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Created March 12, 2024 22:44
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Manually sampling from any given 1D histogram
Script discussed in the video:
import random
import time
def sample_digit_from_time():
t = time.time()
_secs, subsecs = str(t).split(".")
ms_digit = int(subsecs[2])
bin_digit = ms_digit % 2
print(f"t={t}, ms_digit={ms_digit}, bin_digit={bin_digit}")
return bin_digit
def sample_digit_list(num_digits, use_random_lib):
bin_digits = []
for _ in range(num_digits):
if use_random_lib:
bin_digits.append(random.choice([0, 1]))
print(f"(digit sum = {sum(bin_digits)} of {num_digits})")
return bin_digits
def unit_interval_real(bin_digits):
x = 0
for n, digit in enumerate(bin_digits):
power_of_two = 2 ** (n + 1)
x_summand = digit / power_of_two
x += x_summand
print(f"Level {n}, power={power_of_two}, digit={digit}: add {x_summand}, get x={x}")
return x
def draw_sample(hist, x):
cdf = [sum(hist[:n+1]) / sum(hist) for n in range(len(hist))] # Normalized cdf
lb = 0 # lower bound
for n, ub in enumerate(cdf): # loop over upper bounds
if lb < x < ub:
return n # r was in interval with index n
lb = ub
if __name__=='__main__':
HIST = [17, 3, 4, 20, 1, 13, 2, 30] # Sample from this distribution (0 and 3 nd 7 will come up often)
bin_digits_list = [sample_digit_list(15, False)]
#bin_digits_list = [sample_digit_list(10, True) for _ in range(20)]
drawn_samples = []
for bin_digits in bin_digits_list:
x = unit_interval_real(bin_digits)
print(f"\nRun bin_digits={bin_digits}\nx={x}\n\n" + \
"Sample from histogram:\nindex->weight (chance)\n" + \
"\n".join(f"{idx}->{h} ({p} %)"
for idx, (h, p) in enumerate([(h, round(100 * h / sum(HIST), 1)) for h in HIST])) + "\n")
drawn_samples.append(draw_sample(HIST, x))
print(f"\nDrew {drawn_samples}")
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