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Last active September 13, 2024 20:47
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Unity Logger for posting Errors to Discord channel
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.Networking;
// License: MIT
// Created by: Aceria_
// Edited by: Nesh108
// To use, add these to any MonoBehaviour:
// OnEnable: `Application.logMessageReceived += DiscordLogger.HandleLog;`
// OnDisable: `Application.logMessageReceived -= DiscordLogger.HandleLog;`
public static class DiscordLogger
private static readonly string DISCORD_WEBHOOK = "<DISCORD_WEBHOOK_URL>";
private static List<string> lastErrors = new List<string>();
private static readonly LogType[] allowedLogTypes = {
private static readonly string[] filteredMessages =
"Failed to read inpurt report",
"FMOD failed to initialize the output",
"Failed to create device file",
public static void HandleLog(string msg, string stack, LogType type)
if (!Application.isEditor)
if (allowedLogTypes.Contains(type))
// Don't spam duplicate messages, ignore some useless ones
if (!lastErrors.Contains(stack) && !filteredMessages.Any(msg.Contains))
StartCoroutine(_PrepareRequest(msg, stack, type));
private static IEnumerator _PrepareRequest(string msg, string stack, LogType type)
yield return new WaitForEndOfFrame();
UnityWebRequest www = UnityWebRequest.Post(DISCORD_WEBHOOK, GetFormData(msg, stack, type, ScreenCapture.CaptureScreenshotAsTexture().EncodeToPNG()));
private static WWWForm GetFormData(string msg, string stack, LogType type, byte[] screenshot)
string content = "";
WWWForm formData = new WWWForm();
// Add build version
content = $"**{Application.version}** ({(Debug.isDebugBuild ? "Debug" : "Release")} on __{Application.platform}__\n\n";
// Set up the report
content += $"**Type**: {type}\n\n";
content += $"**Message**: {msg}\n\n";
content += $"**Callstack**: {stack}";
formData.AddField("content", content);
//optional, but very useful for seeing UI errors
if (screenshot != null)
formData.AddBinaryData("screenshot", screenshot, "discord_error_screenshot.png");
return formData;
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Thanks for sharing that! Under which license is it?

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Nesh108 commented Mar 6, 2020

@brunocoimbar thanks! I edited the gist with the license :)

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