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Created February 7, 2023 20:09
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Round-tripping Pandas -> Ibis -> Pandas
AnyColOrTable = TypeVar("AnyColOrTable", Column, Table, pd.Series, pd.DataFrame)
def convert_to_ibis(
func: Callable[[ColOrTable], ColOrTable]
) -> Callable[[AnyColOrTable], AnyColOrTable]:
"""Decorator that translates pandas series to Columns and DFs to Tables,
applies the function, and then converts back to pandas."""
def wrapper(inp, *args, **kwargs):
if isinstance(inp, pd.DataFrame):
func_inp = df_to_memtable(inp)
elif isinstance(inp, pd.Series):
df = pd.DataFrame({"value": inp})
func_inp = df_to_memtable(df)["value"]
func_inp = inp
result = func(func_inp, *args, **kwargs)
if isinstance(inp, (pd.Series, pd.DataFrame)):
p = expr_to_pandas(result)
p.index = inp.index
return p
return result
return wrapper
def _get_pandas_ibis_dt(pdt):
m = {
pd.UInt8Dtype(): (float, "uint8"),
pd.UInt16Dtype(): (float, "uint16"),
pd.UInt32Dtype(): (float, "uint32"),
pd.UInt64Dtype(): (float, "uint64"),
pd.Int8Dtype(): (float, "int8"),
pd.Int16Dtype(): (float, "int16"),
pd.Int32Dtype(): (float, "int32"),
pd.Int64Dtype(): (float, "int64"),
default = (pdt, None)
return m.get(pdt, default)
def df_to_memtable(df: pd.DataFrame) -> Table:
"""Convert df to an Ibis memtable, with better casting.
Int64Dtype (and similar) is not supported by Ibis (ie it crashes)
so we need to convert it to float,
convert to memtable, then cast back to int64 once it's in Ibis."""
pre_convert_dtypes = {}
post_convert_dtypes = {}
for col, orig_dt in df.dtypes.items():
pdt, ibis_dt = _get_pandas_ibis_dt(orig_dt)
pre_convert_dtypes[col] = pdt
if ibis_dt is not None:
post_convert_dtypes[col] = ibis_dt
df2 = df.astype(pre_convert_dtypes)
t = ibis.memtable(df2)
m = {col: t[col].cast(ibis_dt) for col, ibis_dt in post_convert_dtypes.items()}
return t.mutate(**m)
def _ibis_to_pandas_dt(dt):
m = {
idt.String(): pd.StringDtype(),
idt.Boolean(): pd.BooleanDtype(),
idt.UInt8(): pd.UInt8Dtype(),
idt.UInt16(): pd.UInt16Dtype(),
idt.UInt32(): pd.UInt32Dtype(),
idt.UInt64(): pd.UInt64Dtype(),
idt.Int8(): pd.Int8Dtype(),
idt.Int16(): pd.Int16Dtype(),
idt.Int32(): pd.Int32Dtype(),
idt.Int64(): pd.Int64Dtype(),
return m.get(dt, dt)
def expr_to_pandas(t: Expr) -> pd.DataFrame | pd.Series:
"""Convert an Ibis expression to a pandas DataFrame or Series.
by default strings are converted to object,
and ant int cols with nulls are converted to float.
raw = t.execute()
if isinstance(raw, pd.Series):
return raw.astype(_ibis_to_pandas_dt(t.type()))
m = {col: _ibis_to_pandas_dt(dt) for col, dt in t.schema().items()}
return raw.astype(m)
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