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Last active November 28, 2017 22:34
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frameless: Compilation errors when SmartProjecting to a case class of 1 field
package tags
import frameless.{TypedColumn, TypedDataset}
import frameless.ops.SmartProject
import frameless.{CatalystCast, Injection}
import org.apache.spark.SparkConf
import org.apache.spark.sql.SparkSession
import scala.{App,Int}
import scala.Predef.{require,String}
// Tagged types version
object s2 extends App {
* This is a covariant version of Shapeless 2.3.2 tag.
* @see
object covariantTag {
def apply[U] = new Tagger[U]
trait Tagged[+U]
class Tagger[U] {
def apply[T](t : T) : T @@ U = t.asInstanceOf[T @@ U]
type @@[+T, +U] = T with Tagged[U]
import covariantTag.@@
implicit def intTagInjection[Tag] = new Injection[Int @@ Tag, Int] {
def apply(t: Int @@ Tag): Int = t
def invert(s: Int): Int @@ Tag = covariantTag[Tag][Int](s)
implicit def stringTagInjection[Tag] = new Injection[String @@ Tag, String] {
def apply(t: String @@ Tag): String = t
def invert(s: String): String @@ Tag = covariantTag[Tag][String](s)
sealed trait NameTag
type Name = String @@ NameTag
def name(id: String): Name = covariantTag[NameTag][String](id)
sealed trait SizeTag
type Size = Int @@ SizeTag
def size(n: Int): Size = covariantTag[SizeTag][Int](n)
sealed trait LengthTag
type Length = Int @@ LengthTag
def length(n: Int): Length = covariantTag[LengthTag][Int](n)
// Hierarchy of tags
sealed abstract trait ATag
sealed trait BTag extends ATag
sealed trait CTag extends BTag
sealed trait DTag extends ATag
type AId = String @@ ATag
def aid(id: String): AId = covariantTag[ATag][String](id)
type BId = String @@ BTag
def bid(id: String): BId = covariantTag[BTag][String](id)
type CId = String @@ CTag
def cid(id: String): CId = covariantTag[CTag][String](id)
type DId = String @@ DTag
def did(id: String): DId = covariantTag[DTag][String](id)
// CatalystCast instances to make the following work when Nothing <: U <: V <: Any|Object
// x.col[T @@ U]('field).cast[T @@ V]
private val theInstance = new CatalystCast[Any, Any] {}
implicit val BId2AId: CatalystCast[BId, AId] = theInstance.asInstanceOf[CatalystCast[BId, AId]]
implicit val CId2BId: CatalystCast[CId, BId] = theInstance.asInstanceOf[CatalystCast[CId, BId]]
implicit val DId2AId: CatalystCast[DId, AId] = theInstance.asInstanceOf[CatalystCast[DId, AId]]
// Case classes for TypedDatasets
case class A(id: AId)
case class B(id: BId, name: Name)
case class B1(id: BId)
case class C(id: CId, name: Name, size: Size)
case class D(id: DId, length: Length)
implicit val C2BSmartProject: SmartProject[C, B] = SmartProject[C, B]( (x: TypedDataset[C]) => {
val x_id: TypedColumn[C, BId] = x.col[CId]('id).cast[BId]
val x_name: TypedColumn[C, Name] = x.col[Name]('name)[BId, Name](x_id, x_name).as[B]
val conf = new SparkConf().setMaster("local").setAppName(this.getClass.getSimpleName)
implicit val spark = SparkSession.builder().config(conf).getOrCreate()
implicit val sqlContext = spark.sqlContext
import frameless.syntax.DefaultSparkDelay
val bs: TypedDataset[B] = TypedDataset.create[B](Seq(
B(bid("12345"), name("Mark")),
B(bid("23456"), name("Jane"))
val cs: TypedDataset[C] = TypedDataset.create[C](Seq(
C(cid("02468"), name("Table"), size(8)),
C(cid("13579"), name("Chair"), size(4))
val ds: TypedDataset[D] = TypedDataset.create[D](Seq(
D(did("03846"), length(2)),
D(did("19384"), length(3))
val bcs: TypedDataset[B] = bs.union(cs.project[B])
val bcs_collection = bcs.collect().run()
require(bcs_collection.size == 4)
// Compilation errors if uncommented.
// val b1s: TypedDataset[B1] = bcs.project[B1]
// val b1s_collection = b1s.collect().run()
// require(b1s_collection.size == 4)
// val ab1s: TypedDataset[A] = b1s.project[A] // line 121
// val ab1s_collection = ab1s.collect().run()
// require(ab1s_collection.size == 4)
// implicit val B2ASmartProject: SmartProject[B, A] = SmartProject[B, A]( (x: TypedDataset[B]) => {
// val x_id: TypedColumn[B, AId] = x.col[BId]('id).cast[AId]
//[AId](x_id).as[A] // line 127
// })
// implicit val D2ASmartProject: SmartProject[D, A] = SmartProject[D, A]( (x: TypedDataset[D]) => {
// val x_id: TypedColumn[D, AId] = x.col[DId]('id).cast[AId]
//[AId](x_id).as[A] // line 132
// })
// val all: TypedDataset[A] = bcs.project[A].union(ds.project[A])
// val all_collection = all.collect().run()
// require(all_collection.size == 6)
// Compilation errors if the above lines are all uncommented:
// Error:(121, 42) Cannot prove that tags.s2.B1 can be projected to tags.s2.A. Perhaps not all member names and types of tags.s2.A are the same in tags.s2.B1?
// val ab1s: TypedDataset[A] = b1s.project[A] // line 121
// Error:(121, 42) not enough arguments for method project: (implicit projector: frameless.ops.SmartProject[tags.s2.B1,tags.s2.A])frameless.TypedDataset[tags.s2.A].
// Unspecified value parameter projector.
// val ab1s: TypedDataset[A] = b1s.project[A] // line 121
// Error:(127, 27) could not find implicit value for parameter as: frameless.ops.As[tags.s2.AId,tags.s2.A]
//[AId](x_id).as[A] // line 127
// Error:(127, 27) not enough arguments for method as: (implicit as: frameless.ops.As[tags.s2.AId,tags.s2.A])frameless.TypedDataset[tags.s2.A].
// Unspecified value parameter as.
//[AId](x_id).as[A] // line 127
// Error:(132, 27) could not find implicit value for parameter as: frameless.ops.As[tags.s2.AId,tags.s2.A]
//[AId](x_id).as[A] // line 132
// Error:(132, 27) not enough arguments for method as: (implicit as: frameless.ops.As[tags.s2.AId,tags.s2.A])frameless.TypedDataset[tags.s2.A].
// Unspecified value parameter as.
//[AId](x_id).as[A] // line 132
package tags
import frameless.ops.SmartProject
import frameless.{TypedColumn, TypedDataset}
import org.apache.spark.SparkConf
import org.apache.spark.sql.SparkSession
import scala.{App,Int}
import scala.Predef.{require,String}
// Untagged types with SmartProject for unary case class
object s3 extends App {
type Name = String
def name(id: String): Name = id
type Size = Int
def size(n: Int): Size = n
type Length = Int
def length(n: Int): Length = n
type AId = String
def aid(id: String): AId = id
type BId = String
def bid(id: String): BId = id
type CId = String
def cid(id: String): CId = id
type DId = String
def did(id: String): DId = id
// Case classes for TypedDatasets
case class A(id: AId)
case class B(id: BId, name: Name)
case class B1(id: BId)
case class C(id: CId, name: Name, size: Size)
case class D(id: DId, length: Length)
implicit val C2BSmartProject: SmartProject[C, B] = SmartProject[C, B]( (x: TypedDataset[C]) => {
val x_id: TypedColumn[C, BId] = x.col[CId]('id).cast[BId]
val x_name: TypedColumn[C, Name] = x.col[Name]('name)[BId, Name](x_id, x_name).as[B]
val conf = new SparkConf().setMaster("local").setAppName(this.getClass.getSimpleName)
implicit val spark = SparkSession.builder().config(conf).getOrCreate()
implicit val sqlContext = spark.sqlContext
import frameless.syntax.DefaultSparkDelay
val bs: TypedDataset[B] = TypedDataset.create[B](Seq(
B(bid("12345"), name("Mark")),
B(bid("23456"), name("Jane"))
val cs: TypedDataset[C] = TypedDataset.create[C](Seq(
C(cid("02468"), name("Table"), size(8)),
C(cid("13579"), name("Chair"), size(4))
val ds: TypedDataset[D] = TypedDataset.create[D](Seq(
D(did("03846"), length(2)),
D(did("19384"), length(3))
val bcs: TypedDataset[B] = bs.union(cs.project[B])
val bcs_collection = bcs.collect().run()
require(bcs_collection.size == 4)
// Compilation errors if uncommented.
val b1s: TypedDataset[B1] = bcs.project[B1]
val b1s_collection = b1s.collect().run()
require(b1s_collection.size == 4)
val ab1s: TypedDataset[A] = b1s.project[A]
val ab1s_collection = ab1s.collect().run()
require(ab1s_collection.size == 4)
// Compilation errors if uncommented.
// implicit val B2ASmartProject: SmartProject[B, A] = SmartProject[B, A]( (x: TypedDataset[B]) => {
// val x_id: TypedColumn[B, AId] = x.col[BId]('id).cast[AId]
//[AId](x_id).as[A] // line 86
// })
// implicit val D2ASmartProject: SmartProject[D, A] = SmartProject[D, A]( (x: TypedDataset[D]) => {
// val x_id: TypedColumn[D, AId] = x.col[DId]('id).cast[AId]
//[AId](x_id).as[A] // line 91
// })
val all: TypedDataset[A] = bcs.project[A].union(ds.project[A])
val all_collection = all.collect().run()
require(all_collection.size == 6)
// Compilation errors if the above lines are all uncommented:
// Error:(86, 27) could not find implicit value for parameter as: frameless.ops.As[tags.s3.AId,tags.s3.A]
//[AId](x_id).as[A] // line 86
// Error:(86, 27) not enough arguments for method as: (implicit as: frameless.ops.As[tags.s3.AId,tags.s3.A])frameless.TypedDataset[tags.s3.A].
// Unspecified value parameter as.
//[AId](x_id).as[A] // line 86
// Error:(91, 27) could not find implicit value for parameter as: frameless.ops.As[tags.s3.AId,tags.s3.A]
//[AId](x_id).as[A] // line 91
// Error:(91, 27) not enough arguments for method as: (implicit as: frameless.ops.As[tags.s3.AId,tags.s3.A])frameless.TypedDataset[tags.s3.A].
// Unspecified value parameter as.
//[AId](x_id).as[A] // line 91
package tags
import frameless.ops.SmartProject
import frameless.{TypedColumn, TypedDataset}
import org.apache.spark.SparkConf
import org.apache.spark.sql.SparkSession
import scala.Predef.require
// Untagged types with derived projections
object s4 extends App {
type Name = String
def name(id: String): Name = id
type Size = Int
def size(n: Int): Size = n
type Length = Int
def length(n: Int): Length = n
// Hierarchy of tags
sealed abstract trait ATag
sealed trait BTag extends ATag
sealed trait CTag extends BTag
sealed trait DTag extends ATag
type AId = String
def aid(id: String): AId = id
type BId = String
def bid(id: String): BId = id
type CId = String
def cid(id: String): CId = id
type DId = String
def did(id: String): DId = id
// Case classes for TypedDatasets
case class A(id: AId)
case class B(id: BId, name: Name)
case class B1(id: BId)
case class C(id: CId, name: Name, size: Size)
case class D(id: DId, length: Length)
implicit val C2BSmartProject: SmartProject[C, B] = SmartProject[C, B]( (x: TypedDataset[C]) => {
val x_id: TypedColumn[C, BId] = x.col[CId]('id).cast[BId]
val x_name: TypedColumn[C, Name] = x.col[Name]('name)[BId, Name](x_id, x_name).as[B]
val conf = new SparkConf().setMaster("local").setAppName(this.getClass.getSimpleName)
implicit val spark = SparkSession.builder().config(conf).getOrCreate()
implicit val sqlContext = spark.sqlContext
import frameless.syntax.DefaultSparkDelay
val bs: TypedDataset[B] = TypedDataset.create[B](Seq(
B(bid("12345"), name("Mark")),
B(bid("23456"), name("Jane"))
val cs: TypedDataset[C] = TypedDataset.create[C](Seq(
C(cid("02468"), name("Table"), size(8)),
C(cid("13579"), name("Chair"), size(4))
val ds: TypedDataset[D] = TypedDataset.create[D](Seq(
D(did("03846"), length(2)),
D(did("19384"), length(3))
val bcs: TypedDataset[B] = bs.union(cs.project[B])
val bcs_collection = bcs.collect().run()
require(bcs_collection.size == 4)
val b1s: TypedDataset[B1] = bcs.project[B1]
val b1s_collection = b1s.collect().run()
require(b1s_collection.size == 4)
val ab1s: TypedDataset[A] = b1s.project[A]
val ab1s_collection = ab1s.collect().run()
require(ab1s_collection.size == 4)
val all: TypedDataset[A] = bcs.project[A].union(ds.project[A])
val all_collection = all.collect().run()
require(all_collection.size == 6)
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