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Created September 19, 2012 18:47
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Save NV/3751436 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
PhantomJS script to collect most used CSS property names (supported by WebKit)
// phantomjs --web-security=no most_used_css_property_names.js
var urls = [
function runOnPage() {
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'list-style-type': 0,
'margin': 0,
'margin-bottom': 0,
'margin-left': 0,
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'margin-top': 0,
'marker': 0,
'marker-end': 0,
'marker-mid': 0,
'marker-start': 0,
'mask': 0,
'max-height': 0,
'max-width': 0,
'min-height': 0,
'min-width': 0,
'opacity': 0,
'orphans': 0,
'outline': 0,
'outline-color': 0,
'outline-style': 0,
'outline-width': 0,
'overflow': 0,
'overflow-wrap': 0,
'overflow-x': 0,
'overflow-y': 0,
'padding': 0,
'padding-bottom': 0,
'padding-left': 0,
'padding-right': 0,
'padding-top': 0,
'page': 0,
'page-break-after': 0,
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'pointer-events': 0,
'position': 0,
'resize': 0,
'right': 0,
'shape-rendering': 0,
'speak': 0,
'stop-color': 0,
'stop-opacity': 0,
'stroke': 0,
'stroke-dasharray': 0,
'stroke-dashoffset': 0,
'stroke-linecap': 0,
'stroke-linejoin': 0,
'stroke-miterlimit': 0,
'stroke-opacity': 0,
'stroke-width': 0,
'tab-size': 0,
'table-layout': 0,
'text-align': 0,
'text-anchor': 0,
'text-decoration': 0,
'text-indent': 0,
'text-overflow': 0,
'text-rendering': 0,
'text-shadow': 0,
'text-transform': 0,
'top': 0,
'unicode-bidi': 0,
'vector-effect': 0,
'vertical-align': 0,
'visibility': 0,
'white-space': 0,
'widows': 0,
'width': 0,
'word-break': 0,
'word-spacing': 0,
'word-wrap': 0,
'writing-mode': 0,
'z-index': 0,
'zoom': 0
for (var i = 0; i < document.styleSheets.length; i++) {
function traverseProperties(stylesheet) {
var rules = stylesheet.cssRules;
for (var i = 0, ii = rules.length; i < ii; i++) {
var rule = rules[i];
if (rule.type === 1) {
var style =;
for (var j = 0, jj = style.length; j < jj; j++) {
var name = style[j];
} else if (rule.cssRules) {
return properties;
var properties = null;
function merge(props) {
Object.keys(props).forEach(function(key) {
properties[key] += props[key];
function printAll(properties) {
var list = [];
var max = 0;
Object.keys(properties).forEach(function(key) {
var value = properties[key];
if (value > max) {
max = value;
list.push({key: key, value: properties[key]});
for (var i = 0; i < list.length; i++) {
list[i].value = Math.round(list[i].value / max * 255);
var output = '{\n';
list.forEach(function(pair) {
if (pair.value)
output += '"' + pair.key + '": ' + pair.value + ',\n';
console.log(output + '}');
function run(url) {
var page = require('webpage').create();, function(status) {
console.log('Opening ' + url);
if (status !== 'success') {
console.error('Unable to access network');
} else {
if (!properties) {
properties = page.evaluate(runOnPage);
} else {
if (++urlIndex < urls.length) {
// Run synchronously to prevent PhantomJS from crash
} else {
var urlIndex = 0;
"-webkit-animation": 1,
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"-webkit-border-horizontal-spacing": 1,
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"-webkit-font-smoothing": 2,
"-webkit-transform": 1,
"-webkit-transition": 8,
"-webkit-transition-delay": 7,
"-webkit-transition-duration": 7,
"-webkit-transition-property": 7,
"-webkit-transition-timing-function": 6,
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"background-attachment": 144,
"background-clip": 143,
"background-color": 222,
"background-image": 201,
"background-origin": 142,
"background-size": 25,
"border": 121,
"border-bottom": 121,
"border-bottom-color": 121,
"border-bottom-left-radius": 50,
"border-bottom-right-radius": 50,
"border-bottom-style": 114,
"border-bottom-width": 120,
"border-collapse": 3,
"border-left": 95,
"border-left-color": 95,
"border-left-style": 89,
"border-left-width": 94,
"border-radius": 50,
"border-right": 93,
"border-right-color": 93,
"border-right-style": 88,
"border-right-width": 93,
"border-top": 111,
"border-top-color": 111,
"border-top-left-radius": 49,
"border-top-right-radius": 49,
"border-top-style": 104,
"border-top-width": 109,
"bottom": 16,
"box-shadow": 25,
"box-sizing": 2,
"clear": 23,
"color": 237,
"cursor": 34,
"direction": 4,
"display": 210,
"fill": 2,
"filter": 1,
"float": 105,
"font": 174,
"font-family": 25,
"font-size": 174,
"font-style": 9,
"font-weight": 89,
"height": 161,
"left": 54,
"letter-spacing": 3,
"line-height": 75,
"list-style": 17,
"list-style-image": 8,
"list-style-position": 8,
"list-style-type": 17,
"margin": 241,
"margin-bottom": 226,
"margin-left": 225,
"margin-right": 213,
"margin-top": 241,
"max-height": 5,
"max-width": 11,
"min-height": 9,
"min-width": 6,
"opacity": 24,
"outline": 10,
"outline-color": 10,
"outline-style": 10,
"outline-width": 10,
"overflow": 57,
"overflow-x": 56,
"overflow-y": 57,
"padding": 216,
"padding-bottom": 208,
"padding-left": 216,
"padding-right": 206,
"padding-top": 216,
"position": 136,
"resize": 1,
"right": 29,
"stroke": 1,
"stroke-width": 1,
"table-layout": 1,
"text-align": 66,
"text-decoration": 53,
"text-indent": 9,
"text-overflow": 8,
"text-shadow": 19,
"text-transform": 5,
"top": 71,
"unicode-bidi": 1,
"vertical-align": 37,
"visibility": 11,
"white-space": 24,
"width": 255,
"word-wrap": 6,
"z-index": 32,
"zoom": 10
Copy link

RonnyO commented Oct 13, 2012

Awesome, and the data could be useful to further investigate.
Are these URLs the actual set you ran this against, or did you ran it with a broader set? Seems like a small & non-exemplary set to me.

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