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Enter this as the "url" for the bookmark you are trying to add.
It will execute the javascript and transform the url of the twitter post to the corresponding
threadreader app's page.
You will likely need to remove this comment block as many browsers do not properly exclude it from execution.
Just past in everything starting with "javascript"
javascript:(function() {
<a href="">– 001: JAVELIN –</a>
<a href="">– 002: DUTY –</a>
<a href="">– 003: ASSESSMENT –</a>
<a href="">– 004: TRAVEL –</a>
<a href="">– 005: GHOSTS –</a>
<a href="">– 006: RECOVERY –</a>
<a href="">– 007: PREDECESSOR –</a>
<a href="">– 008: OVERRIDE –</a>
<a href="">– 009: ASCEND –</a>
<a href="">– 010: ALONE –</a>
:root {
/* This value should be updated here and in the userChrome.css */
--tst-sidepanel-hide-delay: .5s;
/* Hide border on tab bar, force its state to 'scroll', adjust margin-left for width of scrollbar. */
#tabbar {
border: 0;
scrollbar-width: none;
overflow: scroll !important;
"createdBy": "Redirector v3.5.3",
"createdAt": "2023-12-15T12:57:37.884Z",
"redirects": [
"description": "Example redirect, try going to",
"exampleUrl": "",
"exampleResult": "",
"error": null,
"includePattern": "*",
Nitrousoxide / bookworm search-replace.csr
Last active December 12, 2023 16:25
Bookworm - Search and Replace
dedication dance
dedication whirl
Nitrousoxide /
Last active December 25, 2024 16:22
Tree Style Tabs
version: '2'
container_name: pihole_no_wireguard
image: pihole/pihole:latest
hostname: pi-hole
mac_address: d0:ca:ab:cd:ef:01
#cap_add: # Uncomment if you want to use Pi-Hole for DHCP
javascript:(function() {
/*Create a new bookmark in your web browser.
Edit the bookmark and replace the URL with the generated JavaScript code above.
Save the bookmark.
Navigate to the Mastodon feed page for which you want to extract the RSS URL.
Click on the bookmark you just created.*/
var feedUrl = window.location.href;
Nitrousoxide / lemmyfollowbookmarklet
Last active June 29, 2023 09:02
Lemmy Follow Bookmarklet
javascript:(function() {
var currentUrl = window.location.href;
var instanceUrl = ''; /*replace this with your local instance's URL with no ending '/' */
var communitySlug = currentUrl.split('/c/')[1];
var originalUrl = currentUrl.split('/')[2];
var subscribeUrl = instanceUrl + '/c/' + communitySlug + '@' + originalUrl;
window.location.href = subscribeUrl;
# Get a list of all volumes
volumes=$(podman volume ls -q)
#get timestamp for unique filename
timestamp=$(date +"%Y%m%d%H%M%S")
# Pause all running containers
echo "Pausing containers for backup"
podman pause $(podman ps -q)