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Created May 30, 2017 22:22
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Get a list of all Aliases from the specified Brocade Switch, then output a list of which of those Aliases correspond to currently active WWNs
#Get a list of all Aliases from the specified Brocade Switch, then output a list of which of those Aliases correspond to currently active WWNs
#The -ReportAll switch will spit out a list of ALL discovered Aliases instead of just the active ones
$user = "admin",
if ($plinkAliases = plink $user@$switch -pw $password 'alishow'){
#Discover the Aliases from the switch
$aliases = @()
$aliases += "Type Alias WWN"
for ($I=0;$I -lt $plinkAliases.count;$i++){
if ($plinkAliases[$i].trim() -match "^alias"){
$alias = $plinkAliases[$i]
while ($plinkAliases[$i+1].trim() -match "^[\da-f]{2}:[\da-f]{2}:"){
$alias = $alias + " " + $plinkAliases[$i+1]
#Clean up the discovered Alias lines to make it easier to convert into an object
$alias = $alias -replace "\s+"," "
$aliases += $alias.trim()
$aliases = $aliases | ConvertFrom-Csv -Delimiter " "
#Generate output; either all of the found aliases or compare those aliases against the active WWNs from the nsshow command
if ($reportAll){
$plinkWWNs = plink $user@$switch -pw $password 'nsshow'
write-host "WWNs currently logged in to the switch:"
"=" * "WWNs currently logged in to the switch:".length
$output = @()
foreach ($thisAlias in $aliases){
if (($plinkWWNs | ? {$_ -match $thisAlias.WWN})){
$output += $thisAlias
write-host "Error, nothing was returned from 'plink $user@$switch'.`nIs 'plink' installed and accessible from the CLI?" -foregroundcolor red
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