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Created September 19, 2023 09:07
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A small demo of the Pile-up effect in FLIM imaging #BIOP #FIJI #FLIM
* A small theory about pile-up effect in FLIM - unfortunately I lost the way I made these equations
* (I think the documentation below is wrong: what is n ? what is alpha ? why are they not the same ?)
* Here, we model a poisson process for the number of photon emitted per excitation pulse. (parameter alpha)
* In other words: alpha is the parameter of the poisson distribution ( = average number of photons emitted after an excitation pulse)
* And each photon has a mono-exponential lifetime tau
* The distribution intensity[i] = (pow(1+alpha*(exp(-t/tau)-1),n)-pow(1-alpha, n)) / (1-pow(1-alpha,n)); is the result
* of the distribution measured when the detector only measures the first photon which arrives.
* Then we do a mono-exponential fit of this theoretical distribution. And we see how it deviates from the real tau:
* it's shorter - that's the pile-up effect
* @author Nicolas Chiaruttini, EPFL BIOP
#@double tau
#@double alpha
nSteps = 1000;
repRate = newArray(nSteps);
fittedLifetime = newArray(nSteps);
for (i = 0; i < nSteps ; i++) {
n = 1+ i * 0.1;
repRate[i] = (1-pow(1-alpha,n))*100;
fittedLifetime[i] = getFittedLifetime(tau, alpha, n);
Plot.create("Pile-up Theory", "Repetition Rate (%)", "Fitted Tau", repRate, fittedLifetime);
function getFittedLifetime(tau,alpha,n) {
timeStep = tau/50;
nTimepoints = 500;
intensity = newArray(nTimepoints);
time = newArray(nTimepoints);
for (i = 0 ; i < nTimepoints ; i = i + 1 ) {
t = i * timeStep;
time[i] = t ;
intensity[i] = (pow(1+alpha*(exp(-t/tau)-1),n)-pow(1-alpha, n)) / (1-pow(1-alpha,n));
Fit.doFit("Exponential", time, intensity);
return -1/Fit.p(1);
* Saved script
#@double tau
#@double alpha
//#@double n
#@boolean addPlot
timeStep = tau/50;
nTimepoints = 500;
intensity = newArray(nTimepoints);
time = newArray(nTimepoints);
for (i = 0 ; i < nTimepoints ; i = i + 1 ) {
t = i * timeStep;
time[i] = t ;
intensity[i] = (pow(1+alpha*(exp(-t/tau)-1),n)-pow(1-alpha, n)) / (1-pow(1-alpha,n));
if (addPlot) {
Plot.add("line", time, intensity);
} else {
Plot.create("Lifetime", "Time", "Intensity", time, intensity);
Fit.doFit("Exponential", time, intensity);
tauFit = -1/Fit.p(1);
repetitionRate = 1-pow(1-alpha,n);
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