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Created September 9, 2020 11:47
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Custom Authentication Manager
from django.contrib.auth.base_user import BaseUserManager
from django.utils.translation import ugettext_lazy as _
class CustomUserManager(BaseUserManager):
Custom user model manager where email is the unique identifiers
for authentication instead of usernames.
def create_user(self, email, username, password, **extra_fields):
Create and save a User with the given email and password.
if not email:
raise ValueError(_('The Email must be set'))
email = self.normalize_email(email).lower()
user = self.model(email=email, username=username, **extra_fields)
return user
def create_superuser(self, email, username, password, **extra_fields):
Create and save a SuperUser with the given email and password.
extra_fields.setdefault('is_staff', True)
extra_fields.setdefault('is_superuser', True)
extra_fields.setdefault('is_active', True)
if extra_fields.get('is_staff') is not True:
raise ValueError(_('Superuser must have is_staff=True.'))
if extra_fields.get('is_superuser') is not True:
raise ValueError(_('Superuser must have is_superuser=True.'))
return self.create_user(email, username, password, **extra_fields)
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