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Created May 31, 2017 22:16
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To recap my strenths are: Learner, Adaptability, Positivity, Achiever, Activator. I don't think I have changed considerabley since
starting Turing but I do think I have been able to use my strengths in a positive manner. My Positivity has made it easier to
stay in a growth mindset when things get tough, my Adaptability has made it easier to deal with unforseen problems or pairing
sessions that pop up at the last minute. I feel like my strength as a Learner has kept me focused on soaking up as much
information on a topic as possible.
I always try to us my Positivity when pairing with others, no matter what the error/problem, we will get through this and find
an appropriate solution.
I feel like I do a good job of using my strengths and I don't necissarily feel that things get in the way of my strengths.
The only thing I can think of that 'could' get in my way is having short periods where a fixed mindset starts to creep back
when I am learining a new concept or working on some functionality and I am hitting my head against a wall. I typically reach
out after struggling, googling, and then struggling some more. But I also beleive that the lessons that are learned to the fullest
are sometimes the ones that we had the hardest time getting through.
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