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Last active January 13, 2017 10:00
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Save NamelessCoder/8714035 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Bash script to install TYPO3 6.2 LTS (dev) and FluidTYPO3 extensions (dev)
#!/usr/bin/env bash
# phase one: core install
# Pro tip: edit the script and use this repository instead to try out the
# codename "Awesome Ocelot" project - which should be even faster than the
# bare 6.2 core:
# Live demo of "Awesome Ocelot" is at
git clone --depth 1
ln -s TYPO3.CMS typo3_src
ln -s typo3_src/index.php
ln -s typo3_src/typo3
echo "Now open the TYPO3 backend and complete the install wizard"
echo "Remember: You must add the _cli_lowlevel backend user!"
read -p "Press any key to continue AFTER you complete the install wizard and create the _cli_lowlevel user"
# phase two: extension fetching and installation
git clone --single-branch --branch development --depth 1 typo3conf/ext/flux
git clone --single-branch --branch development --depth 1 typo3conf/ext/fluidcontent
git clone --single-branch --branch development --depth 1 typo3conf/ext/fluidpages
git clone --single-branch --branch development --depth 1 typo3conf/ext/vhs
git clone --single-branch --branch development --depth 1 typo3conf/ext/builder
./typo3/cli_dispatch.phpsh extbase extension:install flux
./typo3/cli_dispatch.phpsh extbase extension:install fluidpages
./typo3/cli_dispatch.phpsh extbase extension:install fluidcontent
./typo3/cli_dispatch.phpsh extbase extension:install vhs
./typo3/cli_dispatch.phpsh extbase extension:install builder
# phase three: fluidcontent_core if desired
echo "You can now choose to install FluidcontentCore (TYPO3 core content using Fluid)"
read -p "Press CTRL+C to finish (use css_styled_content). Press any other key to remove css_styled_content and install fluidcontent_core"
git clone --single-branch --branch development --depth 1 typo3conf/ext/fluidcontent_core
./typo3/cli_dispatch.phpsh extbase extension:uninstall css_styled_content
./typo3/cli_dispatch.phpsh extbase extension:install fluidcontent_core
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Is there any particularly reason you didn't used git submodules for flux/fluidcontent etc.?

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Hi @Inkdpixels - the core repository is the vanilla 6.2 core which does not have these submodules. Including them as submodules should be a choice made by the user after this bootstrapping, in which case you must of course push the result to your own fork of TYPO3.CMS.

Maybe some day a prepared fork with submodules will be made and offered from FluidTYPO3, but it definitely should be automated since it would require a lot of maintenance - and currently no such infrastructure exists.

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Hi, after making a couple of adjustements to my personal setup (including myself into the www-data usergroup on my Ubuntu system as the most notable) I still had a couple of issues:

The cli_dispatch install operations gave the following result:

"No suitable request handler found."

After searching a bit it seems the issue is explained here:

Do you have any comments on this?

EDIT: I forgot to say that I use the Awesome Ocelot - perhaps that can help explain it?

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Hi Ulrik,

When using Awesome Ocelot you'll need to include in your root TypoScript, the new TS template for "Extbase TypoScript". This was moved to a static include file from the always-included-and-uncontrollable ext_typoscript_setup.txt approach (since not all sites would need all this confguration). Since you're running this in CLI mode there is one additional requirement/pitfall: the TypoScript you add, must be added to your root TS (will be ignored if added on a sub page extended template), the page the root TypoScript is inserted on must be marked "use as root page" under the Behaviour tab - and finally if you have multiple root TS templates, the "Extbase TypoScript" must be added in all of them. This would not be an issue on a standard 6.2 - but a standard 6.2 will also load a lot of redundant settings which you neither can remove nor avoid loading.

It may interest you to know that due to recent work on 6.2 it is now almost as fast as Awesome Ocelot if you use fluidcontent_core and in LocalConfiguration.php set FE.activateContentAdapter = 0. Doing this will avoid a lot of the legacy code loading that goes on, and the final result is pretty close performance-wise. Ocelot is, all things being equal, still faster - but only marginally so, which means it makes a lot of sense if you decide to switch to a standard 6.2 core ;)

Hope this helps and/or explains a few things.

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Hi Claus,

I did some searching and found the same - but thanks for clarifying. I now remember to include Extbase and Fluid static templates in my root template before I continue the install script :-)

About the activateContentAdapter setting: I read about it in the 6.2b7 Changelog and wondered what it meant. it's great that performance has been a major focus for the new LTS.

Great work on the new BTW.

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Hi Ulrik,

I now remember to include Extbase and Fluid static templates in my root template before I continue the install script :-)

Yep - that one is definitely a "gotcha". You should be able to continue the first step without the Fluid static TS - but of course you'll need it shortly after anyways.

Thanks, I'm very proud of the new site - now all it needs is a very detailed search feature :)

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