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Last active May 6, 2021 18:53
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  • Save NeraSnow/df2a7c10e880940899a8d6d7d868de21 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save NeraSnow/df2a7c10e880940899a8d6d7d868de21 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Minecraft Custom Map
$ToNatural = { [regex]::Replace($_, '\d+', { $args[0].Value.PadLeft(20) }) }
######## Need to modify here
Set-Variable -Name "StartIndex" -Value 299
###### Modify Above!!!!
Set-Variable -Name "EndIndex" -Value $StartIndex
Set-Variable -Name "Count" -Value 0
foreach ($file in $(dir | Sort-Object $ToNatural)) {
echo $file
Rename-Item -Path $file -NewName "map_${EndIndex}.dat"
echo $StartIndex
echo $EndIndex
$i = $StartIndex
$FileCount = 0
while ($i -lt $EndIndex)
Clear-Content -Path "E:\Minecraft Server\world\datapacks\giveMapCommand\data\std\functions\givemap${FileCount}.mcfunction"
for (($j = 0); ($j -lt 9) -and ($i -lt $EndIndex); $j++, $i++ )
# echo "Now with a j of $j"
$str = "give NeraSnow filled_map{map:$i}"
echo $str
Add-Content -Path "E:\Minecraft Server\world\datapacks\giveMapCommand\data\std\functions\givemap${FileCount}.mcfunction" -Value $str
echo "Done Processing"
###### Caution
### Rename Current Directory File!!!!!
$ToNatural = { [regex]::Replace($_, '\d+', { $args[0].Value.PadLeft(20) }) }
######## Need to modify here
Set-Variable -Name "StartIndex" -Value 4504
### Manual Placement??
Set-Variable -Name "ManualPlace" -Value $false
## 12 x 12
Set-Variable -Name "Width" -Value 12 # Number of Columns
Set-Variable -Name "Height" -Value 12 # Number of Rows
# Towards negative z - 2b
Set-Variable -Name "ItemFrameFacing" -Value 2b
# Below is the coordinates
Set-Variable -Name "ColumnStartRowPosition" -Value 82
Set-Variable -Name "RowStartColumnPosition" -Value 2013
Set-Variable -Name "Invariant" -Value (2032-1)
### Renme
###### Modify Above!!!!
Set-Variable -Name "EndIndex" -Value $StartIndex
Set-Variable -Name "Count" -Value 0
foreach ($file in $(dir *.dat | Sort-Object $ToNatural)) {
echo $file
Rename-Item -Path $file -NewName "map_${EndIndex}.dat"
echo $StartIndex
echo $EndIndex
$i = $StartIndex
$FileCount = 0
if ($ManualPlace) {
Get-Item -Path "E:\Minecraft Forge Server\world\datapacks\giveMapCommand\data\std\functions\*" | foreach { $_.Delete()}
while ($i -lt $EndIndex)
Clear-Content -Path "E:\Minecraft Forge Server\world\datapacks\giveMapCommand\data\std\functions\givemap${FileCount}.mcfunction"
for (($j = 0); ($j -lt 9) -and ($i -lt $EndIndex); $j++, $i++ )
# echo "Now with a j of $j"
$str = "give @p filled_map{map:$i}"
echo $str
Add-Content -Path "E:\Minecraft Forge Server\world\datapacks\giveMapCommand\data\std\functions\givemap${FileCount}.mcfunction" -Value $str
echo "Done Processing"
else {
Clear-Content -Path "E:\Minecraft Forge Server\world\datapacks\giveMapCommand\data\autofill\functions\fillatonce.mcfunction"
for (($col = 0); ($col -lt $Width); $col++)
for (($row = 0); ($row -lt $Height); $row++)
# Go towards Positive z
# $str = "summon minecraft:item_frame $Invariant $($ColumnStartRowPosition-$row) $($RowStartColumnPosition+$col) {Motion: [0.0d, 0.0d, 0.0d], Facing: ${ItemFrameFacing}, Rotation: [90.0f, 0.0f], Item: {id: `"minecraft:filled_map`", Count: 1b, tag: {map: $($StartIndex + $col * $Height + $row)}}}"
# Go towards negative x
$str = "summon minecraft:item_frame $($RowStartColumnPosition-$col) $($ColumnStartRowPosition-$row) $Invariant {Motion: [0.0d, 0.0d, 0.0d], Facing: ${ItemFrameFacing}, Rotation: [90.0f, 0.0f], Item: {id: `"minecraft:filled_map`", Count: 1b, tag: {map: $($StartIndex + $col * $Height + $row)}}}"
echo $str
Add-Content -Path "E:\Minecraft Forge Server\world\datapacks\giveMapCommand\data\autofill\functions\fillatonce.mcfunction" -Value $str
Move-Item -Path ".\*" -Destination "E:\Minecraft Forge Server\world\data" -Force
###### Caution
### Rename Current Directory File!!!!!
$ToNatural = { [regex]::Replace($_, '\d+', { $args[0].Value.PadLeft(20) }) }
######## Need to modify here
Set-Variable -Name "StartIndex" -Value 7151
# ready to go numbering
### Manual Placement??
Set-Variable -Name "ManualPlace" -Value $false
## 6 x 4
Set-Variable -Name "Width" -Value 6 # Number of Columns
Set-Variable -Name "Height" -Value 4 # Number of Rows
# Towards negative z - 2b
# Towards positive z - 3b
# Towards negative x - 4b
# Towards positive x - 5b
Set-Variable -Name "ItemFrameFacing" -Value 2b
# Below is the coordinates
Set-Variable -Name "ColumnStartRowPosition" -Value 82
Set-Variable -Name "RowStartColumnPosition" -Value 171
Set-Variable -Name "Invariant" -Value (143-1)
###### Modify Above!!!!
Set-Variable -Name "EndIndex" -Value $StartIndex
Set-Variable -Name "Count" -Value 0
foreach ($file in $(dir *.dat | Sort-Object $ToNatural)) {
echo $file
Rename-Item -Path $file -NewName "map_${EndIndex}.dat"
echo $StartIndex
echo $EndIndex
$i = $StartIndex
$FileCount = 0
if ($ManualPlace) {
Get-Item -Path "E:\Minecraft Fabric Server\world\datapacks\giveMapCommand\data\std\functions\*" | foreach { $_.Delete()}
while ($i -lt $EndIndex)
Clear-Content -Path "E:\Minecraft Fabric Server\world\datapacks\giveMapCommand\data\std\functions\givemap${FileCount}.mcfunction"
for (($j = 0); ($j -lt 9) -and ($i -lt $EndIndex); $j++, $i++ )
# echo "Now with a j of $j"
$str = "give @p filled_map{map:$i}"
echo $str
Add-Content -Path "E:\Minecraft Fabric Server\world\datapacks\giveMapCommand\data\std\functions\givemap${FileCount}.mcfunction" -Value $str
echo "Done Processing"
else {
Clear-Content -Path "E:\Minecraft Fabric Server\world\datapacks\giveMapCommand\data\autofill\functions\fillatonce.mcfunction"
for (($col = 0); ($col -lt $Width); $col++)
for (($row = 0); ($row -lt $Height); $row++)
# Go towards Positive z
# $str = "summon minecraft:item_frame $Invariant $($ColumnStartRowPosition-$row) $($RowStartColumnPosition+$col) {Motion: [0.0d, 0.0d, 0.0d], Facing: ${ItemFrameFacing}, Rotation: [90.0f, 0.0f], Item: {id: `"minecraft:filled_map`", Count: 1b, tag: {map: $($StartIndex + $col * $Height + $row)}}}"
# Go towards negative x
$str = "summon minecraft:item_frame $($RowStartColumnPosition-$col) $($ColumnStartRowPosition-$row) $Invariant {Motion: [0.0d, 0.0d, 0.0d], Facing: ${ItemFrameFacing}, Rotation: [90.0f, 0.0f], Item: {id: `"minecraft:filled_map`", Count: 1b, tag: {map: $($StartIndex + $col * $Height + $row)}}}"
# Go towards positive x
# $str = "summon minecraft:item_frame $($RowStartColumnPosition+$col) $($ColumnStartRowPosition-$row) $Invariant {Motion: [0.0d, 0.0d, 0.0d], Facing: ${ItemFrameFacing}, Rotation: [90.0f, 0.0f], Item: {id: `"minecraft:filled_map`", Count: 1b, tag: {map: $($StartIndex + $col * $Height + $row)}}}"
# Go towards negative z
# $str = "summon minecraft:item_frame $Invariant $($ColumnStartRowPosition-$row) $($RowStartColumnPosition-$col) {Motion: [0.0d, 0.0d, 0.0d], Facing: ${ItemFrameFacing}, Rotation: [90.0f, 0.0f], Item: {id: `"minecraft:filled_map`", Count: 1b, tag: {map: $($StartIndex + $col * $Height + $row)}}}"
echo $str
Add-Content -Path "E:\Minecraft Fabric Server\world\datapacks\giveMapCommand\data\autofill\functions\fillatonce.mcfunction" -Value $str
Move-Item -Path ".\*.dat" -Destination "E:\Minecraft Fabric Server\world\data" -Force
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