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Last active August 29, 2015 14:03
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OCaml exhaustiveness checking in face of GADTs and recursive modules
(* This works *)
module W = struct
type a
type b
type (_, _) t =
| AA : (a, a) t
| AB : (a, b) t
| BB : (b, b) t
type s = A of a
| B of b
type 'a w =
| W : ('a, 'b) t * 'b -> 'a w
let f : a w -> s = fun w -> match w with
| W (AA, a) -> A a
| W (AB, b) -> B b
(* This breaks *)
module rec A : sig
type a
val a : a
end = struct
type a = unit
let a = ()
and B : sig
type b
val b : b
end = struct
type b = unit
let b = ()
and T : sig
type (_, _) t =
| AA : (A.a, A.a) t
| AB : (A.a, B.b) t
| BB : (B.b, B.b) t
end = struct
type (_, _) t =
| AA : (A.a, A.a) t
| AB : (A.a, B.b) t
| BB : (B.b, B.b) t
and S : sig
type s
type _ w
val wrap : ('a, 'b) T.t -> 'b -> 'a w
val f : A.a w -> s
end = struct
type s = A of A.a
| B of B.b
type 'a w =
| W : ('a, 'b) T.t * 'b -> 'a w
let wrap t b = W (t, b)
let f : A.a w -> s = fun w -> match w with
| W (T.AA, a) -> A a
| W (T.AB, b) -> B b
(* Compiler warned me the following match was missing, although I think it's
* not well-typed: `w` should be of type `A.a w` as per the type signature,
* and since the pair wrapped by `W` in a `'a w` should be of type
* `('a, 'b) T.t * 'b`, i.e. `(A.a, 'b) T.t * 'b` in this case, the case of
* `T.BB`, with type `(B.b, B.b) T.t` seems invalid?
| W (T.BB, b) -> B b
(* Try to call `S.f` with a `T.BB` value, to make sure it's rejected *)
let demo () =
let _ = S.f (S.wrap T.BB B.b) in
(* Error: This expression has type B.b S.w
* but an expression was expected of type A.a S.w
* Type B.b is not compatible with type A.a
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