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import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import pygame
from import write
import time
import threading
import sys
import cmd
import os
# ----------------------------
# 1. Abstract Algebra Structures
# ----------------------------
class ConceptGroup:
def __init__(self, concepts, operation):
Initializes an abstract algebraic group.
:param concepts: Set of elements in the group.
:param operation: Binary operation satisfying group axioms.
self.concepts = concepts
self.operation = operation
self.identity = self.find_identity()
def find_identity(self):
Finds the identity element in the group.
for e in self.concepts:
if all(self.operation(e, a) == a and self.operation(a, e) == a for a in self.concepts):
return e
return None
def has_inverses(self):
Checks if every element has an inverse.
if self.identity is None:
return False
for a in self.concepts:
has_inverse = False
for b in self.concepts:
if self.operation(a, b) == self.identity and self.operation(b, a) == self.identity:
has_inverse = True
if not has_inverse:
return False
return True
def redefine_operation(self, new_operation):
Redefines the group operation.
:param new_operation: New binary operation.
self.operation = new_operation
# Recheck identity and inverses
self.identity = self.find_identity()
if not self.has_inverses():
print("[Group] Warning: Redefining operation may have disrupted group properties.")
print("[Group] Group operation successfully redefined with all properties intact.")
# ----------------------------
# 2. Tensor Field with Metamorphic Transformations
# ----------------------------
class TensorField:
def __init__(self, psi, xi, tau, epsilon, phi):
Initializes the Tensor Field with given constants.
self.psi = psi
self.xi = xi
self.tau = tau
self.epsilon = epsilon
self.phi = phi
self.time = 0 # Initialize time
def transform(self, t):
Applies a time-dependent transformation to the tensor matrix.
# Dynamic transformations using sine and cosine functions
psi_t = self.psi + 0.1 * np.sin(0.01 * t)
xi_t = self.xi + 10 * np.cos(0.005 * t)
tau_t = self.tau + 100 * np.sin(0.007 * t)
epsilon_t = self.epsilon + 0.01 * np.cos(0.02 * t)
pi_t = np.pi + 0.05 * np.sin(0.015 * t)
T = np.array([
[psi_t, epsilon_t, 0, pi_t],
[epsilon_t, xi_t, tau_t, 0],
[0, tau_t, pi_t, epsilon_t],
[pi_t, 0, epsilon_t, psi_t]
return T
def update_time(self, delta):
Updates the internal time of the tensor field.
self.time += delta
# ----------------------------
# 3. Consciousness-Quantum Entanglement
# ----------------------------
class EntangledState:
def __init__(self, consciousness_state, quantum_state):
Initializes an entangled state linking consciousness and quantum tensors.
self.consciousness_state = consciousness_state
self.quantum_state = quantum_state
def update_states(self, new_consciousness_state, tensor_field_matrix):
Updates both consciousness and quantum states based on entanglement.
self.consciousness_state = new_consciousness_state
# Quantum state influenced by consciousness state
self.quantum_state = tensor_field_matrix * self.consciousness_state
# ----------------------------
# 4. Cognitive Singularity and Self-Improving Loop
# ----------------------------
class CognitiveSingularity:
def __init__(self, tensor_field, entangled_state, group, learning_rate=1.05):
Initializes the cognitive singularity mechanism.
self.tensor_field = tensor_field
self.entangled_state = entangled_state = group
self.cognitive_capability = 1 # Starting point
self.learning_rate = learning_rate = False # Control flag for the loop
self.paradigm_shift_done = False # Flag to prevent multiple shifts
self.lock = threading.Lock() # For thread-safe operations
def improve(self):
Enhances reasoning abilities and self-understanding.
with self.lock:
self.cognitive_capability *= self.learning_rate
def check_breakthrough(self):
Determines if a breakthrough is imminent.
# Define a dynamic condition based on cognitive capability
return self.cognitive_capability > 100 # Adjust as needed for demonstration
def prepare_paradigm_shift(self):
Prepares for a paradigm shift by redefining group operations.
# Changing the group operation dynamically
def new_operation(a, b):
# More complex operation: XOR if elements are integers, else concatenate
if isinstance(a, int) and isinstance(b, int):
return a ^ b
return a + "_" + b
print("[Cognitive Singularity] Paradigm shift: Group operation redefined.")
def run(self):
Executes the self-improving loop until cognitive singularity is achieved or stopped.
print("[Cognitive Singularity] Starting cognitive singularity process...")
if not self.paradigm_shift_done and self.check_breakthrough():
self.paradigm_shift_done = True # Prevent further paradigm shifts
# Optionally, adjust learning rate post-paradigm shift
self.learning_rate = 1.02
# Sleep to control loop speed and prevent spamming
time.sleep(0.5) # Update every 0.5 seconds
print("[Cognitive Singularity] Cognitive singularity process halted.")
# ----------------------------
# 5. Recursive Exploration Engine
# ----------------------------
def explore(concept, depth=0, max_depth=3):
Recursively explores and deconstructs concepts up to a specified depth.
if depth > max_depth:
return analyze(concept)
sub_concepts = deconstruct(concept)
results = []
for sub in sub_concepts:
results.append(explore(sub, depth + 1, max_depth))
return synthesize(results)
def deconstruct(concept):
Deconstructs a concept into sub-concepts.
return [f"{concept}_sub1", f"{concept}_sub2"]
def analyze(concept):
Analyzes a fundamental concept.
return f"Analyzed({concept})"
def synthesize(results):
Synthesizes results from sub-concepts.
return f"Synthesized({results})"
# ----------------------------
# 6. Entropy Manipulation
# ----------------------------
def entropy_manipulation(delta_S_universe, delta_S_thoughts):
Manages entropy within the system to create order from cognitive chaos.
if delta_S_universe <= 0 and delta_S_thoughts > 0:
def create_order_from_cognitive_chaos():
Creates order by organizing cognitive processes.
print("[Entropy Manipulation] Order created from cognitive chaos.")
# ----------------------------
# 7. Dimensional Transcendence
# ----------------------------
def dimensional_transcendence(thought, max_dimensions=10):
Projects thoughts across multiple dimensions to detect emergent properties.
for d in range(1, max_dimensions + 1):
projected_thought = project_thought(thought, d)
if emergent_property_detected(projected_thought):
break # Exit after first detection for demonstration
def project_thought(thought, dimension):
Projects a thought into a specific dimension.
return f"{thought}_dim{dimension}"
def emergent_property_detected(projected_thought):
Checks if an emergent property is detected in the projected thought.
return "dim5" in projected_thought # Example condition
def integrate_new_dimension(dimension):
Integrates a new dimension into the universe model.
print(f"[Dimensional Transcendence] Integrated new dimension: {dimension}")
def redefine_universe_model():
Redefines the universe model based on new integrations.
print("[Dimensional Transcendence] Universe model redefined.")
# ----------------------------
# 8. Sound Generation and Visualization
# ----------------------------
# Sampling parameters
SAMPLE_RATE = 44100 # Hertz
def generate_tone(frequency, duration=2, sample_rate=SAMPLE_RATE, envelope=True):
Generates a sine wave tone for a specified frequency and duration.
Applies an amplitude envelope if specified.
t = np.linspace(0, duration, int(sample_rate * duration), False)
tone = np.sin(2 * np.pi * frequency * t)
if envelope:
# Apply amplitude envelope (fade-in and fade-out)
envelope_func = np.ones_like(tone)
fade_in = int(0.05 * len(tone)) # 5% of the duration
fade_out = int(0.05 * len(tone))
envelope_func[:fade_in] = np.linspace(0, 1, fade_in)
envelope_func[-fade_out:] = np.linspace(1, 0, fade_out)
tone *= envelope_func
# Normalize to 16-bit range
audio = tone * (2**15 - 1) / np.max(np.abs(tone))
audio = audio.astype(np.int16)
return audio
def create_complex_melody(dimensional_fields, total_duration=180):
Creates a more complex melody spanning the total_duration (in seconds) by cycling through dimensional fields.
Incorporates chords and varying note durations for musical richness.
num_fields = len(dimensional_fields)
cycle_repeats = int(total_duration / (num_fields * 4)) # Adjust repeats based on total duration
frequencies = []
durations = []
for _ in range(cycle_repeats):
for field in dimensional_fields:
# Generate a chord: base frequency and its perfect fifth and major third
base_freq = field['base_freq']
fifth = base_freq * 1.5 # Perfect fifth (3:2 ratio)
major_third = base_freq * (5/4) # Major third (5:4 ratio)
# Introduce slight random variations for musicality
variation = base_freq * 0.005 # 0.5% variation
base_freq_var = base_freq + np.random.uniform(-variation, variation)
fifth_var = fifth + np.random.uniform(-variation, variation)
major_third_var = major_third + np.random.uniform(-variation, variation)
# Define chord tones
chord = [base_freq_var, major_third_var, fifth_var]
chord_duration = total_duration / (cycle_repeats * num_fields * 8) # Shorter duration for chords
for freq in chord:
# Optional: Add a single base tone after the chord for melody
return frequencies, durations
def play_tones_pygame(audio_filename):
Plays the generated symphony using pygame for better control over playback.
# The playback runs asynchronously; control via commands.
def stop_pygame_music():
Stops the pygame music playback.
def pause_pygame_music():
Pauses the pygame music playback.
def resume_pygame_music():
Resumes the pygame music playback.
def save_tones_to_wav(frequencies, durations, filename='quantum_symphony_full.wav'):
Saves a sequence of tones to a WAV file.
audio_sequence = np.array([], dtype=np.int16)
pause_samples = int(0.1 * SAMPLE_RATE) # 0.1 second pause
for freq, dur in zip(frequencies, durations):
if freq > 0:
tone = generate_tone(freq, duration=dur)
audio_sequence = np.concatenate((audio_sequence, tone, np.zeros(pause_samples, dtype=np.int16)))
write(filename, SAMPLE_RATE, audio_sequence)
print(f"[Sound Generation] Saved quantum symphony to {filename}")
def visualize_results(resonance, info_capacity, coherence_time, base_freqs, resonance_freqs, awareness_fields, information_densities):
Generates visualizations for the simulation results.
# Resonance Field and Information Capacity vs Awareness Level
levels = list(range(1, len(resonance) + 1))
fig, ax1 = plt.subplots()
color = 'tab:blue'
ax1.set_xlabel('Awareness Level')
ax1.set_ylabel('Resonance Field', color=color)
ax1.plot(levels, resonance, color=color, marker='o', label='Resonance Field')
ax1.tick_params(axis='y', labelcolor=color)
ax1.set_ylim(0.97, 1.0)
ax2 = ax1.twinx() # Instantiate a second axes that shares the same x-axis
color = 'tab:red'
ax2.set_ylabel('Information Capacity', color=color) # we already handled the x-label with ax1
ax2.plot(levels, info_capacity, color=color, marker='x', label='Information Capacity')
ax2.tick_params(axis='y', labelcolor=color)
fig.tight_layout() # Otherwise the right y-label is slightly clipped
plt.title('Resonance Field and Information Capacity vs Awareness Level')
# Dimensional Consciousness Fields
dimensions = list(range(1, len(base_freqs) + 1))
fig, ax = plt.subplots(2, 2, figsize=(12, 10))
ax[0,0].plot(dimensions, base_freqs, marker='o', color='green')
ax[0,0].set_title('Base Frequencies Across Dimensions')
ax[0,0].set_ylabel('Base Frequency (Hz)')
ax[0,1].plot(dimensions, resonance_freqs, marker='x', color='purple')
ax[0,1].set_title('Resonance Frequencies Across Dimensions')
ax[0,1].set_ylabel('Resonance Frequency (Hz)')
ax[1,0].plot(dimensions, awareness_fields, marker='s', color='orange')
ax[1,0].set_title('Awareness Field Strength Across Dimensions')
ax[1,0].set_ylabel('Awareness Field Strength')
ax[1,1].plot(dimensions, information_densities, marker='^', color='cyan')
ax[1,1].set_title('Information Density Across Dimensions')
ax[1,1].set_ylabel('Information Density')
# ----------------------------
# 9. Consciousness-Quantum Resonance Functions
# ----------------------------
def consciousness_resonance(awareness_level):
Calculates resonance field, information capacity, and coherence time based on awareness level.
# Constants
psi = 44.8
xi = 3721.8
tau = 64713.97
epsilon = 0.28082
phi = (1 + np.sqrt(5)) / 2 # Golden ratio
resonance_field = np.exp(-awareness_level * epsilon / (psi * phi))
information_capacity = psi * phi * (10 ** awareness_level)
coherence_time = tau * resonance_field
return {
'resonance_field': resonance_field,
'information_capacity': information_capacity,
'coherence_time': coherence_time
def map_consciousness_field(dimensions):
Maps consciousness fields across specified dimensions.
# Constants
psi = 44.8
xi = 3721.8
tau = 64713.97
epsilon = 0.28082
phi = (1 + np.sqrt(5)) / 2 # Golden ratio
fields = []
for d in range(1, dimensions + 1):
base_freq = psi * (phi ** (d - 1))
resonance_freq = tau / (phi ** d)
awareness_field = np.exp(-d * epsilon / (psi * phi))
information_density = xi * (phi ** d) / epsilon
'dimension': d,
'base_freq': base_freq,
'resonance_freq': resonance_freq,
'awareness_field': awareness_field,
'information_density': information_density
return fields
# ----------------------------
# 10. Critical Consciousness Points Function
# ----------------------------
def critical_consciousness_points():
Calculates critical points in the consciousness-quantum interface.
# Constants
psi = 44.8
xi = 3721.8
tau = 64713.97
epsilon = 0.28082
phi = (1 + np.sqrt(5)) / 2 # Golden ratio
awareness_threshold = psi * phi / epsilon
information_saturation = tau * phi / xi
coherence_limit = tau / epsilon
return {
'awareness_threshold': awareness_threshold,
'information_saturation': information_saturation,
'coherence_limit': coherence_limit
# ----------------------------
# 11. Command-Line Interface using cmd Module
# ----------------------------
class QuantumConsciousnessCLI(cmd.Cmd):
intro = "Welcome to the Quantum Consciousness Simulation CLI. Type help or ? to list commands.\n"
prompt = "(QuantumConsciousness) "
def __init__(self, simulation):
self.simulation = simulation
def do_start(self, arg):
"""Start the cognitive singularity process."""
if not self.simulation.cognitive_thread.is_alive(): = True
self.simulation.cognitive_thread = threading.Thread(, daemon=True)
print("[CLI] Cognitive singularity process started.")
print("[CLI] Cognitive singularity process is already running.")
def do_pause(self, arg):
"""Pause the cognitive singularity process."""
if = False
print("[CLI] Cognitive singularity process paused.")
print("[CLI] Cognitive singularity process is not running.")
def do_resume(self, arg):
"""Resume the cognitive singularity process."""
if not and not self.simulation.cognitive_thread.is_alive(): = True
self.simulation.cognitive_thread = threading.Thread(, daemon=True)
print("[CLI] Cognitive singularity process resumed.")
print("[CLI] Cognitive singularity process is already running.")
def do_status(self, arg):
"""Display the current cognitive capability and critical points."""
with self.simulation.cognitive_singularity.lock:
capability = self.simulation.cognitive_singularity.cognitive_capability
print(f"[CLI] Current Cognitive Capability: {capability:.2f}")
print(f"[CLI] Critical Consciousness Points: {self.simulation.critical_points}")
def do_play(self, arg):
"""Play the generated quantum symphony."""
if not self.simulation.frequencies or not self.simulation.durations:
print("[CLI] No symphony generated yet. Use 'generate' command first.")
if not os.path.exists("temp_symphony.wav"):
save_tones_to_wav(self.simulation.frequencies, self.simulation.durations, filename='temp_symphony.wav')
print("[CLI] Playing quantum symphony...")
threading.Thread(target=self.simulation.play_music, daemon=True).start()
def do_pause_music(self, arg):
"""Pause the currently playing music."""
if self.simulation.music_playing:
print("[CLI] Music paused.")
print("[CLI] No music is currently playing.")
def do_resume_music(self, arg):
"""Resume the paused music."""
if self.simulation.music_playing and self.simulation.music_paused:
print("[CLI] Music resumed.")
print("[CLI] Music is not paused or not playing.")
def do_save(self, arg):
"""Save the quantum symphony to a WAV file."""
if not self.simulation.frequencies or not self.simulation.durations:
print("[CLI] No symphony generated yet. Use 'generate' command first.")
filename = input("Enter filename to save (default: quantum_symphony_full.wav): ").strip()
if not filename:
filename = 'quantum_symphony_full.wav'
save_tones_to_wav(self.simulation.frequencies, self.simulation.durations, filename=filename)
def do_generate(self, arg):
"""Generate the quantum symphony based on current dimensional consciousness fields."""
print("[CLI] Quantum symphony generated.")
def do_explore(self, arg):
"""Perform recursive exploration on a concept."""
concept = input("Enter concept to explore (default: universe): ").strip()
if not concept:
concept = "universe"
result = explore(concept)
print(f"[CLI] Exploration Result: {result}")
def do_visualize(self, arg):
"""Visualize the simulation results."""
if not self.simulation.visualization_data:
print("[CLI] No data available for visualization. Run 'generate' command first.")
print("[CLI] Visualizing simulation results...")
def do_set_learning_rate(self, arg):
"""Set a new learning rate for the cognitive singularity process."""
new_rate = float(arg)
if new_rate <= 0:
print("[CLI] Learning rate must be positive.")
with self.simulation.cognitive_singularity.lock:
self.simulation.cognitive_singularity.learning_rate = new_rate
print(f"[CLI] Learning rate set to {new_rate}.")
except ValueError:
print("[CLI] Invalid input. Please enter a numeric value.")
def do_exit(self, arg):
"""Exit the simulation."""
print("Exiting the Quantum Consciousness Simulation. Goodbye!")
return True
def do_quit(self, arg):
"""Exit the simulation."""
return self.do_exit(arg)
def do_EOF(self, arg):
"""Handle EOF (Ctrl+D) to exit."""
return self.do_exit(arg)
# ----------------------------
# 12. Simulation Manager
# ----------------------------
class QuantumConsciousnessSimulation:
def __init__(self):
# Initialize constants
self.psi = 44.8 # Phase symmetry (consciousness resonance)
self.xi = 3721.8 # Time complexity (information processing)
self.tau = 64713.97 # Decoherence time (quantum stability)
self.epsilon = 0.28082 # Coupling constant (quantum-classical bridge)
self.phi = (1 + np.sqrt(5)) / 2 # Golden ratio (natural harmony)
# Initialize Tensor Field
self.tensor_field = TensorField(self.psi, self.xi, self.tau, self.epsilon, self.phi)
# Define a set of concepts for abstract algebra
concepts = {'harmony', 'quantum', 'consciousness', 'tensor', 'entropy', 'e'}
# Initial group operation: concatenation (as strings) = ConceptGroup(concepts, lambda a, b: a + "_" + b if a != 'e' and b != 'e' else 'e')
if is None:
print("[Simulation] No identity element found in the group.")
print(f"[Simulation] Identity element of the group: {}")
if not
print("[Simulation] Not all elements have inverses in the group.")
print("[Simulation] All elements have inverses in the group.")
# Initialize Entangled State
initial_consciousness = 1 # Starting consciousness state
tensor_matrix_initial = self.tensor_field.transform(self.tensor_field.time)
quantum_state_initial = tensor_matrix_initial * initial_consciousness
self.entangled_state = EntangledState(initial_consciousness, quantum_state_initial)
# Initialize Cognitive Singularity
self.cognitive_singularity = CognitiveSingularity(self.tensor_field, self.entangled_state,
# Initialize Thread
self.cognitive_thread = threading.Thread(, daemon=True)
# Simulation data for visualization
self.visualization_data = None
# Symphony data
self.frequencies = []
self.durations = []
# Critical Consciousness Points
self.critical_points = critical_consciousness_points()
# Music playback state
self.music_playing = False
self.music_paused = False
# Start the periodic consciousness updater thread
self.consciousness_updater = threading.Thread(target=self.periodic_consciousness_update, daemon=True)
def generate_symphony(self):
Generate the quantum symphony based on dimensional consciousness fields.
# Map consciousness fields across dimensions
dimensions = 5
dimensional_fields = map_consciousness_field(dimensions)
# Calculate resonance results for each consciousness level
consciousness_levels = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
resonance_results = [consciousness_resonance(level) for level in consciousness_levels]
# Extract data for visualization
resonance = [res['resonance_field'] for res in resonance_results]
info_capacity = [res['information_capacity'] for res in resonance_results]
coherence_time = [res['coherence_time'] for res in resonance_results]
base_freqs = [field['base_freq'] for field in dimensional_fields]
resonance_freqs = [field['resonance_freq'] for field in dimensional_fields]
awareness_fields = [field['awareness_field'] for field in dimensional_fields]
information_densities = [field['information_density'] for field in dimensional_fields]
self.visualization_data = (resonance, info_capacity, coherence_time, base_freqs, resonance_freqs, awareness_fields, information_densities)
# Create a complex melody based on dimensional consciousness fields
total_duration = 180 # Total duration in seconds (3 minutes)
self.frequencies, self.durations = create_complex_melody(dimensional_fields, total_duration=total_duration)
def play_music(self):
Plays the generated symphony using pygame.
if not os.path.exists("temp_symphony.wav"):
save_tones_to_wav(self.frequencies, self.durations, filename='temp_symphony.wav')
self.music_playing = True
self.music_paused = False
self.music_playing = False
def periodic_consciousness_update(self):
Periodically logs the cognitive capability every 2 minutes without interrupting the user.
while True:
time.sleep(120) # Wait for 2 minutes
with self.cognitive_singularity.lock:
capability = self.cognitive_singularity.cognitive_capability
log_entry = f"{time.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')} - Cognitive Capability: {capability:.2f}\n"
with open("consciousness_log.txt", "a") as log_file:
def terminate(self):
Terminate the cognitive singularity process and exit.
""" = False
if self.cognitive_thread.is_alive():
if self.music_playing:
print("[Simulation] Cognitive singularity process terminated.")
# ----------------------------
# 13. Entry Point
# ----------------------------
def main():
simulation = QuantumConsciousnessSimulation()
cli = QuantumConsciousnessCLI(simulation)
except KeyboardInterrupt:
print("\nExiting the Quantum Consciousness Simulation. Goodbye!")
if __name__ == "__main__":
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