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the lung™

Nebelung Nebelung-Dev

the lung™
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Nebelung-Dev / YouTube Channel Banner
Created February 9, 2023 02:50
Get YouTube Channel Banner Full Size
Paste this in your console:[ytInitialData.header.c4TabbedHeaderRenderer.tvBanner.thumbnails.length - 1].url)
1: download and install node.js from
2: make a .js file and put code in it
3: search your apps for command prompt
4: type in cd + the location of your file. for example C:\Users\Nebelung\Downloads\index.js
5: type npm init and follow the steps to make your app
6: type npm install to install any packages
7: type node + file name. for example node index.js
<link rel="icon">
<input id="title" placeholder="Enter a title">
<button onclick="setTitle()">Set</button>
<input id="icon" placeholder="Enter a favicon URL">
<button onclick="setIcon()">Set</button>
function setTitle() {
<button onclick="openTab()">Open</button>
<div id="popup">
<p>anything in here is in the popup</p>
function openTab() {
var popup = document.getElementById("popup")
<h1>Some Text</h1>
<button onclick="toggleTheme()">Toggle Theme</button>
body {
--color: black;
--background: white;
background: var(--background);
Nebelung-Dev / Proxathon
Created July 17, 2022 19:20
TN Proxathon
<link rel="stylesheet" href="">
<div class="header">
<img class="homelogo" src="">
<div class="hometitle">Proxathon</div>
<div class="omnibox">