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Created September 18, 2023 04:36
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Foster ImGuiNET Wrapper
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Numerics;
using Foster.Framework;
using ImGuiNET;
public static class Gui
private static readonly VertexFormat VertexFormat;
private static IntPtr context;
private static bool beginCalled = false;
private static Mesh? mesh = null;
private static Shader? shader = null;
private static Texture? fontTexture = null;
private static readonly List<Texture> boundTextures = new();
private static readonly List<Batcher> userBatches = new();
private static readonly List<(ImGuiKey, Keys)> keys = new()
(ImGuiKey.Tab, Keys.Tab),
(ImGuiKey.LeftArrow, Keys.Left),
(ImGuiKey.RightArrow, Keys.Right),
(ImGuiKey.UpArrow, Keys.Up),
(ImGuiKey.DownArrow, Keys.Down),
(ImGuiKey.PageUp, Keys.PageUp),
(ImGuiKey.PageDown, Keys.PageDown),
(ImGuiKey.Home, Keys.Home),
(ImGuiKey.End, Keys.End),
(ImGuiKey.Insert, Keys.Insert),
(ImGuiKey.Delete, Keys.Delete),
(ImGuiKey.Backspace, Keys.Backspace),
(ImGuiKey.Space, Keys.Space),
(ImGuiKey.Enter, Keys.Enter),
(ImGuiKey.Escape, Keys.Escape),
(ImGuiKey.KeypadEnter, Keys.KeypadEnter),
(ImGuiKey.A, Keys.A),
(ImGuiKey.C, Keys.C),
(ImGuiKey.V, Keys.V),
(ImGuiKey.X, Keys.X),
(ImGuiKey.Y, Keys.Y),
(ImGuiKey.Z, Keys.Z),
(ImGuiKey.ModCtrl, Keys.LeftControl),
(ImGuiKey.ModCtrl, Keys.RightControl),
(ImGuiKey.ModShift, Keys.LeftShift),
(ImGuiKey.ModShift, Keys.RightShift),
(ImGuiKey.ModAlt, Keys.LeftAlt),
(ImGuiKey.ModAlt, Keys.RightAlt),
/// <summary>
/// UI Scaling
/// </summary>
public static float Scale = 2.0f;
/// <summary>
/// Mouse Position relative to ImGui elements
/// </summary>
public static Vec2 MousePosition => Input.Mouse.Position / Scale;
static Gui()
int stride;
unsafe { stride = sizeof(ImDrawVert); }
VertexFormat = new(stride,
new VertexFormat.Element(0, VertexType.Float2, false),
new VertexFormat.Element(1, VertexType.Float2, false),
new VertexFormat.Element(2, VertexType.UByte4, true)
public static unsafe void Startup(string? customFontPath = null)
Debug.Assert(context == IntPtr.Zero);
// create imgui context
context = ImGui.CreateContext(null);
var io = ImGui.GetIO();
io.BackendFlags = ImGuiBackendFlags.None;
io.ConfigFlags = ImGuiConfigFlags.DockingEnable;
// load ImGui Font
if (customFontPath != null && File.Exists(customFontPath))
io.Fonts.AddFontFromFileTTF(customFontPath, 64);
io.FontGlobalScale = 16.0f / 64.0f;
// create font texture
io.Fonts.GetTexDataAsRGBA32(out byte* pixelData, out int width, out int height, out int bytesPerPixel);
fontTexture = new Texture(width, height, new ReadOnlySpan<byte>(pixelData, width * height * 4));
// create drawing resources
mesh = new Mesh();
shader = new Shader(ShaderInfo[Graphics.Renderer]);
/// <summary>
/// Begins a new ImGui Frame.
/// Call this at the start of your Update method.
/// </summary>
public static void Begin()
beginCalled = true;
// clear textures for the next frame
// assign font texture again
var io = ImGui.GetIO();
// setup io
io.DeltaTime = Time.Delta;
io.DisplaySize = new Vec2(App.WidthInPixels / Scale, App.HeightInPixels / Scale);
io.DisplayFramebufferScale = Vec2.One * Scale;
io.MousePos = MousePosition;
io.MouseDown[0] = Input.Mouse.LeftDown || Input.Mouse.LeftPressed;
io.MouseDown[1] = Input.Mouse.RightDown || Input.Mouse.RightPressed;
io.MouseDown[2] = Input.Mouse.MiddleDown || Input.Mouse.MiddlePressed;
io.MouseWheel = Input.Mouse.Wheel.Y;
io.MouseWheelH = Input.Mouse.Wheel.X;
foreach (var k in keys)
if (Input.Keyboard.Pressed(k.Item2))
io.AddKeyEvent(k.Item1, true);
if (Input.Keyboard.Released(k.Item2))
io.AddKeyEvent(k.Item1, false);
if (Input.Keyboard.Text.Length > 0)
for (int i = 0; i < Input.Keyboard.Text.Length; i ++)
/// <summary>
/// Ends an ImGui Frame.
/// Call this at the end of your Update method.
/// </summary>
public static void End()
/// <summary>
/// Begin a new Batch in an ImGui Window
/// </summary>
public static void BeginBatch(out Batcher batch, out Rect bounds)
var min = ImGui.GetCursorScreenPos();
var max = min + ImGui.GetContentRegionAvail();
var screenspace = new Rect(min, max);
// get recycled batcher, add to list
batch = FramePool.Get<Batcher>();
// notify imgui
ImGui.GetWindowDrawList().AddCallback(new IntPtr(userBatches.Count), new IntPtr(0));
// push relative coords
bounds = new Rect(0, 0, screenspace.Width, screenspace.Height);
/// <summary>
/// End a Batch in an ImGui Window
/// </summary>
public static void EndBatch()
var batch = userBatches[^1];
/// <summary>
/// Renders the ImGui buffers. Call this in your Render method.
/// </summary>
public static unsafe void Render()
if (mesh == null || shader == null)
var data = ImGui.GetDrawData();
if (data.NativePtr == null || data.TotalVtxCount <= 0)
var size = new Point2(App.WidthInPixels, App.HeightInPixels);
// create pass
var pass = new DrawCommand(null, mesh, shader);
pass.BlendMode = new BlendMode(BlendOp.Add, BlendFactor.SrcAlpha, BlendFactor.OneMinusSrcAlpha);
// setup ortho matrix
Matrix4x4 mat =
Matrix4x4.CreateScale(data.FramebufferScale.X, data.FramebufferScale.Y, 1.0f) *
Matrix4x4.CreateOrthographicOffCenter(0, size.X, size.Y, 0, 0.1f, 1000.0f);
// draw imgui buffers to the screen
for (int i = 0; i < data.CmdListsCount; i++)
var list = data.NativePtr->CmdLists[i];
// update vertices
mesh.SetVertices(list->VtxBuffer.Data, list->VtxBuffer.Size, VertexFormat);
mesh.SetIndices(list->IdxBuffer.Data, list->IdxBuffer.Size, IndexFormat.Sixteen);
// draw each command
var commands = (ImDrawCmd*)list->CmdBuffer.Data;
for (ImDrawCmd* cmd = commands; cmd < commands + list->CmdBuffer.Size; cmd++)
if (cmd->UserCallback != IntPtr.Zero)
var batchIndex = cmd->UserCallback.ToInt32() - 1;
if (batchIndex >= 0 && batchIndex < userBatches.Count)
// set texture
var textureIndex = cmd->TextureId.ToInt32();
if (textureIndex < boundTextures.Count)
pass.MeshIndexStart = (int)cmd->IdxOffset;
pass.MeshIndexCount = (int)cmd->ElemCount;
pass.Scissor = (RectInt)new Rect(
(cmd->ClipRect.Z - cmd->ClipRect.X),
(cmd->ClipRect.W - cmd->ClipRect.Y)).Scale(data.FramebufferScale);
/// <summary>
/// Shuts down ImGui
/// </summary>
public static void Shutdown()
/// <summary>
/// Gets a Texture ID to draw in ImGui
/// </summary>
public static IntPtr GetTextureID(Texture? texture)
var id = new IntPtr(boundTextures.Count);
if (texture != null)
return id;
private static Dictionary<Renderers, ShaderCreateInfo> ShaderInfo = new()
[Renderers.OpenGL] = new()
VertexShader =
"#version 330\n" +
"uniform mat4 u_matrix;" +
"layout(location=0) in vec2 a_position;\n" +
"layout(location=1) in vec2 a_tex;\n" +
"layout(location=2) in vec4 a_color;\n" +
"out vec2 v_tex;\n" +
"out vec4 v_color;\n" +
"void main() {\n" +
" gl_Position = u_matrix * vec4(a_position.xy, 0, 1);\n" +
" v_tex = a_tex;" +
" v_color = a_color;\n" +
FragmentShader =
"#version 330\n" +
"uniform sampler2D u_texture;\n" +
"in vec2 v_tex;\n" +
"in vec4 v_color;\n" +
"out vec4 frag_color;\n" +
"void main() {\n" +
" frag_color = texture(u_texture, * v_color;\n" +
[Renderers.D3D11] = new()
VertexShader =
"cbuffer constants : register(b0)\n" +
"{\n" +
" row_major float4x4 u_matrix;\n" +
"}\n" +
"struct vs_in\n" +
"{\n" +
" float2 position : POS;\n" +
" float2 texcoord : TEX;\n" +
" float4 color : COL;\n" +
"};\n" +
"struct vs_out\n" +
"{\n" +
" float4 position : SV_POSITION;\n" +
" float2 texcoord : TEX;\n" +
" float4 color : COL;\n" +
"};\n" +
"Texture2D u_texture : register(t0);\n" +
"SamplerState u_texture_sampler : register(s0);\n" +
"vs_out vs_main(vs_in input)\n" +
"{\n" +
" vs_out output;\n" +
" output.position = mul(float4(input.position, 0.0f, 1.0f), u_matrix);\n" +
" output.texcoord = input.texcoord;\n" +
" output.color = input.color;\n" +
" return output;\n" +
"}\n" +
"float4 ps_main(vs_out input) : SV_TARGET\n" +
"{\n" +
" return u_texture.Sample(u_texture_sampler, input.texcoord) * input.color;\n" +
Attributes = new ShaderCreateInfo.Attribute[] {
new("POS", 0),
new("TEX", 0),
new("COL", 0),
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