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Created March 24, 2016 01:53
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var st = $ui({
bpm: 86
var bpm = st.bpm
timer = $.zerone(bpm, sampleRate)
//generator = new $.chrono()
//console.log(timer, st)
t0 = timer.beat(3/4, [,1,1,1,1,1,1,[,,,1],], function(ti, b, off, swing){
var amp = [[0,.67],[0,1], [1 ,2/4]]
var dec = [[0, 2/4], [1,1], [1,0]]
var dur = [1/64*2, 17/64*3/2]
var d = dur.reduce(function(a, e){ return a + e}, 0)
var env = $.env([amp, dec], dur)
var o = {}
o.c = Math.sqrt(2)
o.m = Math.PI * 2
o.i = 11
o.f = b % 2 === 0 ? 55 : 111 // / 4: 444 / 8
o.wave = 'triangle'
var buzz = $.meffisto(o)
var synth = function(t, s, i){
// var tt = t
// t *= 86 / 60
buzz.i = wmod_(9, 2, t, -3/4)
// buzz.m = amod_(Math.PI, 1/8, t, -3/4)
return (buzz.ring(t, $.amod(0, Math.PI / 8, t, buzz.f/2), Math.sqrt(2))) //* env(t % d)
function tri (x) { return tri_(x,t) }
function tri_ (x,t) { return Math.abs(1 - t % (1/x) * x * 2) * 2 - 1 }
function amod_(c, r, t, f){ return c + r * ((Math.log((1.0001 + sin(f, t)) * 50) / Math.log(10))/2-2) }
function wmod_(c, r, t, f){ return c + Math.floor(r * ((Math.log((1.0001 + sin(f, t)) * 50) / Math.log(10))/2-2)) }
function amod(c, r, f){ return c + r * ((Math.log((1.0001 + sin(f)) * 50) / Math.log(10))/2-2) }
function sin (x) { return Math.sin(2 * Math.PI * t * x) }
function sin_ (x, t) { return Math.sin(2 * Math.PI * t * x) }
generator.set(ti, synth, {curves: [amp, dec], durations: dur})
var music = function(t, s, i){
return generator.tick(t, s, i)
return function(t, s, i){
return music(t, s, i)
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