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Created November 23, 2019 19:55
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How to add icon to cmake app in windows
1. Put app.ico in directory.
2. Create app.rc in same directory with one line:
3. Run command (Warning: it's app.o, not app.res, how it is mentioned in other manuals!)
windres app.rc -o app.o
4. add_executable(app
5. Proofit!
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This totally works :D

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b1ek commented Mar 27, 2022

thank you! In my case, i didn't have to compile it with windres, CMAKE_AUTORCC did it.

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This is the only way to do it, what the heck is written in their manual

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F1Soda commented Aug 27, 2023


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Amazing, the only one i tried that works.

btw excuse me @b1ek , can you elaborate more on your CMAKE_AUTORCC method?

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b1ek commented Dec 6, 2023

Amazing, the only one i tried that works.

btw excuse me @b1ek , can you elaborate more on your CMAKE_AUTORCC method?

I set(CMAKE_AUTORCC ON) in the CMakeLists.txt, and it automatically picked up the icon from one of the resource files which i forgot where i put it.

I think I put the icon into the "IDI_ICON" resource with RCC which cmake put into windres for me. Im sorry if that's not clear enough, that project is more than a few years old and i was kinda in a hurry writing it so it is quite a mess 😅

Edit: found the .rc file

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Generate the object file is not a good way for cross platform, this can add the icon on Windows by my test.

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Hi! I was using this method but actually discovered you can simply add the ".rc" file to the sources and it should just work...

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how do i use the icon with multiple windows?

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Igwanya commented Jul 27, 2024

This post is incorrect. The Doc identify option /fo resname for anyone using cmake here is a snippet that generates the .RES script form RC compilation. Also make sure the resource.h file include windows.h header file .

adds a custom build step to a file. Generates the resources

TARGET LibTransactX
COMMAND RC /v /r ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/res/app.rc
COMMENT "Build step to produce the icon file"

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Hi! I was using this method but actually discovered you can simply add the ".rc" file to the sources and it should just work...

Thank you for sharing, just including the .rc in sources allowed me to skip step 3 and 4.

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ImGui GLFW window add icon

stbi_load function

GLFWimage images[1];
images[0].pixels = stbi_load("icon_should_be_same_folder_with_exe.png", &images[0].width, &images[0].height, 0, 4);
glfwSetWindowIcon(window, 1, images);

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Dimferon commented Feb 9, 2025

You can use magick to convert png to icon. The main thing is that the png sizes are the right size.
PNG dimensions: 16x16, 32x32, 256x256

In the console, we convert using magick:

magick.exe convert myIcon.png icon.ico

In CMakeLists.txt we specify the path to the rc file in add_executable, I had it like this:

add_executable(${PROJECT_NAME} WIN32

app.rc file:


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