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Created June 21, 2023 05:44
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$UserEmail = '[email protected]'
$Roles = .\qlik.exe role ls|ConvertFrom-Json
$UserObjs = .\qlik.exe user ls --filter "email eq \`"$($UserEmail)\`""|ConvertFrom-Json
$RoleTenantAdmin = $Roles|?{$ -eq "TenantAdmin"}
foreach($UserObj in $UserObjs){
[System.Collections.Generic.List[string]]$RoleIDs = $UserObj.assignedRoles|%{$}
if (!$RoleIDs.Contains(${
$UpdateBody = ConvertTo-Json -Compress -Depth 5 -InputObject @(
[ordered]@{op = "replace"
path = "/assignedRoles"
value = @(
.\qlik.exe user patch $ --body ($UpdateBody|ConvertTo-Json) -v
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