<Query Kind="Program"> |
<Namespace>System.Threading.Tasks</Namespace> |
</Query> |
SqlConnectionStringBuilder csb = new SqlConnectionStringBuilder |
{ |
IntegratedSecurity = true, |
MaxPoolSize = 500, |
DataSource = ".", |
InitialCatalog = "Local.StackExchange.Meta" |
}; |
const string LinqPadPath = @"C:\Linqpad\lprun.exe"; |
const bool runSequential = false; |
const int defaultThreads = 1; |
const int defaultIterations = 2000; |
const int toSkip = 0; |
int? toRun = 50; |
List<Run> runs = new List<Run> |
{ |
new Run(@"select /* Models\Post.Answers.cs@51 */ |
p.* from Posts p where p.ParentId = @Id", IdQueries.Questions), |
new Run(@" |
select c.Id |
, c.PostId |
, c.[Text] |
, c.CreationDate |
, convert(int, isnull(c.EditCount, 0)) [EditCount] |
, c.Score |
, c.ApplicationId |
, c.UserId [OwnerId] |
, coalesce(u.DisplayName, c.UserDisplayName, 'Anonymous') [OwnerName] |
, convert(nvarchar(20), u.Id) [OwnerUrl] |
, convert(bit, case when u.UserTypeId = 4 then 1 else 0 end) [OwnerIsMod] |
, isnull(u.Reputation, 0) [OwnerReputation] |
, convert(bit, 0) [UserHasVoted] |
, convert(bit, 0) [UserHasFlagged] |
from ( select row_number() over ( partition by cOrdered.PostId order by isnull(cOrdered.Score, 0) desc, cOrdered.CreationDate ) [Rank] |
, cOrdered.* |
from PostComments cOrdered |
where cOrdered.PostId in (Select p.Id From Posts p Where p.ParentId = @postId Union Select @postId) |
and cOrdered.DeletionDate is null |
and isnull(cOrdered.Score, 0) >= 0) [c] |
left outer join Users u on c.UserId = u.Id |
where c.[Rank] <= 5 |
order by c.CreationDate |
option ( optimize for ( @postId unknown ) )", IdQueries.Questions, "postId") { Iterations = 2000 }, |
new Run( @"select p.*, isnull(pm.ViewCount,0) ViewCount from Posts p /* Models\Post.Selecting.cs@122 */ |
left join PostMetadata pm on pm.PostId = p.Id |
where p.Id = @id", IdQueries.Questions), |
new Run(@"Declare @Type tinyint = (2); |
select p.Id /* Models\Post.RelatedQuestions.cs@114 */ |
, p.Title |
, p.Score |
WHEN p.AcceptedAnswerId IS NULL THEN 0 |
ELSE 1 |
END AS BIT) AS HasAcceptedAnswer |
, pl.Rank |
, pl.CreationDate |
from PostLinks pl |
join Posts p on pl.RelatedPostId = p.Id |
where pl.PostId = @Id |
and pl.LinkTypeId = @Type |
and p.DeletionDate is null", IdQueries.Questions), |
new Run(@"SELECT [t0].[Id], [t0].[UserTypeId], [t0].[Reputation], [t0].[LastAccessDate], [t0].[LastDailySiteAccessDate], [t0].[LastLoginDate], [t0].[LastEmailDate], [t0].[LastLoginIP], [t0].[CreationDate], [t0].[Email], [t0].[DisplayName], [t0].[WebsiteUrl], [t0].[RealName], [t0].[Location], [t0].[Birthday], [t0].[BadgeSummary], [t0].[OptInEmail], [t0].[PreferencesRaw], [t0].[HasReplies], [t0].[TimedPenaltyDate], [t0].[DaysVisitedConsecutive], [t0].[DaysVisitedTotal], [t0].[LastModifiedDate], [t0].[IsVeteran], [t0].[ReputationToday], [t0].[ReputationWeek], [t0].[ReputationMonth], [t0].[ReputationQuarter], [t0].[ReputationYear], [t0].[ReputationSinceLastCheck], [t0].[AcceptRateAsked], [t0].[AcceptRateAccepted], [t0].[AccountId], [t0].[ProfileImageUrl], [t0].[HasAboutMeExcerpt] |
FROM [dbo].[Users] AS [t0] |
WHERE [t0].[Id] = @p0", IdQueries.Users, "p0"), |
new Run(@"Select top 50 |
p.Id |
, p.Title |
, p.Score |
, CAST(CASE WHEN p.AcceptedAnswerId IS NULL THEN 0 ELSE 1 END AS BIT) AS HasAcceptedAnswer |
, pm.ViewCount |
, p.AnswerCount |
, p.AnswerScore |
, x.LinkTypeId |
, p.CreationDate |
, p.LastActivityDate |
From Posts p |
Join PostMetadata pm On p.Id = pm.PostId |
Join (select pl.RelatedPostId Id, pl.LinkTypeId |
from PostLinks pl |
where pl.PostId = @Id |
and pl.LinkTypeId in (1, 3) |
union |
select pl.PostId, pl.LinkTypeId |
from PostLinks pl |
where pl.RelatedPostId = @Id |
and pl.LinkTypeId in (1, 3)) x On p.Id = x.Id |
Where p.DeletionDate is null |
and p.PostTypeId = 1 |
Order By x.LinkTypeId Desc, ( ( log(isnull(ViewCount, 1) + 1) * 4 ) + ( ( ( isnull(AnswerCount, 1) * Score ) + 1 ) / 5 ) + ( isnull(AnswerScore, 0) ) ) Desc", IdQueries.Questions), |
new Run(@"SELECT [t0].[Id], [t0].[PostTypeId], [t0].[CreationDate], [t0].[Score], [t0].[Body], [t0].[OwnerUserId], [t0].[LastEditorUserId], [t0].[LastEditDate], [t0].[LastActivityDate], [t0].[LastActivityUserId], [t0].[ParentId], [t0].[AcceptedAnswerId], [t0].[Title], [t0].[Tags], [t0].[CommunityOwnedDate], [t0].[HistorySummary], [t0].[AnswerScore], [t0].[AnswerCount], [t0].[CommentCount], [t0].[FavoriteCount], [t0].[DeletionDate], [t0].[ClosedDate], [t0].[LockedDate], [t0].[OwnerDisplayName], [t0].[LastEditorDisplayName], [t0].[BountyAmount], [t0].[BountyCloses], [t0].[BountyClosed], [t0].[LastOwnerEmailDate], [t0].[ProtectedDate], [t0].[MigrationDate], [t0].[IsAcceptedAnswer], [t0].[IsAnswered], [t0].[HasNotices], [t0].[IsFrozen] AS [IsFrozenRaw], [t0].[QualityScore], [t0].[IsClosedAsDuplicate], [t0].[LastActivityTypeId] |
FROM [dbo].[Posts] AS [t0] |
WHERE [t0].[Id] = @p0", IdQueries.AllPosts, "p0"), |
new Run(@"SELECT /* Controllers\QuestionsController.Show.cs@318 */ |
MAX(CreationDate) FROM PostComments WHERE DeletionDate IS NULL AND PostId IN (SELECT Id FROM Posts WHERE Id = @Id OR ParentId = @Id)", IdQueries.Questions), |
new Run(@"SELECT /* Controllers\QuestionsController.Show.cs@330 */ |
LastRelatedQuestionRefreshDate from PostMetadata WHERE PostId = @Id", IdQueries.Questions), |
new Run(@" |
SELECT /* Controllers\QuestionsController.Show.cs@324 */ |
MAX(DeletionDate) FROM Posts WHERE DeletionDate IS NOT NULL AND (Id = @Id OR ParentId = @Id)", IdQueries.Questions), |
new Run(@" |
select u.Id, /* Controllers\QuestionsController.Show.cs@496 */ |
u.UserTypeId, |
u.DisplayName, |
u.Reputation, |
u.BadgeSummary, |
u.Email, |
u.LastLoginIP, |
u.TimedPenaltyDate, |
u.ProfileImageUrl, |
u.HasAboutMeExcerpt, |
AcceptRateAsked, |
AcceptRateAccepted |
from Users u |
where Id in (@Id)", IdQueries.Users), |
new Run(@" |
Select PostTypeId, |
Sum(Case When ClosedDate Is Not Null Then 1 Else 0 End) as ClosedPosts, |
Sum(Case When ClosedDate Is Null And DeletionDate Is Null Then 1 Else 0 End) as OpenPosts, |
Sum(Case When DeletionDate Is Not Null Then 1 Else 0 End) as DeletedPosts, |
Sum(IsNull(CommentCount, 0)) Comments |
From Posts |
Where PostTypeId In (1,2) |
Group By PostTypeId |
Option(MAXDOP 4)"), |
}; |
void Main(string[] args) |
{ |
try |
{ |
if (args != null && args.Length == 1) |
{ |
int index; |
if (int.TryParse(args[0], out index) && index < runs.Count) |
DoRun(index); |
} |
else |
{ |
var runningCount = Math.Min(toSkip + toRun.GetValueOrDefault(runs.Count), runs.Count) - toSkip; |
$"{runningCount} Quer{(runningCount == 1 ? "y" : "ies")} running...".Dump(); |
var timers = new List<Stopwatch>(runs.Count); |
for (var i = toSkip; i < toSkip + runningCount; i++) |
{ |
var j = i; |
var run = runs[j]; |
var procInfo = new ProcessStartInfo() |
{ |
FileName = LinqPadPath, |
Arguments = $@"""{Util.CurrentQueryPath}"" {j}", |
UseShellExecute = false, |
RedirectStandardOutput = true, |
RedirectStandardError = true, |
CreateNoWindow = true, |
WindowStyle = ProcessWindowStyle.Hidden |
}; |
var pb = new Util.ProgressBar($"Query {j}") |
{ |
HideWhenCompleted = true |
}; |
var timer = Stopwatch.StartNew(); |
timers.Add(timer); |
var proc = Process.Start(procInfo); |
proc.EnableRaisingEvents = true; |
proc.BeginOutputReadLine(); |
proc.OutputDataReceived += (s, e) => |
{ |
if (e.Data?.Contains("workers started") == true) timer.Restart(); |
if (e.Data?.Contains("Done!") == true) |
{ |
timer.Stop(); |
pb.Visible = false; |
} |
if (e.Data?.Contains(" to run") == true) |
{ |
var val = int.Parse(e.Data.Replace(" to run", "")); |
run.Iterations = val; |
pb.Dump(); |
} |
if (e.Data?.Contains(" runs complete") == true) |
{ |
var val = int.Parse(e.Data.Replace(" runs complete", "")); |
if (run.Iterations > 0) |
{ |
pb.Fraction = (val / (double)run.Iterations.GetValueOrDefault()); |
pb.Caption = $"Query {j}: {val} / {run.Iterations.GetValueOrDefault()}"; |
} |
} |
}; |
if (runSequential) proc.WaitForExit(); |
} |
while (timers.Any(t => t.IsRunning)) |
{ |
Util.Progress = (timers.Count(t => !t.IsRunning) / timers.Count); |
Thread.Sleep(1000); |
} |
var totalMs = timers.Sum(t => t.ElapsedMilliseconds); |
var results = new List<Result>(); |
$"Total Run: {totalMs:n0}ms".Dump(); |
for (var i = 0; i < timers.Count; i++) |
{ |
results.Add(new Result { Id = i, Duration = timers[i].Elapsed, Run = runs[i] }); |
} |
results.Select(r => new { r.Id, r.Run.Iterations, r.Duration.TotalMilliseconds, r.Run.Query }).Dump(); |
} |
} |
catch (Exception e) |
{ |
$"{e}".Dump(); |
} |
} |
public class Result |
{ |
public int Id { get; set; } |
public TimeSpan Duration { get; set; } |
public Run Run { get; set; } |
} |
private SqlConnection GetConnection => new SqlConnection(csb.ConnectionString); |
List<List<int>> questionIds = new List<List<int>>(); |
private void DoRun(int id) |
{ |
var run = runs[id]; |
ThreadPool.SetMinThreads(run.Threads + 2, run.Threads + 2); |
$"Id: {id}".Dump(); |
$"Query: {run.Query}".Dump(); |
$"Threads: {run.Threads}".Dump(); |
for (var i = 0; i < run.Threads; i++) |
{ |
questionIds.Add(new List<int>()); |
} |
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(run.IdQuery)) |
{ |
using (var conn = GetConnection) |
using (var cmd = conn.CreateCommand()) |
{ |
conn.Open(); |
cmd.CommandText = run.IdQuery; |
cmd.Parameters.Add("runs", SqlDbType.Int).Value = run.Iterations; |
using (var dr = cmd.ExecuteReader()) |
{ |
int i = 0; |
while (dr.Read() && i < run.Iterations) |
{ |
questionIds[i % run.Threads].Add(dr.GetInt32(0)); |
i++; |
} |
$"{i} to run".Dump(); |
} |
} |
$"{questionIds.Count} queues loaded".Dump(); |
for (var i = 0; i < questionIds.Count; i++) |
{ |
var j = i; |
$"Queue {j}: {questionIds[j].Count} items".Dump(); |
} |
} |
else |
{ |
$"{run.Iterations} to run".Dump(); |
} |
var workers = new Task[run.Threads]; |
for (int i = 0; i < run.Threads; i++) |
{ |
var j = i; |
Task t = Task.Factory.StartNew(() => RunQueries(run, questionIds[j]), TaskCreationOptions.LongRunning); |
workers[j] = t; |
} |
$"{workers.Length} workers started".Dump(); |
Task.WaitAll(workers); |
$"Done!".Dump(); |
} |
public static int procRuns; |
private void RunQueries(Run run, List<int> queue) |
{ |
var hasIds = !string.IsNullOrEmpty(run.IdQuery); |
using (var conn = GetConnection) |
{ |
conn.Open(); |
using (var ru = conn.CreateCommand()) |
{ |
ru.ExecuteNonQuery(); |
} |
using (var cmd = conn.CreateCommand()) |
{ |
cmd.CommandText = run.Query; |
cmd.CommandTimeout = 600; |
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(run.IdQuery)) |
{ |
cmd.Parameters.Add(run.IdParam, run.ParamType); |
foreach (var Id in queue) |
{ |
cmd.Parameters[run.IdParam].Value = Id; |
cmd.ExecuteNonQuery(); |
var result = Interlocked.Increment(ref procRuns); |
$"{result} runs complete".Dump(); |
} |
} |
else |
{ |
foreach (var Id in queue) cmd.ExecuteNonQuery(); |
} |
} |
} |
} |
public class Run |
{ |
public string Query { get; set; } |
public string IdQuery { get; set; } |
public string IdParam { get; set; } |
public SqlDbType ParamType { get; set; } |
public int Threads { get; set; } |
public int? Iterations { get; set; } |
public Run(string query, string idQuery = null, string idParam = "Id", SqlDbType paramType = SqlDbType.Int) |
{ |
Query = query; |
IdParam = idParam; |
ParamType = paramType; |
IdQuery = idQuery; |
Threads = defaultThreads; |
Iterations = defaultIterations; |
} |
} |
public static class IdQueries |
{ |
public const string Questions = "Select Top (@runs) Id From Posts Where PostTypeId = 1 Order By Id"; |
public const string Answers = "Select Top (@runs) Id From Posts Where PostTypeId = 2 Order By Id"; |
public const string Users = "Select Top (@runs) Id From Users Order By Id"; |
public const string AllPosts = "Select Top (@runs) Id From Posts Order By Id"; |
public const string Tags = "Select Top (@runs) Id From Tags Order By Id"; |
public const string ReviewTaskTypes = "Select Top (@runs) Cast(Id as int) Id From ReviewTaskTypes Order By Id"; |
public const string Accounts = "Select Top (@runs) AccountId From Users Where AccountId Is Not Null Order By Id"; |
public const string Badges = "Select Top (@runs) Id From Badges Order By Id"; |
} |