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Last active December 17, 2015 11:49
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  • Save NikolasTzimoulis/5605089 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save NikolasTzimoulis/5605089 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
A scrapper / parser that downloads the list of plus ones (+1's) from a user's public google+ profile. The output is an html file with each link in a separate paragraph.
import urllib2
profileId = "103814799814962680687"
fileName = "C:\\Users\\Nikolas\\Dropbox\\public\\plusones.html"
response = urllib2.urlopen(''+profileId)
text ="utf-8")
textLines = text.split('\n')
linkList = []
for line in textLines:
startLink = line.find("[\"http:") + 2
if startLink == 1: continue
endLink = line[startLink:].find("\",\"") + startLink
startTitle = endLink + 3
endTitle = line[startTitle:].find("\",,\"") + startTitle
link = line[startLink:endLink]
title = line[startTitle:endTitle]
html = "<p><a href=\""+link.decode('unicode-escape')+"\">"+title+"</a></p>"
linkList.append(html.encode("utf-8", "replace"))
plusonefile = open(fileName, 'w')
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