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Netgear r6700v3 LEDS Startup Script
for i in 1 7 8 9 12 13 ; do gpio enable $i ; done
for i in 10 11 ; do gpio disable $i ; done
# note: et didn't exists on my device, I therefore turn on jffs support and uploaded a copy to /tmp using scp and finally moved it to /jffs
# if et exists on your device, by running et directly in cli, you can remove the /jffs/ prefix from the following commands
# /jffs/et robowr 0x0 0x18 0x1ff
/jffs/et robowr 0x0 0x18 0x0
/jffs/et robowr 0x0 0x1a 0x0
# /jffs/et robowr 0x0 0x16 0x0
# also note: commented out et robowr commands use to work with netgear-r6700v3-webflash-05-09-2020-r43099.bin
# but for the netgear-r6700v3-webflash-11-05-2021-r47618.bin they no longer seem to work or possibly do something but, inhibit desired effect of full night mode
# Ethernet port 1 seems to shut off now as well with only the two commands, which is great, whereas in the past with the 4 lines it wouldn't shut off.
# Ordered by physical LED from left to right (some changes since r43099 i.e. this is what my discovery for r47618 produced; need others to confirm.)
# GPIO LED Notes
# 0
# 1 Power Enable/Disable LED (gpio enable 1 turns led off)
# 2 Power Toggle Led Coler (White/Amber)
# 3 Disable 4 None led - It seems that register 3 is enabled by default. If it is disabled, register 4 does not work)
# 4 Wifi On/Off None led - Toggles Wifi On/Off (gpio enable turns on)
# 5 Reset None led - Full Reset (default: enabled - gpio disable 5 resets router - requires user/password update etc)
# 6 Internet Toggle Led Color (White/Amber)
# 7 Internet Enable/Disable Led (gpio enable 7 turns led off)
# 9 2.4 GHz Enable/Disable Led (gpio enable 9 turns led off)
# 8 5 GHz Enable/Disable Led (gpio enable 8 turns led off)
# 12 Guest WiFi Enable/Disable Led (gpio enable 12 turns led off)
# 13 USB 3.0 Enable/Disable Led (gpio enable 13 turns led off) - R6700v3 only has one USB 3.0 port on the front and doesn't have port next to power button.
# et Ethernet 1 use et above
# et Ethernet 2 use et above
# et Ethernet 3 use et above
# et Ethernet 4 use et above
# 11 WiFi On/Off Enable/Disable Led (gpio disable 11 turns led off)
# 10 WPS Enable/Disable Led (gpio disable 10 turns led off)
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Natetronn commented Nov 9, 2021

Comments removed:

for i in 1 7 8 9 12 13 ; do gpio enable $i ; done
for i in 10 11 ; do gpio disable $i ; done
/jffs/et robowr 0x0 0x18 0x0
/jffs/et robowr 0x0 0x1a 0x0

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Natetronn commented Nov 9, 2021

Netgear r6700v3 - DD-WRT Wiki:

More context:

More on Startup Scripts and running commands:

More on JFFS:

More on Telnet/SSH:

How to scp:

For those missing et (mini linux guide):

  1. Download et from here: - backup here:
  2. Enable ssh - It's under Services > Services > Secure Shell - I added a public key with password enabled and login with router password.
  3. Enable and clean jffs - see More on JFFS link above and then read Directions for (normal) users: using Web-GUI Interface in that wiki - probably best to reboot to make sure it's enabled and you're seeing Available and Free space specs.
  4. scp /path/to/et [email protected]:/tmp/et - update the path to et file, which you just downloaded to your local machine, as well as update your router's ip address accordingly; most likely
  5. mv /tmp/et /jffs - move et from /tmp into /jffs
  6. Add script above as a Startup Script via the WebGUI (or via other methods listed in Startup Scripts Wiki)
  7. Reboot

If everything went according to plan, all leds should be turned off; after initial boot.

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Natetronn commented Nov 9, 2021

More context, although for r70xx routers (supposedly they are similar):

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Natetronn commented Nov 9, 2021


Board ID
Build directory files to use based on Board ID:

R6400v2 U12H332T20_NETGEAR: netgear-r6400v2 directory
R6400v2 U12H332T30_NETGEAR: netgear-r6400v2otp directory
R6700v3 U12H332T77_NETGEAR: netgear-r6700v3 directory

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# 6 Internet Toggle Led Color (White/Amber)
how to toggle Led Color to green when it's a giga WAN?

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Natetronn commented Feb 26, 2022

@Mile-Lile sorry, didn't see your question until now.

I don't think you can change the colors but, I could be wrong. I don't have a giga wan so I couldn't even test if I wanted to (I just ran a speedtest and I'm at 23.8 Mbps download; cries tears of slowness...)

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