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Created February 11, 2016 18:45
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  • Save NHQ/660712d43e7ebf673b6b to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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var st = $ui({
tempo: 72 / 60,
tmod: 10,
pi: Math.PI / 2,
c: 1,
fq: 289 / 10
var v = [[0, .67], [0,.25], [1,0]]
var env = $.env([v], [1])
var p = {}
p.m = st.pi
p.c = st.c
p.f = st.fq * st.tmod
p.wave = 'sine'
var bell = $.meffisto(p)
return function(t){
t *= st.tempo
return bell.ring(t % 1, $.amod(0, 1/3, t, st.fq / 10), st.c) * env(t % 1)
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