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Created March 29, 2022 23:58
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aarch64 user space on x86_64 Debian/Ubuntu
# These commands create and enter a aarch64 user space on x86_64 Debian/Ubuntu.
# Expects qemu-aarch64-static to be installed and registered for the aarch64 binfmt on the host, see e.g.:
mkdir -p /tmp/chroot ; mount tmpfs -t tmpfs /tmp/chroot # (tmpfs is optional)
debootstrap --arch=arm64 $(lsb_release --short --codename) /tmp/chroot # install aarch4 user space of host's distro
# copy qemu to where it's registered as binfmt in the kernel (and since it is statically linked, copying a single file is sufficient)
mkdir -p /tmp/chroot/$(dirname $(which qemu-aarch64-static))
cp -a {/,/tmp/chroot/}$(which qemu-aarch64-static)
# make it usable
mkdir -p /tmp/chroot/etc/ ; cp -a {/,/tmp/chroot/}/etc/resolv.conf
for dir in dev/ proc/ sys/ ; do mkdir -p /tmp/chroot/$dir ; mountpoint -q /tmp/chroot/$dir || mount --rbind /$dir /tmp/chroot/$dir ; done
chroot /tmp/chroot /bin/bash --login # do (or rather emulate) great things
mount | grep -oP 'on \K/tmp/chroot(/\S+)?(?=\s)' | xargs -r -n1 umount -l # unmount everything (lazy to avoid "busy" issues, and since it's all virtual file systems anyway)
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