- cost: 3000
(nhdaly) iterate(Core.Compiler.OrdinalRange{Any, S} where S, Any) --- cost: 3000
(nhdaly) iterate(Core.Compiler.Iterators.Enumerate{_} where _, Tuple{Int64}) --- cost: 2001
(nhdaly) iterate(Core.Compiler.Iterators.Enumerate{_} where _, Tuple{Int64}) --- cost: 2001
(nhdaly) promote_type(Type{T} where T<:Real, Type{Int64}) --- cost: 3000
(nhdaly) _promote(Real, Int64) --- cost: 3000
(nhdaly) get_chunks_id(Integer) --- cost: 2005
(nhdaly) _promote(Integer, Int64) --- cost: 3000
(nhdaly) promote_type(Type{T} where T<:Unsigned, Type{UInt64}) --- cost: 3000
(nhdaly) _promote(Unsigned, UInt64) --- cost: 3000
(nhdaly) <<(UInt64, Integer) --- cost: 2002
(nhdaly) setindex!(Array{Int64, 1}, Int64, Any) --- cost: 2026
(nhdaly) setindex!(Array{Core.Compiler.NewNode, 1}, Core.Compiler.NewNode, Any) --- cost: 2026
(nhdaly) iterate(Core.Compiler.Iterators.Enumerate{_} where _, Tuple{Int64, Any}) --- cost: 2001
(nhdaly) in(Integer, Core.Compiler.BitSet) --- cost: 2001
(nhdaly) setindex!(Array{Any, 1}, Nothing, Any) --- cost: 2026
(nhdaly) setindex!(Array{Any, 1}, Core.SSAValue, Any) --- cost: 2026
(nhdaly) setindex!(Array{Any, 1}, Core.Compiler.UndefToken, Any) --- cost: 2026
(nhdaly) checkbounds(Array{T, N} where N where T, Int64) --- cost: 2003
(nhdaly) _setindex!(Core.Compiler.IndexLinear, Array{T, N} where N where T, Core.SSAValue, Int64) --- cost: 3000
(nhdaly) setindex!(Array{T, N} where N where T, Core.SSAValue, Any) --- cost: 3000
(nhdaly) promote_type(Type{T} where T<:Real, Type{UInt64}) --- cost: 3000
(nhdaly) _promote(Real, UInt64) --- cost: 3000
(nhdaly) isassigned(Array{T, N} where N where T, Int64) --- cost: 3000
(nhdaly) _setindex!(Core.Compiler.IndexLinear, Array{T, N} where N where T, Type{Any}, Int64) --- cost: 3000
(nhdaly) setindex!(Array{T, N} where N where T, Type{Any}, Any) --- cost: 3000
(nhdaly) iterate(Core.Compiler.OrdinalRange{Core.LineInfoNode, S} where S, Tuple{Core.Compiler.OneTo{_} where _}) --- cost: 3001
(nhdaly) iterate(Core.Compiler.OrdinalRange{Core.LineInfoNode, S} where S, Tuple{Core.Compiler.OneTo{_} where _, Any}) --- cost: 3001
(nhdaly) iterate(Core.Compiler.OneTo{_} where _, Any) --- cost: 3000
(nhdaly) _setindex!(Core.Compiler.IndexLinear, Array{T, N} where N where T, Type{T} where T, Int64) --- cost: 3000
(nhdaly) setindex!(Array{T, N} where N where T, Type{T} where T, Any) --- cost: 3000
(nhdaly) pointer(Array{T, 0} where T, Int64) --- cost: 2021
(nhdaly) pointer(Array{T, N} where N where T, Integer) --- cost: 2010
(nhdaly) pointer(Array{T, 1} where T, Int64) --- cost: 2019
(nhdaly) axes(Array{Bool, N} where N) --- cost: 2012
(nhdaly) pointer(Array{Bool, N} where N, Int64) --- cost: 2020
(nhdaly) checkbounds(Core.Compiler.BitArray{N} where N, Int64) --- cost: 2005
(nhdaly) setindex!(Core.Compiler.BitArray{N} where N, Any, Int64) --- cost: 2001
(nhdaly) setindex!(AbstractArray{T, N} where N where T, Any, Int64) --- cost: 3000
(nhdaly) pointer(Array{T, 1} where T, Integer) --- cost: 2019
(nhdaly) iterate(Core.Compiler.Iterators.Zip2{Array{Int64, 1}, _} where _) --- cost: 2001
(nhdaly) iterate(Core.Compiler.Iterators.Zip2{Array{Int64, 1}, _} where _, Tuple{Int64, Any}) --- cost: 2001
(nhdaly) promote_type(Type{T}, Type{Bool}) where {T} --- cost: 3000
(nhdaly) promote_type(Type{T} where T<:Number, Type{Bool}) --- cost: 3000
(nhdaly) _promote(Number, Bool) --- cost: 3000
(nhdaly) iterate(Core.Compiler.OrdinalRange{Tuple{Core.SlotNumber, Core.Compiler.NewSSAValue, Core.PhiCNode}, S} where S, Tuple{Core.Compiler.OneTo{_} where _}) --- cost: 3000
(nhdaly) iterate(Core.Compiler.OrdinalRange{Tuple{Core.SlotNumber, Core.Compiler.NewSSAValue, Core.PhiCNode}, S} where S, Tuple{Core.Compiler.OneTo{_} where _, Any}) --- cost: 3000
(nhdaly) iterate(Core.Compiler.OrdinalRange{Tuple{Core.SlotNumber, Core.Compiler.NewSSAValue, Core.PhiCNode}, S} where S, Tuple{Core.SlotNumber, Core.Compiler.NewSSAValue, Core.PhiCNode}) --- cost: 3006
(nhdaly) selectpivot!(Array{Int64, 1}, Int64, Int64, Core.Compiler.Order.By{_} where _) --- cost: 2068
(nhdaly) selectpivot!(Array{Int64, 1}, Int64, Int64, Core.Compiler.Order.Lt{_} where _) --- cost: 2068
(nhdaly) _tuple_any(Function, Bool, Any, Any...) --- cost: 2001
(nhdaly) _tuple_any(Function, Bool, Core.Compiler.OneTo{Int64}) --- cost: 2001
(nhdaly) _tuple_any(Function, Bool, Core.Compiler.OneTo{Int64}) --- cost: 2001
(nhdaly) promote_type(Type{#s55} where #s55<:Integer, Type{Bool}) --- cost: 3000
JULIA usr/lib/julia/sys.ji
(nhdaly) promote_type(Type{UInt64}, Type{S}) where {S} --- cost: 3000
(nhdaly) promote_type(Type{Bool}, Type{S}) where {S} --- cost: 3000
(nhdaly) promote_type(Type{Bool}, Type{#s55} where #s55<:Integer) --- cost: 3000
(nhdaly) promote_type(Type{Int64}, Type{S}) where {S} --- cost: 3000
(nhdaly) promote_type(Type{Int64}, Type{S} where S<:Real) --- cost: 3000
(nhdaly) _promote(Int64, Real) --- cost: 3000
(nhdaly) promote_type(Type{T}, Type{Int64}) where {T} --- cost: 3000
(nhdaly) promote_type(Type{#s55} where #s55<:Integer, Type{Int64}) --- cost: 3000
(nhdaly) (::Type{Base.Iterators.Stateful{T, VS} where VS where T})(AbstractString) --- cost: 2010
(nhdaly) (::Type{Base.Iterators.Stateful{T, VS} where VS where T})(AbstractString) --- cost: 2010
(nhdaly) popfirst!(Base.Iterators.Stateful{_, _} where _ where _) --- cost: 2001
(nhdaly) promote_type(Type{T}, Type{UInt64}) where {T} --- cost: 3000
(nhdaly) promote_type(Type{T}, Type{UInt8}) where {T} --- cost: 3000
(nhdaly) promote_type(Type{#s55} where #s55<:Integer, Type{UInt8}) --- cost: 3000
(nhdaly) promote_type(Type{T} where T<:Unsigned, Type{UInt64}) --- cost: 3000
(nhdaly) _promote(Unsigned, UInt64) --- cost: 3000
(nhdaly) promote_type(Type{#s55} where #s55<:Integer, Type{Bool}) --- cost: 3000
(nhdaly) promote_type(Type{Int64}, Type{S} where S<:Integer) --- cost: 3000
(nhdaly) _promote(Int64, Integer) --- cost: 3000
(nhdaly) iterate(Array{Base.Padding, 1}, Any) --- cost: 3004
(nhdaly) popfirst!(Base.Iterators.Stateful{Base.CyclePadding{Array{Base.Padding, 1}}, Any}) --- cost: 2001
(nhdaly) _promote(Integer, Int64) --- cost: 3000
(nhdaly) (::Type{Base.Iterators.Stateful{T, VS} where VS where T})(AbstractString) --- cost: 2010
(nhdaly) (::Type{Base.Iterators.Stateful{T, VS} where VS where T})(AbstractString) --- cost: 2010
(nhdaly) (::Type{Base.Iterators.Stateful{T, VS} where VS where T})(AbstractString) --- cost: 2010
(nhdaly) promote_type(Type{Tuple{Tuple{Symbol}, UnionAll, UnionAll}}, Type{S}) where {S} --- cost: 3000
(nhdaly) (::Type{Base.Iterators.Stateful{T, VS} where VS where T})(AbstractString) --- cost: 2010
WARNING: ignoring non-zero build number for VERSION
(nhdaly) iterate(Base.Iterators.Zip2{_, _} where _ where _) --- cost: 2001
(nhdaly) iterate(Base.Iterators.Zip2{_, _} where _ where _, Tuple{Any, Any}) --- cost: 2001
(nhdaly) (::Type{Base.Iterators.Stateful{T, VS} where VS where T})(AbstractString) --- cost: 2010
(nhdaly) (::Type{Base.Iterators.Stateful{T, VS} where VS where T})(AbstractString) --- cost: 2010
(nhdaly) >>(UInt16, Integer) --- cost: 2002
(nhdaly) >>(UInt32, Integer) --- cost: 2002
(nhdaly) >>(UInt64, Integer) --- cost: 2002
(nhdaly) (::Type{Base.Iterators.Stateful{T, VS} where VS where T})(Base.Iterators.Reverse{_} where _) --- cost: 2010
(nhdaly) (::Type{Base.Iterators.Stateful{T, VS} where VS where T})(Base.Iterators.Reverse{_} where _) --- cost: 2010
(nhdaly) iterate(Base.Iterators.Zip2{_, Base.Iterators.Stateful{Base.Iterators.Reverse{String}, Union{Nothing, Tuple{Char, Int64}}}} where _) --- cost: 2001
(nhdaly) iterate(Base.Iterators.Zip2{_, Base.Iterators.Stateful{Base.Iterators.Reverse{String}, Union{Nothing, Tuple{Char, Int64}}}} where _, Tuple{Any, Nothing}) --- cost: 2001
(nhdaly) pointer(Array{T, 1} where T, Int64) --- cost: 2019
(nhdaly) promote_type(Type{T} where T<:Signed, Type{Int64}) --- cost: 3000
(nhdaly) _promote(Signed, Int64) --- cost: 3000
(nhdaly) size(Array{T, N} where N where T) --- cost: 2010
(nhdaly) pointer(Array{T, N} where N where T, Int64) --- cost: 2010
(nhdaly) promote_type(Type{#s55} where #s55<:Integer, Type{UInt64}) --- cost: 3000
(nhdaly) size(Array{Bool, N} where N) --- cost: 2010
(nhdaly) axes(Array{Bool, N} where N) --- cost: 2012
(nhdaly) pointer(Array{Bool, N} where N, Int64) --- cost: 2020
(nhdaly) try_bool_conversion(Real) --- cost: 2020
(nhdaly) promote_type(Type{UInt64}, Type{#s55} where #s55<:Integer) --- cost: 3000
(nhdaly) _iterate(Base.Dict{Any, _} where _, Int64) --- cost: 2019
(nhdaly) _setindex!(Base.Dict{WeakRef, V} where V, Any, WeakRef, Int64) --- cost: 2041
(nhdaly) _is_convertible_Int(Integer) --- cost: 2002
(nhdaly) promote_type(Type{T} where T<:Real, Type{Int64}) --- cost: 3000
(nhdaly) _promote(Real, Int64) --- cost: 3000
(nhdaly) _setindex!(Base.Dict{K, Nothing} where K, Nothing, Any, Int64) --- cost: 2041
(nhdaly) (::Type{Base.Iterators.Stateful{T, VS} where VS where T})(AbstractString) --- cost: 2010
(nhdaly) (::Type{Base.Pair{_, _}})(Any, Any) --- cost: 2010
(nhdaly) isspace(AbstractChar) --- cost: 2003
(nhdaly) (::Type{Base.SubString{T} where T<:AbstractString})(Base.SubString{T} where T<:AbstractString, Integer, Int64) --- cost: 2052
(nhdaly) (::Type{Base.SubString{T} where T<:AbstractString})(Base.SubString{_} where _, Int64, Integer) --- cost: 2020
(nhdaly) (::Type{Base.Iterators.Stateful{T, VS} where VS where T})(Base.Generator{_, getfield(Base, Symbol("##5#6")){Base.Pair{A, B} where B where A}} where _) --- cost: 2010
(nhdaly) (::Type{Base.Iterators.Stateful{T, VS} where VS where T})(Base.Generator{_, getfield(Base, Symbol("##5#6")){Base.Pair{A, B} where B where A}} where _) --- cost: 2010
(nhdaly) broadcasted(typeof(Base.:(+)), Any, Int64) --- cost: 3000
(nhdaly) tuplebroadcast(Tuple{Vararg{Any, N}}, Base.Broadcast.Broadcasted{Base.Broadcast.Style{Tuple}, Axes, F, Args} where Args<:Tuple where F where Axes) where {N} --- cost: 2010
(nhdaly) (::Type{Base.SubString{T} where T<:AbstractString})(Base.SubString{T} where T<:AbstractString, Integer, Integer) --- cost: 2040
(nhdaly) (::Type{Base.SubString{T} where T<:AbstractString})(Base.SubString{T} where T<:AbstractString, Base.UnitRange{#s57} where #s57<:Integer) --- cost: 3000
(nhdaly) (::Type{Base.Iterators.Stateful{T, VS} where VS where T})(Base.Generator{_, getfield(Base, Symbol("##5#6")){Base.Pair{A, B} where B where A}} where _) --- cost: 2010
(nhdaly) (::Type{Base.Iterators.Stateful{T, VS} where VS where T})(AbstractString) --- cost: 2010
(nhdaly) _promote(Int64, AbstractFloat) --- cost: 3000
(nhdaly) axes(Array{Any, 1}, Any) --- cost: 2006
(nhdaly) broadcasted(typeof(Base.:(+)), Any, Any) --- cost: 3000
(nhdaly) _cat_t(Int64, Type{Any}, Array{Any, 1}, Array{Any, 1}...) --- cost: 2106
(nhdaly) _cat_t(Int64, Type{T} where T, Array{Any, 1}, Array{Any, 1}...) --- cost: 2106
(nhdaly) _setindex!(Base.Dict{Symbol, _} where _, Any, Symbol, Int64) --- cost: 2041
(nhdaly) _setindex!(Base.Dict{K, V} where V where K<:Symbol, Any, Symbol, Int64) --- cost: 2020
(nhdaly) _setindex!(Base.Dict{K, V} where V where K, Any, Any, Int64) --- cost: 2020
(nhdaly) _iterate(Base.Dict{Symbol, _} where _, Int64) --- cost: 2019
(nhdaly) _iterate(Base.Dict{_, _} where _ where _, Int64) --- cost: 2015
(nhdaly) (::Type{Base.Pair{_, _}})(Type{T} where T, Type{T} where T) --- cost: 2010
(nhdaly) broadcasted(typeof(Base.Docs.tvar), Any) --- cost: 3000
(nhdaly) tuplebroadcast(Tuple{Vararg{Any, N}}, Base.Broadcast.Broadcasted{Base.Broadcast.Style{Tuple}, _, typeof(Base.Docs.tvar), _} where _<:Tuple where _) where {N} --- cost: 2010
(nhdaly) pointer(Array{Any, 1}, Integer) --- cost: 2076
(nhdaly) _promote(Integer, Real) --- cost: 3000
(nhdaly) iterate(Base.Iterators.Zip2{Base.UnitRange{Int64}, _} where _) --- cost: 2001
(nhdaly) iterate(Base.Iterators.Zip2{Base.UnitRange{Int64}, _} where _, Tuple{Int64, Any}) --- cost: 2001
(nhdaly) promote_type(Type{Any}, Type{S}) where {S} --- cost: 3000
(nhdaly) promote_type(Type{Expr}, Type{S}) where {S} --- cost: 3000
(nhdaly) promote_type(Type{Nothing}, Type{S}) where {S} --- cost: 3000
(nhdaly) promote_typeof(Nothing, Expr, Any, Bool) --- cost: 3000
(nhdaly) promote_type(Type{Symbol}, Type{S}) where {S} --- cost: 3000
(nhdaly) (::Type{Base.Iterators.Stateful{T, VS} where VS where T})(AbstractString) --- cost: 2010
(nhdaly) promote_typeof(Nothing, Any, Any, Bool) --- cost: 3000
(nhdaly) _setindex!(Base.Dict{K, V} where V where K<:Union{Int64, String, Symbol}, Any, Int64, Int64) --- cost: 2020
(nhdaly) _setindex!(Base.Dict{K, V} where V where K<:Union{Int64, String, Symbol}, Any, String, Int64) --- cost: 2020
(nhdaly) _setindex!(Base.Dict{K, V} where V where K<:Union{Int64, String, Symbol}, Any, Symbol, Int64) --- cost: 2020
(nhdaly) _promote(AbstractFloat, Int64) --- cost: 3000
(nhdaly) tuplebroadcast(Tuple{Vararg{Any, N}}, Base.Broadcast.Broadcasted{Base.Broadcast.Style{Tuple}, _, typeof(Base.:(*)), _} where _<:Tuple where _) where {N} --- cost: 2010
(nhdaly) promote_type(Type{T}, Type{Any}) where {T} --- cost: 3000
(nhdaly) promote_type(Type{T}, Type{Symbol}) where {T} --- cost: 3000
(nhdaly) pointer(Array{String, 1}, Integer) --- cost: 2076
(nhdaly) #s57#303(Any, Any, Any, Any, Any) --- cost: 2200
Base ─────────── 23.079544 seconds
(nhdaly) size(Array{String, N} where N) --- cost: 2010
(nhdaly) axes(Array{String, N} where N) --- cost: 2012
(nhdaly) isassigned(Array{String, N} where N, Int64) --- cost: 2012
(nhdaly) axes(Array{String, N} where N, Any) --- cost: 3000
(nhdaly) axes(Array{String, N} where N, Int64) --- cost: 3000
(nhdaly) axes(Array{String, N} where N, Int64) --- cost: 3000
(nhdaly) axes(Array{String, N} where N, Int64) --- cost: 3000
(nhdaly) _promote(Real, Integer) --- cost: 3000
(nhdaly) _iterate(Base.Dict{WeakRef, _} where _, Int64) --- cost: 2019
(nhdaly) (::Type{Base.SubArray{_, _, _, _, false}})(AbstractArray{T, N} where N where T, Tuple, Int64, Int64) --- cost: 2010
(nhdaly) (::Type{Base.SubArray{_, _, _, _, false}})(AbstractArray{T, N} where N where T, Tuple, Int64, Int64) --- cost: 2010
(nhdaly) (::Type{Base.SubArray{T, N, P, I, L} where L where I where P where N where T})(Base.IndexCartesian, AbstractArray{T, N} where N where T, Tuple, Tuple{Vararg{Any, N}}) where {N} --- cost: 2010
(nhdaly) compute_stride1(AbstractArray{T, N} where N where T, Tuple) --- cost: 2001
(nhdaly) compute_offset1(AbstractArray{T, 1} where T, Integer, Tuple{Base.AbstractRange{T} where T}) --- cost: 3000
(nhdaly) (::Type{Base.SubArray{_, _, _, _, true}})(AbstractArray{T, N} where N where T, Tuple, Any, Any) --- cost: 2010
(nhdaly) (::Type{Base.SubArray{T, N, P, I, L} where L where I where P where N where T})(Base.IndexLinear, AbstractArray{T, N} where N where T, Tuple, Tuple{Vararg{Any, N}}) where {N} --- cost: 2010
(nhdaly) (::Type{Base.SubArray{T, N, P, I, L} where L where I where P where N where T})(AbstractArray{T, N} where N where T, Tuple) --- cost: 2001
(nhdaly) (::Type{Base.SubArray{T, N, P, I, L} where L where I where P where N where T})(AbstractArray{T, N} where N where T, Tuple) --- cost: 2001
(nhdaly) (::Type{Base.SubArray{_, _, _, _, false}})(Base.SubArray{T, N, P, I, L} where L where I where P where N where T, Tuple, Int64, Int64) --- cost: 2010
(nhdaly) (::Type{Base.SubArray{_, _, _, _, false}})(Base.SubArray{T, N, P, I, L} where L where I where P where N where T, Tuple, Int64, Int64) --- cost: 2010
(nhdaly) (::Type{Base.SubArray{T, N, P, I, L} where L where I where P where N where T})(Base.IndexCartesian, Base.SubArray{T, N, P, I, L} where L where I where P where N where T, Tuple, Tuple) --- cost: 2030
(nhdaly) compute_stride1(Base.SubArray{T, N, P, I, L} where L where I where P where N where T, Tuple) --- cost: 2021
(nhdaly) compute_offset1(Base.SubArray{T, 1, P, I, L} where L where I where P where T, Integer, Tuple{Base.AbstractRange{T} where T}) --- cost: 3000
(nhdaly) (::Type{Base.SubArray{_, _, _, _, true}})(Base.SubArray{T, N, P, I, L} where L where I where P where N where T, Tuple, Any, Any) --- cost: 2010
(nhdaly) (::Type{Base.SubArray{T, N, P, I, L} where L where I where P where N where T})(Base.IndexLinear, Base.SubArray{T, N, P, I, L} where L where I where P where N where T, Tuple, Tuple) --- cost: 2020
(nhdaly) (::Type{Base.SubArray{T, N, P, I, L} where L where I where P where N where T})(Base.SubArray{T, N, P, I, L} where L where I where P where N where T, Tuple{Vararg{Union{Real, AbstractArray{T, N} where N where T}, N} where N}) --- cost: 2001
(nhdaly) (::Type{Base.SubArray{T, N, P, I, L} where L where I where P where N where T})(Base.SubArray{T, N, P, I, L} where L where I where P where N where T, Tuple{Vararg{Union{Real, AbstractArray{T, N} where N where T}, N} where N}) --- cost: 2001
(nhdaly) (::Type{Base.SubArray{T, N, P, I, L} where L where I where P where N where T})(AbstractArray{T, N} where N where T, Tuple{Vararg{Union{Real, AbstractArray{T, N} where N where T}, N} where N}) --- cost: 2001
(nhdaly) (::Type{Base.SubArray{T, N, P, I, L} where L where I where P where N where T})(AbstractArray{T, N} where N where T, Tuple{Vararg{Union{Real, AbstractArray{T, N} where N where T}, N} where N}) --- cost: 2001
(nhdaly) length(Base.SubArray{T, 2, P, I, L} where L where I where P where T) --- cost: 2020
(nhdaly) checkbounds_indices(Type{Bool}, Tuple, Tuple{Int64}) --- cost: 2020
(nhdaly) checkbounds_indices(Type{Bool}, Tuple, Tuple{Int64, Int64}) --- cost: 2025
(nhdaly) checkbounds(Base.SubArray{T, 2, P, I, false} where I where P where T, Int64, Int64) --- cost: 2030
(nhdaly) getindex(Base.SubArray{T, 2, P, I, false} where I where P, Int64, Int64) where {T} --- cost: 2020
(nhdaly) checkbounds(Base.SubArray{T, 0, P, I, false} where I where P where T) --- cost: 2020
(nhdaly) getindex(Base.SubArray{T, 0, P, I, false} where I where P) where {T} --- cost: 2020
(nhdaly) _cshp(Int64, Tuple{Bool}, Tuple{Any, Vararg{Any, N} where N}, Tuple) --- cost: 3041
(nhdaly) axes(Base.StepRange{Char, Int64}, Any) --- cost: 2093
(nhdaly) genperm(Tuple{Vararg{Any, N}}, Tuple{Vararg{Int64, N}}) where {N} --- cost: 2010
(nhdaly) axes(AbstractArray{Char, N} where N, Any) --- cost: 3000
(nhdaly) _cat_t(Base.Val{1}, Type{Char}, Base.StepRange{Char, Int64}, Base.StepRange{Char, Int64}, Base.StepRange{Char, Int64}, AbstractArray{Char, N} where N...) --- cost: 2040
(nhdaly) _cat_t(Base.Val{1}, Type{Char}, Base.StepRange{Char, Int64}, AbstractArray{Char, N} where N...) --- cost: 2020
(nhdaly) promote_type(Type{Char}, Type{S}) where {S} --- cost: 3000
(nhdaly) axes(AbstractArray{T, N} where N where T, Any) --- cost: 3000
(nhdaly) size(Base.BitArray{1}, Any) --- cost: 3000
(nhdaly) (::Type{Base.SubArray{T, N, P, I, L} where L where I where P where N where T})(AbstractArray{T, N} where N where T, Tuple) --- cost: 2001
(nhdaly) _maybe_reindex(Base.SubArray{T, N, P, I, L} where L where I where P where N where T, Tuple{Vararg{Union{Real, AbstractArray{T, N} where N where T}, N} where N}, Tuple{}) --- cost: 3000
(nhdaly) view(AbstractArray{T, N} where N where T, Base.UnitRange{Int64}...) where {N} --- cost: 2010
(nhdaly) get_chunks_id(Integer) --- cost: 2045
(nhdaly) _cat_t(Base.Val{1}, Type{T} where T, Base.StepRange{Char, Int64}, Any...) --- cost: 2020
(nhdaly) _cat_t(Base.Val{1}, Type{Char}, Base.StepRange{Char, Int64}, Any...) --- cost: 2020
(nhdaly) _cat_t(Base.Val{1}, Type{T} where T, Base.StepRange{Char, Int64}, Any...) --- cost: 2020
(nhdaly) axes(AbstractArray{T, N} where N where T, Int64) --- cost: 3000
(nhdaly) broadcasted(typeof(Base.:(+)), Int64, Any) --- cost: 3000
(nhdaly) size(Array{Char, N} where N) --- cost: 2010
(nhdaly) axes(Array{Char, N} where N) --- cost: 2012
(nhdaly) pointer(Array{Char, N} where N, Int64) --- cost: 2020
(nhdaly) setindex!(Array{Char, 1}, Array{Char, N} where N, Base.UnitRange{Int64}) --- cost: 2041
(nhdaly) _tuple_any(getfield(Base, Symbol("##83#84")), Bool, Any, Any...) --- cost: 2002
(nhdaly) setindex!(Array{Char, 1}, AbstractArray{T, N} where N where T, Base.UnitRange{Int64}) --- cost: 2020
Base64 ───────── 3.465877 seconds
CRC32c ───────── 0.008168 seconds
SHA ──────────── 0.166620 seconds
FileWatching ─── 0.081018 seconds
Unicode ──────── 0.005237 seconds
Mmap ─────────── 0.063879 seconds
Serialization ── 1.374837 seconds
Libdl ────────── 0.023079 seconds
(nhdaly) axes(Array{String, N} where N, Int64) --- cost: 3000
(nhdaly) axes(Array{String, N} where N, Int64) --- cost: 3000
(nhdaly) view(Array{String, N} where N, Any, Any, Any...) --- cost: 2010
Markdown ─────── 2.319066 seconds
(nhdaly) promote_type(Type{String}, Type{S}) where {S} --- cost: 3000
(nhdaly) promote_typeof(Nothing, String, Any, Bool) --- cost: 3000
(nhdaly) promote_type(Type{Tuple{Symbol, Nothing, Symbol, Symbol}}, Type{S}) where {S} --- cost: 3000
(nhdaly) promote_type(Type{Tuple{Symbol, Expr, Symbol, Symbol}}, Type{S}) where {S} --- cost: 3000
(nhdaly) promote_type(Type{Tuple{Symbol, Symbol, Symbol, Symbol}}, Type{S}) where {S} --- cost: 3000
(nhdaly) (::Type{Base.SubString{T} where T<:AbstractString})(Base.SubString{T} where T<:AbstractString, Integer, Int64) --- cost: 2052
(nhdaly) (::Type{Base.SubString{T} where T<:AbstractString})(Base.SubString{_} where _, Int64, Integer) --- cost: 2020
(nhdaly) (::Type{Base.Iterators.Stateful{T, VS} where VS where T})(Base.Generator{_, getfield(Base, Symbol("##5#6")){Base.Pair{A, B} where B where A}} where _) --- cost: 2010
(nhdaly) (::Type{Base.SubString{T} where T<:AbstractString})(Base.SubString{T} where T<:AbstractString, Integer, Integer) --- cost: 2040
(nhdaly) (::Type{Base.SubString{T} where T<:AbstractString})(Base.SubString{T} where T<:AbstractString, Base.UnitRange{#s57} where #s57<:Integer) --- cost: 3000
(nhdaly) (::Type{Base.Iterators.Stateful{T, VS} where VS where T})(Base.Generator{_, getfield(Base, Symbol("##5#6")){Base.Pair{A, B} where B where A}} where _) --- cost: 2010
LibGit2 ──────── 3.130980 seconds
Logging ──────── 0.232968 seconds
(nhdaly) isvalid(AbstractString, Integer) --- cost: 2044
(nhdaly) (::Type{Base.SubString{T} where T<:AbstractString})(AbstractString, Integer, Int64) --- cost: 2020
Sockets ──────── 2.048467 seconds
Printf ───────── 0.006156 seconds
Profile ──────── 0.200141 seconds
Dates ────────── 1.839702 seconds
DelimitedFiles ─ 0.100363 seconds
Random ───────── 0.691297 seconds
UUIDs ────────── 0.006133 seconds
Future ───────── 0.004919 seconds
(nhdaly) getindex(Array{_, 1} where _, Base.UnitRange{Int64}) --- cost: 2035
LinearAlgebra ── 11.087220 seconds
SparseArrays ─── 3.309334 seconds
SuiteSparse ──── 0.982380 seconds
(nhdaly) axes(AbstractArray{#s576, 1} where #s576<:Union{Float32, Float64}, Int64) --- cost: 2001
(nhdaly) axes(AbstractArray{T, 1} where T, Int64) --- cost: 2001
(nhdaly) selectpivot!(AbstractArray{#s576, 1} where #s576<:Union{Float32, Float64}, Int64, Int64, Base.Sort.Float.Left) --- cost: 2004
(nhdaly) selectpivot!(AbstractArray{#s576, 1} where #s576<:Union{Float32, Float64}, Int64, Int64, Base.Sort.Float.Right) --- cost: 2004
(nhdaly) selectpivot!(AbstractArray{T, 1} where T, Int64, Int64, Base.Order.ForwardOrdering) --- cost: 2004
(nhdaly) (::Type{Base.Iterators.Stateful{T, VS} where VS where T})(Base.SubString{_} where _) --- cost: 2010
(nhdaly) (::Type{Base.Iterators.Stateful{T, VS} where VS where T})(Base.SubString{_} where _) --- cost: 2010
(nhdaly) (::Type{Base.Iterators.Stateful{T, VS} where VS where T})(AbstractString) --- cost: 2010
(nhdaly) _setindex!(Base.Dict{K, V} where V where K<:Distributed.RRID, Any, Distributed.RRID, Int64) --- cost: 2020
(nhdaly) (::Type{Base.Iterators.Stateful{T, VS} where VS where T})(AbstractString) --- cost: 2010
(nhdaly) _promote(AbstractFloat, UInt64) --- cost: 3000
(nhdaly) isassigned(Array{T, N} where N where T, Int64) --- cost: 3000
Distributed ──── 6.743792 seconds
SharedArrays ─── 0.157351 seconds
(nhdaly) _setindex!(Base.Dict{K, V} where V where K<:Base.Pair{Any, Any}, Any, Base.Pair{Any, Any}, Int64) --- cost: 2020
(nhdaly) _iterate(Base.Dict{T, Nothing} where T, Int64) --- cost: 2019
(nhdaly) delete!(Base.BitSet, Integer) --- cost: 2020
(nhdaly) iterate(Base.KeySet{#s54, #s53} where #s53<:(Base.Dict{K, V} where V where K) where #s54, Any) --- cost: 3004
(nhdaly) setindex!(Base.BitArray{1}, Any, Int64) --- cost: 2047
(nhdaly) setindex!(Base.BitArray{1}, Any, Int64) --- cost: 2034
(nhdaly) _chkstride1(Bool, AbstractArray{Float64, 2}, Array{Float64, 1}) --- cost: 2001
(nhdaly) _chkstride1(Bool, AbstractArray{Float64, 2}, Array{Float64, 1}) --- cost: 2001
(nhdaly) _chkstride1(Bool, AbstractArray{Float32, 2}, Array{Float32, 1}) --- cost: 2001
(nhdaly) _chkstride1(Bool, AbstractArray{Float32, 2}, Array{Float32, 1}) --- cost: 2001
(nhdaly) _chkstride1(Bool, AbstractArray{Base.Complex{Float64}, 2}, Array{Base.Complex{Float64}, 1}) --- cost: 2001
(nhdaly) _chkstride1(Bool, AbstractArray{Base.Complex{Float64}, 2}, Array{Base.Complex{Float64}, 1}) --- cost: 2001
(nhdaly) _chkstride1(Bool, AbstractArray{Base.Complex{Float32}, 2}, Array{Base.Complex{Float32}, 1}) --- cost: 2001
(nhdaly) _chkstride1(Bool, AbstractArray{Base.Complex{Float32}, 2}, Array{Base.Complex{Float32}, 1}) --- cost: 2001
(nhdaly) eachindex(Array{Bool, N} where N) --- cost: 2006
(nhdaly) checkbounds(Type{Bool}, Base.BitArray{1}, Base.LogicalIndex{Int64, _} where _<:AbstractArray{Bool, 1}) --- cost: 2002
(nhdaly) _getindex(Base.IndexLinear, Base.BitArray{1}, Base.LogicalIndex{Int64, _} where _) --- cost: 3000
(nhdaly) getindex(Base.BitArray{1}, Array{Bool, N} where N) --- cost: 2002
(nhdaly) pointer(Array{T, 1} where T<:Integer, Int64) --- cost: 2019
(nhdaly) _allocres(Tuple{Int64}, Type{Ti} where Ti<:Integer, Type{T} where T, Int64) --- cost: 2020
(nhdaly) colboundind(SparseArrays.SparseVector{Tv, Ti} where Ti<:Integer where Tv, Int64) --- cost: 2005
(nhdaly) colboundind(SparseArrays.SparseVector{Tv, Ti} where Ti<:Integer where Tv, Int64) --- cost: 2005
(nhdaly) _rowforind(Int64, Any, Any, SparseArrays.SparseVector{Tv, Ti} where Ti<:Integer where Tv) --- cost: 3000
(nhdaly) _fusedupdate(Int64, Real, Any, Any, Any, SparseArrays.SparseVector{Tv, Ti} where Ti<:Integer where Tv) --- cost: 3000
(nhdaly) setindex!(Array{Tv, 1} where Tv, Bool, Any) --- cost: 3000
(nhdaly) iterate(Base.ValueIterator{#s52} where #s52<:(Base.Dict{K, V} where V where K), Any) --- cost: 3004
(nhdaly) promote_type(Type{Base.Regex}, Type{S}) where {S} --- cost: 3000
(nhdaly) promote_type(Type{typeof(Pkg.Types.semver_interval)}, Type{S}) where {S} --- cost: 3000
(nhdaly) promote_type(Type{Base.Pair{Base.Regex, typeof(Pkg.Types.semver_interval)}}, Type{S}) where {S} --- cost: 3000
(nhdaly) promote_type(Type{Bool}, Type{S}) where {S} --- cost: 3000
(nhdaly) promote_type(Type{Base.Pair{Symbol, Bool}}, Type{S}) where {S} --- cost: 3000
(nhdaly) promote_type(Type{Tuple{Array{String, 1}, Pkg.REPLMode.OptionClass, Base.Pair{Symbol, Pkg.Types.PackageMode}}}, Type{S}) where {S} --- cost: 3000
(nhdaly) unique_from(AbstractArray{T, N} where N where T, Array{_, 1} where _, Base.Set{_} where _, Any) --- cost: 2001
(nhdaly) getindex(DataType, Any) --- cost: 2010
(nhdaly) unique_from(Any, Array{_, 1} where _, Base.Set{_} where _, Any) --- cost: 2001
Pkg ──────────── 10.484350 seconds
(nhdaly) (::Type{Base.Iterators.Stateful{T, VS} where VS where T})(AbstractString) --- cost: 2010
(nhdaly) (::Type{Base.Iterators.Stateful{T, VS} where VS where T})(AbstractString) --- cost: 2010
(nhdaly) pointer(Array{T, 1} where T, Int64) --- cost: 2019
(nhdaly) (::Type{Base.Iterators.Stateful{T, VS} where VS where T})(AbstractString) --- cost: 2010
Test ─────────── 2.527864 seconds
(nhdaly) axes(Array{String, N} where N, Int64) --- cost: 3000
(nhdaly) axes(Array{String, N} where N, Int64) --- cost: 3000
REPL ─────────── 1.807992 seconds
Statistics ───── 0.186115 seconds
Stdlibs total ── 53.357581 seconds
(nhdaly) pointer(Array{T, N} where N where T, Int64) --- cost: 2010
Sysimage built. Summary:
Total ─────── 76.438763 seconds
Base: ─────── 23.079544 seconds 30.1935%
Stdlibs: ──── 53.357581 seconds 69.8043%
(nhdaly) (::Type{Base.Iterators.Stateful{T, VS} where VS where T})(Base.Iterators.Reverse{_} where _) --- cost: 2010
(nhdaly) iterate(Base.Iterators.Zip2{_, Base.Iterators.Stateful{Base.Iterators.Reverse{String}, Union{Nothing, Tuple{Char, Int64}}}} where _) --- cost: 2001
(nhdaly) iterate(Base.Iterators.Zip2{_, Base.Iterators.Stateful{Base.Iterators.Reverse{String}, Union{Nothing, Tuple{Char, Int64}}}} where _, Tuple{Any, Nothing}) --- cost: 2001
(nhdaly) (::Type{Base.Iterators.Stateful{T, VS} where VS where T})(Base.Generator{_, getfield(Base, Symbol("##5#6")){Base.Pair{A, B} where B where A}} where _) --- cost: 2010
(nhdaly) (::Type{Base.SubString{T} where T<:AbstractString})(Base.SubString{T} where T<:AbstractString, Integer, Int64) --- cost: 2052
(nhdaly) (::Type{Base.SubString{T} where T<:AbstractString})(Base.SubString{_} where _, Int64, Integer) --- cost: 2020
(nhdaly) (::Type{Base.Iterators.Stateful{T, VS} where VS where T})(Base.Generator{_, getfield(Base, Symbol("##5#6")){Base.Pair{A, B} where B where A}} where _) --- cost: 2010
(nhdaly) (::Type{Base.SubString{T} where T<:AbstractString})(Base.SubString{T} where T<:AbstractString, Integer, Integer) --- cost: 2040
(nhdaly) (::Type{Base.SubString{T} where T<:AbstractString})(Base.SubString{T} where T<:AbstractString, Base.UnitRange{#s57} where #s57<:Integer) --- cost: 3000
(nhdaly) unique_from(AbstractArray{T, N} where N where T, Array{_, 1} where _, Base.Set{_} where _, Any) --- cost: 2001
(nhdaly) unique_from(Any, Array{_, 1} where _, Base.Set{_} where _, Any) --- cost: 2001
(nhdaly) _cshp(Int64, Tuple{Bool}, Tuple{Int64}, Tuple) --- cost: 3021
(nhdaly) _cat_t(Int64, Type{Any}, Array{Any, 1}, Any...) --- cost: 2106
(nhdaly) (::Type{Base.Iterators.Stateful{T, VS} where VS where T})(AbstractString) --- cost: 2010
(nhdaly) promote_type(Type{Tuple{Tuple{Symbol}, UnionAll, UnionAll}}, Type{S}) where {S} --- cost: 3000
(nhdaly) promote_type(Type{DataType}, Type{S}) where {S} --- cost: 3000
(nhdaly) promote_typeof(Type{Float64}, Type{Real}, Type{Base.Complex{T} where T<:Real}, Type{Base.Rational{T} where T<:Integer}) --- cost: 3000
(nhdaly) promote_typeof(Type{Base.GMP.BigInt}, Type{Float32}, Type{Float64}, Type{Real}, Type{Base.Complex{T} where T<:Real}, Type{Base.Rational{T} where T<:Integer}) --- cost: 2020
(nhdaly) promote_typeof(Type{Signed}, Type{Integer}, Type{Base.GMP.BigInt}, Type{Float32}, Type{Float64}, Type{Real}, Type{Base.Complex{T} where T<:Real}, Type{Base.Rational{T} where T<:Integer}) --- cost: 2020
(nhdaly) size(Array{Any, N} where N) --- cost: 2010
(nhdaly) axes(Array{Any, N} where N) --- cost: 2012
(nhdaly) pointer(Array{Any, N} where N, Int64) --- cost: 2020
(nhdaly) setindex!(Array{Any, 1}, Array{Any, N} where N, Base.UnitRange{Int64}) --- cost: 2041
(nhdaly) setindex!(Array{Any, 1}, AbstractArray{T, N} where N where T, Base.UnitRange{Int64}) --- cost: 2020
(nhdaly) (::Type{Base.Iterators.Stateful{T, VS} where VS where T})(Base.Generator{_, getfield(Base, Symbol("##5#6")){Base.Pair{A, B} where B where A}} where _) --- cost: 2010
(nhdaly) _promote(Any, Any) --- cost: 3000
(nhdaly) unsafe_getindex(Base.StepRangeLen{Int64, R, S} where S<:(Base.TwicePrecision{T} where T) where R<:(Base.TwicePrecision{T} where T), Int64) --- cost: 2001
(nhdaly) iterate(Base.AbstractUnitRange{T} where T, Tuple{Union{Base.OneTo{_} where _, Base.Slice{T} where T<:(Base.AbstractUnitRange{T} where T)}}) --- cost: 3000
(nhdaly) iterate(Base.OrdinalRange{Int64, S} where S, Tuple{Union{Base.OneTo{_} where _, Base.Slice{T} where T<:(Base.AbstractUnitRange{T} where T)}}) --- cost: 3000
(nhdaly) iterate(Base.AbstractUnitRange{T} where T, Any) --- cost: 3000
(nhdaly) iterate(Base.OrdinalRange{Int64, S} where S, Any) --- cost: 3000
(nhdaly) #s57#303(Any, Any, Any, Any, Any) --- cost: 2200
(nhdaly) promote_type(Type{Tuple{String, Pkg.REPLMode.OptionClass, Base.Pair{Symbol, Pkg.Types.UpgradeLevel}}}, Type{S}) where {S} --- cost: 3000
(nhdaly) (::Type{Base.Iterators.Stateful{T, VS} where VS where T})(Base.Generator{_, getfield(Base, Symbol("##5#6")){Base.Pair{A, B} where B where A}} where _) --- cost: 2010
(nhdaly) _cat_t(Int64, Type{Any}, Array{Any, 1}, Union{Array{Any, 1}, Array{Any, 2}, LinearAlgebra.Adjoint{Any, Array{Any, 1}}, LinearAlgebra.Transpose{Any, Array{Any, 1}}, LinearAlgebra.AbstractTriangular{Any, A} where A<:(Array{T, 2} where T), LinearAlgebra.Hermitian{Any, A} where A<:(Array{T, 2} where T), LinearAlgebra.Symmetric{Any, A} where A<:(Array{T, 2} where T)}...) --- cost: 2106
(nhdaly) (::Type{Base.Iterators.Stateful{T, VS} where VS where T})(AbstractString) --- cost: 2010
(nhdaly) (::Type{Base.SubString{T} where T<:AbstractString})(AbstractString, Int64, Integer) --- cost: 2020
(nhdaly) (::Type{Base.SubString{T} where T<:AbstractString})(AbstractString, Integer, Int64) --- cost: 2020
(nhdaly) (::Type{Base.SubString{T} where T<:AbstractString})(AbstractString, Integer, Integer) --- cost: 2040
(nhdaly) (::Type{Base.SubString{T} where T<:AbstractString})(AbstractString, Base.UnitRange{#s57} where #s57<:Integer) --- cost: 3000
(nhdaly) (::Type{Base.Iterators.Stateful{T, VS} where VS where T})(AbstractString) --- cost: 2010
(nhdaly) _check_bitset_bounds(Integer) --- cost: 2020
(nhdaly) setindex!(Core.Compiler.BitArray{1}, Any, Int64) --- cost: 2047
(nhdaly) get_chunks_id(Integer) --- cost: 2045
(nhdaly) in(Integer, Core.Compiler.BitSet) --- cost: 2020
(nhdaly) isassigned(Array{T, N} where N where T, Int64) --- cost: 3000
(nhdaly) pointer(Array{T, 0} where T, Int64) --- cost: 2021
(nhdaly) pointer(Array{T, N} where N where T, Int64) --- cost: 2010
(nhdaly) promote_type(Type{T}, Type{Base.SubstitutionString{String}}) where {T} --- cost: 3000
JULIA usr/lib/julia/sys-o.a
Generating precompile statements...(nhdaly) _setindex!(Base.Dict{String, _} where _, Any, String, Int64) --- cost: 2041
(nhdaly) _iterate(Base.Dict{String, _} where _, Int64) --- cost: 2019
(nhdaly) _setindex!(Base.Dict{K, String} where K, String, Any, Int64) --- cost: 2041
(nhdaly) _iterate(Base.Dict{_, String} where _, Int64) --- cost: 2019
(nhdaly) iterate(Base.Iterators.Enumerate{_} where _, Tuple{Int64}) --- cost: 2001
(nhdaly) iterate(Base.Iterators.Enumerate{_} where _, Tuple{Int64}) --- cost: 2001
(nhdaly) iterate(Base.Iterators.Enumerate{_} where _, Tuple{Int64, Any}) --- cost: 2001
(nhdaly) selectpivot!(AbstractArray{T, 1} where T, Int64, Int64, Base.Order.By{getfield(Pkg.Types, Symbol("##68#75"))}) --- cost: 2004
(nhdaly) _setindex!(Base.Dict{K, V} where V where K<:Base.Pair{String, Any}, Any, Base.Pair{String, Any}, Int64) --- cost: 2020
(nhdaly) (::Type{Base.Iterators.Stateful{T, VS} where VS where T})(AbstractString) --- cost: 2010
(nhdaly) lt(Base.Order.Perm{_, Array{Tuple{Float64, Int64}, 1}} where _<:Base.Order.Ordering, Int64, Int64) --- cost: 2016
(nhdaly) selectpivot!(Array{Int64, 1}, Int64, Int64, Base.Order.Perm{_, Array{Tuple{Float64, Int64}, 1}} where _) --- cost: 2068
(nhdaly) promote_type(Type{T}, Type{String}) where {T} --- cost: 3000
(nhdaly) pointer(Array{Base.Dict{Any, Any}, 1}, Integer) --- cost: 2076
(nhdaly) (::Type{Base.Iterators.Stateful{T, VS} where VS where T})(AbstractString) --- cost: 2010
(nhdaly) iterate(Base.Iterators.Zip2{_, Base.Iterators.Stateful{String, Union{Nothing, Tuple{Char, Int64}}}} where _) --- cost: 2001
(nhdaly) iterate(Base.Iterators.Zip2{_, Base.Iterators.Stateful{String, Union{Nothing, Tuple{Char, Int64}}}} where _, Tuple{Any, Nothing}) --- cost: 2001
(nhdaly) get_chunks_id(Integer) --- cost: 2045
(nhdaly) promote_type(Type{T} where T<:Unsigned, Type{UInt64}) --- cost: 3000
(nhdaly) _promote(Unsigned, UInt64) --- cost: 3000
(nhdaly) <<(UInt64, Integer) --- cost: 2096
(nhdaly) setindex!(Array{Any, 1}, Ptr{Nothing}, Any) --- cost: 2020
(nhdaly) promote_type(Type{T}, Type{UInt32}) where {T} --- cost: 3000
(nhdaly) length(Base.SubArray{UInt8, 1, P, I, L} where L where I where P) --- cost: 2020
(nhdaly) _setindex!(Base.Dict{K, Int64} where K, Int64, Any, Int64) --- cost: 2041
(nhdaly) _iterate(Base.Dict{_, Int64} where _, Int64) --- cost: 2019
(nhdaly) view(Array{Tv, 1} where Tv, Any) --- cost: 2010
(nhdaly) checkbounds(Base.SubArray{T, 1, P, I, false} where I where P where T, Int64) --- cost: 2020
(nhdaly) getindex(Base.SubArray{T, 1, P, I, false} where I where P, Int64) where {T} --- cost: 2020
(nhdaly) _setindex!(Base.Dict{K, Pkg.GraphType.ResolveLogEntry} where K, Pkg.GraphType.ResolveLogEntry, Any, Int64) --- cost: 2041
(nhdaly) _iterate(Base.Dict{_, Pkg.GraphType.ResolveLogEntry} where _, Int64) --- cost: 2019
(nhdaly) checkbounds_indices(Type{Bool}, Tuple{Base.OneTo{Int64}, Base.OneTo{Int64}}, Tuple{Base.LogicalIndex{Int64, Base.BitArray{1}}, Vararg{Union{Real, AbstractArray{T, N} where N where T}, N} where N}) --- cost: 2027
(nhdaly) selectpivot!(Array{_, 1} where _, Int64, Int64, Base.Order.By{getfield(Pkg.GraphType, Symbol("##52#54")){Pkg.GraphType.ResolveLog}}) --- cost: 2004
(nhdaly) _setindex!(Base.Dict{K, V} where V where K<:String, Any, String, Int64) --- cost: 2020
(nhdaly) selectpivot!(AbstractArray{T, 1} where T, Int64, Int64, Base.Order.By{typeof(Base.Unicode.lowercase)}) --- cost: 2004
(nhdaly) iterate(Base.Iterators.Pairs{K, V, I, A} where A where I where V where K) --- cost: 2001
(nhdaly) iterate(Base.Iterators.Pairs{K, V, I, A} where A where I where V where K, Any) --- cost: 2001
(nhdaly) selectpivot!(Array{String, 1}, Int64, Int64, Base.Order.Ordering) --- cost: 2234
(nhdaly) selectpivot!(AbstractArray{#s576, 1} where #s576<:Union{Float32, Float64}, Int64, Int64, Base.Order.ForwardOrdering) --- cost: 2004
(nhdaly) selectpivot!(AbstractArray{#s576, 1} where #s576<:Union{Float32, Float64}, Int64, Int64, Base.Order.ReverseOrdering{Base.Order.ForwardOrdering}) --- cost: 2004
(nhdaly) lt(Base.Order.Perm{#s576, #s575} where #s575<:(Array{#s574, 1} where #s574<:Union{Float32, Float64}) where #s576<:Union{Base.Order.ForwardOrdering, Base.Order.ReverseOrdering{Base.Order.ForwardOrdering}}, Int64, Int64) --- cost: 3000
(nhdaly) selectpivot!(Array{Int64, 1}, Int64, Int64, Base.Order.Perm{#s576, #s575} where #s575<:(Array{#s574, 1} where #s574<:Union{Float32, Float64}) where #s576<:Union{Base.Order.ForwardOrdering, Base.Order.ReverseOrdering{Base.Order.ForwardOrdering}}) --- cost: 2068
(nhdaly) lt(Base.Order.Perm{Base.Sort.Float.Left, _} where _<:(AbstractArray{T, 1} where T), Int64, Int64) --- cost: 3000
(nhdaly) selectpivot!(Array{Int64, 1}, Int64, Int64, Base.Order.Perm{Base.Sort.Float.Left, _} where _) --- cost: 2068
(nhdaly) lt(Base.Order.Perm{Base.Sort.Float.Right, _} where _<:(AbstractArray{T, 1} where T), Int64, Int64) --- cost: 3000
(nhdaly) selectpivot!(Array{Int64, 1}, Int64, Int64, Base.Order.Perm{Base.Sort.Float.Right, _} where _) --- cost: 2068
(nhdaly) selectpivot!(AbstractArray{T, 1} where T, Int64, Int64, Base.Order.Ordering) --- cost: 2004
(nhdaly) promote_type(Type{T}, Type{Char}) where {T} --- cost: 3000
(nhdaly) (::Type{Base.Pair{_, _}})(Base.Pair{_, _} where _ where _, Base.Pair{_, _} where _ where _) --- cost: 2010
(nhdaly) (::Type{Base.Iterators.Stateful{T, VS} where VS where T})(Base.SubString{_} where _) --- cost: 2010
(nhdaly) (::Type{Base.Iterators.Stateful{T, VS} where VS where T})(Base.SubString{_} where _) --- cost: 2010
(nhdaly) (::Type{Base.SubString{T} where T<:AbstractString})(Base.SubString{_} where _, Integer, Int64) --- cost: 2020
(nhdaly) setindex!(Array{T, 1} where T, UInt8, Integer) --- cost: 2020
(nhdaly) setindex!(Array{T, 1} where T, UInt8, Any) --- cost: 3000
(nhdaly) promote_type(Type{Float64}, Type{S} where S<:Real) --- cost: 3000
(nhdaly) _promote(Float64, Real) --- cost: 3000
(nhdaly) (::Type{Base.Iterators.Stateful{T, VS} where VS where T})(AbstractString) --- cost: 2010
(nhdaly) iterate(Base.Iterators.Zip2{Base.Iterators.Stateful{String, Union{Nothing, Tuple{Char, Int64}}}, _} where _) --- cost: 2001
(nhdaly) iterate(Base.Iterators.Zip2{Base.Iterators.Stateful{String, Union{Nothing, Tuple{Char, Int64}}}, _} where _, Tuple{Nothing, Any}) --- cost: 2001
(nhdaly) read(Base.GenericIOBuffer{T} where T<:AbstractArray{UInt8, 1}, Type{UInt8}) --- cost: 2002
(nhdaly) unique_from(Array{Any, 1}, Array{_, 1} where _, Base.Set{_} where _, Int64) --- cost: 2027
(nhdaly) unique_from(Array{Any, 1}, Array{Any, 1}, Base.Set{Any}, Int64) --- cost: 2027
(nhdaly) iterate(Base.Iterators.Zip2{_, Core.SimpleVector} where _) --- cost: 2001
(nhdaly) iterate(Base.Iterators.Zip2{_, Core.SimpleVector} where _, Tuple{Any, Int64}) --- cost: 2001
(nhdaly) broadcasted(typeof(Base.:(+)), Any, Int64) --- cost: 3000
(nhdaly) getindex(Array{String, 1}, Integer, Integer) --- cost: 2004
(nhdaly) to_indices(Array{String, 1}, Tuple{}, Tuple{Union{Integer, Base.IteratorsMD.CartesianIndex{N} where N}, Union{Integer, Base.IteratorsMD.CartesianIndex{N} where N}}) --- cost: 3000
(nhdaly) to_indices(Array{String, 1}, Tuple{}, Tuple{Integer, Union{Integer, Base.IteratorsMD.CartesianIndex{N} where N}}) --- cost: 3000
(nhdaly) checkindex(Type{Bool}, Base.OneTo{Int64}, Base.AbstractRange{Base.IteratorsMD.CartesianIndex{N}} where N) --- cost: 3000
(nhdaly) checkbounds_indices(Type{Bool}, Tuple{}, Tuple{AbstractArray{Base.IteratorsMD.CartesianIndex{N}, N} where N}) where {N} --- cost: 2020
(nhdaly) checkbounds_indices(Type{Bool}, Tuple{}, Tuple{AbstractArray{Base.IteratorsMD.CartesianIndex{N}, N} where N, Vararg{AbstractArray{Base.IteratorsMD.CartesianIndex{N}, N} where N where N, N} where N}) where {N} --- cost: 2020
(nhdaly) checkbounds_indices(Type{Bool}, Tuple{}, Tuple{Vararg{AbstractArray{Base.IteratorsMD.CartesianIndex{N}, N} where N where N, N} where N}) --- cost: 2021
(nhdaly) checkbounds_indices(Type{Bool}, Tuple{}, Tuple{AbstractArray{Base.IteratorsMD.CartesianIndex{N}, N} where N, Vararg{Union{Real, AbstractArray{T, N} where N where T}, N} where N}) where {N} --- cost: 2020
(nhdaly) checkbounds_indices(Type{Bool}, Tuple{}, Tuple{Vararg{Union{Real, AbstractArray{T, N} where N where T}, N} where N}) --- cost: 2021
(nhdaly) checkbounds_indices(Type{Bool}, Tuple{Base.OneTo{Int64}}, Tuple{Int64, Vararg{Union{Real, AbstractArray{T, N} where N where T}, N} where N}) --- cost: 2025
(nhdaly) checkbounds(Array{T, N} where N where T, Base.UnitRange{Int64}) --- cost: 2009
(nhdaly) setindex!(Array{T, N} where N, Array{T, 1}, Base.UnitRange{Int64}) where {T} --- cost: 2020
(nhdaly) setindex!(Array{T, N} where N where T, Array{T, 1} where T, Base.UnitRange{Int64}) --- cost: 2027
(nhdaly) to_indices(Array{T, N} where N where T, Any, Tuple{Base.UnitRange{Int64}, Base.Colon}) --- cost: 3001
(nhdaly) to_indices(Array{T, N} where N where T, Tuple{Base.UnitRange{Int64}, Base.Colon}) --- cost: 3000
(nhdaly) checkindex(Type{Bool}, Base.OneTo{Int64}, Base.Slice{_} where _) --- cost: 3000
(nhdaly) checkbounds_indices(Type{Bool}, Tuple{}, Tuple{Base.Slice{_} where _}) --- cost: 2003
(nhdaly) checkbounds_indices(Type{Bool}, Tuple{}, Tuple{Base.UnitRange{Int64}, Base.Slice{_} where _}) --- cost: 2012
(nhdaly) checkbounds(Type{Bool}, Array{T, N} where N where T, Base.UnitRange{Int64}, Base.Slice{_} where _) --- cost: 3000
(nhdaly) _setindex!(Base.IndexLinear, Array{T, N} where N where T, Array{T, 1} where T, Base.UnitRange{Int64}, Base.Slice{_} where _) --- cost: 3000
(nhdaly) setindex!(Array{T, N} where N where T, Array{T, 1} where T, Base.UnitRange{Int64}, Base.Colon) --- cost: 3000
(nhdaly) axes(Array{Symbol, 1}, Any) --- cost: 2006
(nhdaly) axes(Array{T, 1} where T, Any) --- cost: 2006
(nhdaly) _cat_t(Base.Val{1}, Type{T} where T, Array{Symbol, 1}, Array{Symbol, 1}, Array{Symbol, 1}, Array{T, 1} where T...) --- cost: 2032
(nhdaly) setindex!(Array{Any, 1}, String, Any) --- cost: 2020
(nhdaly) setindex!(Array{_, 1} where _, Array{String, 1}, Base.UnitRange{Int64}) --- cost: 2058
(nhdaly) setindex!(Array{T, 1}, Array{T, 1}, Base.UnitRange{Int64}) where {T} --- cost: 2035
(nhdaly) setindex!(Array{_, 1} where _, Array{_, 1} where _, Base.UnitRange{Int64}) --- cost: 2027
(nhdaly) _cat_t(Base.Val{1}, Type{T} where T, Array{String, 1}, Array{_, 1} where _) --- cost: 2030
(nhdaly) (::Type{Base.Iterators.Stateful{T, VS} where VS where T})(Base.SubString{_} where _) --- cost: 2010
(nhdaly) setindex!(Array{UInt8, 1}, UInt8, Any) --- cost: 2020
(nhdaly) checkindex(Type{Bool}, Base.OneTo{Int64}, Base.UnitRange{#s56} where #s56<:Integer) --- cost: 3000
(nhdaly) checkbounds(Array{UInt8, 1}, Base.UnitRange{#s56} where #s56<:Integer) --- cost: 2023
(nhdaly) length(Base.UnitRange{T<:Int64}) where {T<:Int64} --- cost: 2010
(nhdaly) getindex(Array{UInt8, 1}, Base.UnitRange{#s56} where #s56<:Integer) --- cost: 2112
(nhdaly) iterate(Base.Iterators.Zip2{_, Base.Iterators.Stateful{Base.Iterators.Rest{String, Int64}, Union{Nothing, Tuple{Char, Int64}}}} where _) --- cost: 2001
(nhdaly) iterate(Base.Iterators.Zip2{_, Base.Iterators.Stateful{Base.Iterators.Rest{String, Int64}, Union{Nothing, Tuple{Char, Int64}}}} where _, Tuple{Any, Nothing}) --- cost: 2001
(nhdaly) (::Type{Base.Iterators.Stateful{T, VS} where VS where T})(AbstractString) --- cost: 2010
(nhdaly) iterate(Base.Iterators.Zip2{_, Base.Iterators.Stateful{Base.SubString{String}, Union{Nothing, Tuple{Char, Int64}}}} where _) --- cost: 2001
(nhdaly) iterate(Base.Iterators.Zip2{_, Base.Iterators.Stateful{Base.SubString{String}, Union{Nothing, Tuple{Char, Int64}}}} where _, Tuple{Any, Nothing}) --- cost: 2001
(nhdaly) _setindex!(Base.Dict{K, Nothing} where K<:REPL.REPLCompletions.Completion, Nothing, REPL.REPLCompletions.Completion, Int64) --- cost: 2041
(nhdaly) unique_from(Array{REPL.REPLCompletions.Completion, 1}, Array{_, 1} where _, Base.Set{_} where _, Int64) --- cost: 2057
(nhdaly) unique_from(Array{REPL.REPLCompletions.Completion, 1}, Array{REPL.REPLCompletions.Completion, 1}, Base.Set{REPL.REPLCompletions.Completion}, Int64) --- cost: 2057
(nhdaly) selectpivot!(Array{_, 1} where _, Int64, Int64, Base.Order.By{typeof(REPL.REPLCompletions.completion_text)}) --- cost: 2004
(nhdaly) pointer(Array{T, 1} where T<:Real, Int64) --- cost: 2019
(nhdaly) pointer(Array{T, 1} where T<:AbstractString, Int64) --- cost: 2019
(nhdaly) pointer(Array{T, 1} where T<:Symbol, Int64) --- cost: 2019
(nhdaly) _setindex!(Base.Dict{K, Nothing} where K<:Real, Nothing, Real, Int64) --- cost: 2041
(nhdaly) _setindex!(Base.Dict{K, Nothing} where K<:AbstractString, Nothing, AbstractString, Int64) --- cost: 2041
(nhdaly) _setindex!(Base.Dict{K, Nothing} where K<:Symbol, Nothing, Symbol, Int64) --- cost: 2041
(nhdaly) iterate(Base.Iterators.Zip2{Base.OneTo{Int64}, _} where _) --- cost: 2001
(nhdaly) iterate(Base.Iterators.Zip2{Base.OneTo{Int64}, _} where _, Tuple{Int64, Any}) --- cost: 2001
(nhdaly) iterate(Base.Iterators.Zip2{Array{Char, 1}, _} where _) --- cost: 2001
(nhdaly) iterate(Base.Iterators.Zip2{Array{Char, 1}, _} where _, Tuple{Int64, Any}) --- cost: 2001
(nhdaly) (::Type{Base.Iterators.Stateful{T, VS} where VS where T})(AbstractString) --- cost: 2010
1094 generated in 100.696287 seconds (overhead 71.113204 seconds)
LINK usr/lib/julia/sys.dylib
13:15:39  ~/src/julia   v1.0.3-inline-investigation ✘ ✹ ✭ 
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