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Last active July 5, 2017 02:27
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  • Save NileshGule/b495d283997c44e4397179cd4756240c to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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Gist for storing files for Ansible Mac Setup
downloads: ~/.ansible-downloads/
local_home: "{{ lookup('env','HOME') }}"
user_name: "{{ lookup('env', 'USER') }}"
configure_dotfiles: no
configure_sudoers: yes
configure_terminal: yes
configure_osx: yes
dotfiles_repo_accept_hostkey: yes
dotfiles_repo_local_destination: ~/Dropbox/Development/GitHub/dotfiles
- .bash_profile
- .gitignore
- .inputrc
- .osx
- .vimrc
homebrew_upgrade_all_packages: yes
# - ansible # Installed via Pip.
- autoconf
- bash-completion
- chromedriver
- docker-compose
- git
- gpg
- node
- nvm
- tree
- zsh
- homebrew/core
- caskroom/cask
#- homebrew/php
homebrew_cask_appdir: /Applications
- atom
- docker
- dropbox
# - fing # Download link keeps getting changed, d'oh!
- firefox
- google-chrome
- github-desktop
- iterm2
- sublime-text
- vagrant
- virtualbox
- visual-studio-code
- file-icons
- atom-material-ui
- atom-material-syntax-dark
- atom-cform-yaml
- language-yaml-cloudformation
- linter
- linter-js-yaml
- linter-ui-default
# See `geerlingguy.mas` role documentation for usage instructions.
mas_installed_apps: []
mas_email: ""
mas_password: ""
osx_script: "~/.osx --no-restart"
# Install packages from other package managers.
# Note: You are responsible for making sure the required package managers are
# installed, eg. through homebrew.
composer_packages: []
# - name: drush
# state: present # present/absent, default: present
# version: "^8.1" # default: N/A
gem_packages: []
# - name: bundler
# state: present # present/absent/latest, default: present
# version: "~> 1.15.1" # default: N/A
- iterm2-tab-set
- material-theme
# - name: webpack
# state: present # present/absent/latest, default: present
# version: "^2.6" # default: N/A
pip_packages: []
# - name: mkdocs
# state: present # present/absent/latest, default: present
# version: "0.16.3" # default: N/A
# Glob pattern to ansible task files to run after all other tasks are finished.
post_provision_tasks: []
- extensionName: autoimport
publisher: steoates
- extensionName: vscode-docker
publisher: PeterJausovec
- extensionName: csharp
publisher: ms-vscode
- extensionName: file-icons
publisher: file-icons
- extensionName: githistory
publisher: donjayamanne
- extensionName: vscode-auto-open-markdown-preview
publisher: hnw
- extensionName: docker-explorer
publisher: formulahendry
# visual_studio_code_extensions:
# - steoates.autoimport
# - PeterJausovec.vscode-docker
# - ms-vscode.csharp
# - file-icons.file-icons
# - donjayamanne.githistory
# - hnw.vscode-auto-open-markdown-preview
# - formulahendry.docker-explorer
- hosts: all
connection: local
- default.config.yml
- include_vars: "{{ item }}"
- ../config.yml
tags: ['always']
- role: geerlingguy.homebrew
tags: ['homebrew']
- role: geerlingguy.dotfiles
when: configure_dotfiles
tags: ['dotfiles']
- role: geerlingguy.mas
when: mas_installed_apps
tags: ['mas']
- role: hnakamur.atom-packages
- include: tasks/ansible-setup.yml
- include: tasks/oh-my-zsh-setup.yml
- include: tasks/visual-studio-code-extensions-setup.yml
- include: tasks/sudoers.yml
when: configure_sudoers
- include: tasks/terminal.yml
when: configure_terminal
#- include: tasks/osx.yml
# when: configure_osx
# tags: ['osx']
- include: tasks/extra-packages.yml
tags: ['extra-packages']
- name: Run configured post-provision ansible task files.
include: "{{ outer_item }}"
loop_var: outer_item
with_fileglob: "{{ post_provision_tasks|default(omit) }}"
- name: Clone oh-my-zsh repo
git: repo= dest="{{general.local_home}}/.oh-my-zsh"
- name: deploy .zshrc
template: src=files/ dest="{{general.local_home}}/conf/zshrc" owner="{{general.user_name}}"
- name: remove standard zshrc
file: path="{{general.local_home}}/.zshrc" state=absent
- name: Create conf folder in home directory
file: path="{{general.local_home}}/conf/" state=directory owner="{{general.user_name}}"
- name: symlink zshrc
file: path="{{general.local_home}}/.zshrc" src="{{general.local_home}}/conf/zshrc" state=link owner="{{general.user_name}}"
#- name: Set zsh as default shell
# user: name=nileshgule shell=/bin/zsh
- name: "install VS extensions"
become: yes
become_user: "{{general.user_name}}"
command: "code --install-extension '{{ item.publisher }}'.'{{ item.extensionName }}'"
- "{{ visual_studio_code_extensions }}"
register: vscode_result
changed_when: "'already installed' not in vscode_result.stdout"
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This gist is based on my repo for setting up development environment for MacBook using Ansible
Mac Dev Playbook

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