A thank you to JmB11 and his SuuntoLinkWine instructions. This is the foundation of my version.
sudo pacman -S wine-staging wine-mono wine-gecko
Probably not all required. but not sure what ones are not.
sudo pacman -S lib32-mesa lib32-gnutls gnutls lib32-sdl2 lib32-giflib lib32-v4l-utils lib32-libxcomposite lib32-libva dosbox
wine --version
The command returns Wine version installed on your system, for example: wine-9.8 (Staging)
Winetricks is a script that will help you install certain software under Wine.
paru -S winetricks
winetricks --version
The command returns Winetricks version installed on your system, for example : 20210206-next
on my Ubuntu.
A Suunto watch plugged into a Linux system appears in /dev/hidrawX
(where X is the HID device number corresponding to your watch).
By default, only root user has read/write permissions needed on the device.
To automatically create a rule that will set the good rights to your Suunto watch, we will use the script proposed by @openambitproject (thanks to authors).
I've made a copy here just in case...
The installation is done by the following commands :
sudo wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/JmB11/SuuntoLinkWine/main/libambit.rules -O /etc/udev/rules.d/libambit.rules
sudo udevadm control --reload-rules && udevadm trigger
Plug your Suunto watch via USB, then :
ls -l /dev/hidraw*
The command lists HID devices ; the last connected device (your watch) should appear with the following rights :
crw-rw-rw- 1 root root
Choose a 32 bits runtime architecture for Wine with the command :
export WINEARCH="win32"
Choose a Windows 7 version for running Wine with the command :
winetricks win7
To disable the use of SDL with HID devices, you have to add Enable SDL to the Wine registry using the command :
wine reg add 'HKLM\System\CurrentControlSet\Services\WineBus' /v 'Enable SDL' /t REG_DWORD /d 0 /f
There are some errors that occur, with the ucrtbase.dll that appears to be causing the issue. Probbably not all the libs are needed. But one of these fixed the issue.
winetricks ucrtbase2019
winetricks vcrun6sp6
winetricks vcrun2022
winetricks dbghelp
You can download and install the latest version of SuuntoLink directly by :
wget -P ~/.wine/drive_c/ https://suuntolink.static.movescount.com/Suuntolink_installer.exe
wine ~/.wine/drive_c/Suuntolink_installer.exe
The screen saver freezes data refreshing with the watch. If this occurs, simply unplug and plug back in your watch.
In the worst case, **close the application and restart the launcher ** (with the command wineserver -k
everything should be fine 😎 ).