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Last active July 31, 2021 22:51
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function filtered = gaussianFilter(img, sigma, varargin)
% GAUSSIANFILTER Simplified open-source version of IMGAUSSFILT
% The IMGAUSSFILT function is part of the Image Processing Toolbox,
% but if you don't want to install that, then use this
% instead. I haven't actually tested this to ensure it gives the same result.
% Inspired by
% Hardcodes in the default arguments of IMGAUSSFILT
% (per
sigma = .5;
% In our case this is 3
filterSize = 2*ceil(2*sigma)+1;
% In our case this is 1
radius = (filterSize-1) / 2;
% Pad the image so the edges are filtered properly
padded = padarray(args.img, [radius radius], args.Padding, 'both')
kernel = gaussianKernel(radius, args.sigma);
filtered = conv2(padded, kernel, 'full')
% Extract the center region to undo our padding
[H, W] = size(img)
filtered = filtered(radius+1:H-radius, radius+1:W-radius)
function kernel = gaussianKernel(radius, sigma)
[x y] = meshgrid(-radius:radius, -radius:radius);
kernel = exp(-x.^2/(2*sigma^2)-y.^2/(2*sigma^2));
% Finally, normalize the kernel so that sum of weights is 1
kernel = kernel./sum(kernel(:));
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