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Created January 20, 2022 15:38
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A simple span polyfill
template <typename T>
class Span {
using size_type = std::size_t;
using value_type = std::remove_const_t<T>;
using pointer = std::add_pointer_t<T>;
using const_pointer = std::add_pointer_t<std::add_const_t<T>>;
using reference = std::add_lvalue_reference_t<T>;
using const_reference = std::add_lvalue_reference_t<std::add_const_t<T>>;
using difference_type = std::ptrdiff_t;
constexpr Span() noexcept
: Span(nullptr, 0) {
// Also a clang compiler bug workaround for empty default constructors
template <std::size_t Size>
/* implicit */ constexpr Span(T (&data)[Size]) noexcept
: Span(data, Size) {}
constexpr Span(pointer data, size_type size) noexcept
: data_(data)
, size_(size) {}
template <typename C,
decltype(const_pointer(std::declval<C>().data()))* = nullptr,
decltype(size_type(std::declval<C>().size()))* = nullptr>
/* implicit */ constexpr Span(C&& src) noexcept(
noexcept(std::declval<C>().data()) && noexcept(std::declval<C>().size()))
: Span(, src.size()) {}
T* begin() const noexcept {
return data();
T* end() const noexcept {
return data() + size();
T* data() const noexcept {
return data_;
std::size_t size() const noexcept {
return size_;
T* data_{};
std::size_t size_{};
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