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Last active May 16, 2021 06:54
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Save NickDiMucci/8011988 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Basic collision detection via ray casting in Unity.
public class BasicEntityCollision : IEntityCollision {
private Vector3 size;
private Vector3 center;
// Give a bit of space between the raycast and boxCollider to prevent ray going through collision layer.
private float skin = .005f;
private LayerMask collisionMask;
private LayerMask playerMask;
public bool OnGround { get; set; }
public bool SideCollision { get; set; }
public void Init(BoxCollider boxCollider, LayerMask collisionMask, LayerMask playerMask) {
this.collisionMask = collisionMask;
this.playerMask = playerMask;
size = boxCollider.size;
center =;
public Vector3 Move(Vector3 moveAmount, Vector3 position, float dirX) {
float deltaX = moveAmount.x;
float deltaY = moveAmount.y;
Vector3 entityPosition = position;
// Resolve any possible collisions below and above the entity.
deltaY = yAxisCollisions(deltaY, dirX, entityPosition);
// Resolve any possible collisions left and right of the entity.
// Check if our deltaX value is 0 to avoid unnecessary collision detection.
if (deltaX != 0) {
deltaX = xAxisCollisions(deltaX, entityPosition);
Vector3 finalTransform = new Vector2(deltaX, deltaY);
return finalTransform;
private float xAxisCollisions(float deltaX, Vector3 entityPosition) {
SideCollision = false;
float i;
// If we are on the ground, perform just three, normal sized raycasts.
if (OnGround) {
i = 0;
// Else, perform a larger range of raycasts that extend slightly outside of
// the box collider in order to prevent falling through corners in the Collisions layermask.
} else {
i = -0.5f;
for (; i < 3; ++i) {
float dirX = Mathf.Sign(deltaX);
float x = entityPosition.x + center.x + size.x / 2 * dirX;
float y = (entityPosition.y + center.y - size.y / 2) + size.y / 2 * i;
RaycastHit hit;
Ray rayX = new Ray(new Vector2(x, y), new Vector2(dirX, 0));
Debug.DrawRay(rayX.origin, rayX.direction);
if (Physics.Raycast(rayX, out hit, Mathf.Abs(deltaX), collisionMask) ||
Physics.Raycast(rayX, out hit, Mathf.Abs(deltaX), playerMask)) {
Debug.DrawRay(rayX.origin, rayX.direction, Color.yellow);
deltaX = 0;
SideCollision = true;
return deltaX;
private float yAxisCollisions(float deltaY, float dirX, Vector3 entityPosition) {
OnGround = false;
// To prevent falling through collision layers by a gap in the corner
// if we are facing right, peform y-axis raycasts starting on the right.
int facingRight = 1;
if (dirX == facingRight) {
for (int i = 2; i > -1; --i) {
if (yAxisRaycasts(i, ref deltaY, entityPosition)) {
// else we are facing left, peform y-axis raycasts starting on the left
} else {
for (int i = 0; i < 3; ++i) {
if (yAxisRaycasts(i, ref deltaY, entityPosition)) {
return deltaY;
private bool yAxisRaycasts(int i, ref float deltaY, Vector3 entityPosition) {
float dirY = Mathf.Sign(deltaY);
// Start at the left or the right of the boxCollider, depending on the value of i.
float x = (entityPosition.x + center.x - size.x / 2) + size.x / 2 * i;
// Bottom or top of boxCollider, depending on if dirY is positive or negative
float y = entityPosition.y + center.y + size.y / 2 * dirY;
RaycastHit hit;
Ray ray = new Ray(new Vector2(x, y), new Vector2(0, dirY));
Debug.DrawRay(ray.origin, ray.direction);
if (Physics.Raycast(ray, out hit, Mathf.Abs(deltaY), collisionMask) ||
Physics.Raycast(ray, out hit, Mathf.Abs(deltaY), playerMask)) {
Debug.DrawRay(ray.origin, ray.direction, Color.yellow);
// Get Distance between entity and ground
float distance = Vector3.Distance(ray.origin, hit.point);
// Stop entity's downward movement after coming within skin width of a boxCollider
if (distance > skin) {
deltaY = distance * dirY + skin;
} else {
deltaY = 0;
OnGround = true;
return true;
return false;
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