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Created February 2, 2022 02:09
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Modified MCPI api script
from .connection import Connection,RequestError
from .vec3 import Vec3
from .event import BlockEvent,ChatEvent
from .block import Block
import math
from os import environ
from .util import flatten,floorFlatten
from . import security
""" Minecraft PI low level api v0.1_1
Note: many methods have the parameter *arg. This solution makes it
simple to allow different types, and variable number of arguments.
The actual magic is a mix of flatten_parameters() and __iter__. Example:
A Cube class could implement __iter__ to work in Minecraft.setBlocks(c, id).
(Because of this, it's possible to "erase" arguments. CmdPlayer removes
entityId, by injecting [] that flattens to nothing)
@author: Aron Nieminen, Mojang AB"""
#def strFloor(*args):
# return [str(int(math.floor(x))) for x in flatten(args)]
def fixPipe(s):
return s.replace('|', '|').replace('&','&')
def stringToBlockWithNBT(s, pipeFix = False):
data = s.split(",")
id = int(data[0])
if len(data) <= 1:
return Block(id)
elif len(data) <= 2:
return Block(id,int(data[1]))
nbt = ','.join(data[2:])
if pipeFix:
nbt = fixPipe(nbt)
return Block(id,int(data[1]),nbt)
class CmdPositioner:
"""Methods for setting and getting positions"""
def __init__(self, connection, packagePrefix):
self.conn = connection
self.pkg = packagePrefix
def getBlock(self, *args):
"""Get block (x,y,z) => id:int"""
return int(self.conn.sendReceive_flat("world.getBlock", floorFlatten(args)))
def getPitch(self, id):
"""Get entity direction (entityId:int) => Vec3"""
s = self.conn.sendReceive(self.pkg + ".getPitch", id)
return float(s)
def getRotation(self, id):
"""Get entity direction (entityId:int) => Vec3"""
s = self.conn.sendReceive(self.pkg + ".getRotation", id)
return float(s)
def getDirection(self, id):
"""Get entity direction (entityId:int) => Vec3"""
s = self.conn.sendReceive(self.pkg + ".getDirection", id)
return Vec3(*list(map(float, s.split(","))))
def getPos(self, id):
"""Get entity position (entityId:int) => Vec3"""
s = self.conn.sendReceive(self.pkg + ".getPos", id)
return Vec3(*list(map(float, s.split(","))))
def setPos(self, id, *args):
"""Set entity position (entityId:int, x,y,z)"""
self.conn.send(self.pkg + ".setPos", id, args)
def setDirection(self, id, *args):
"""Set entity pitch (entityId:int, x,y,z)"""
self.conn.send(self.pkg + ".setDirection", id, args)
def setRotation(self, id, *args):
"""Set entity rotation (entityId:int, angle)"""
self.conn.send(self.pkg + ".setRotation", id, args)
def setPitch(self, id, *args):
"""Set entity pitch (entityId:int, angle)"""
self.conn.send(self.pkg + ".setPitch", id, args)
def getTilePos(self, id, *args):
"""Get entity tile position (entityId:int) => Vec3"""
s = self.conn.sendReceive(self.pkg + ".getTile", id)
return Vec3(*list(map(int, s.split(","))))
def setTilePos(self, id, *args):
"""Set entity tile position (entityId:int) => Vec3"""
self.conn.send(self.pkg + ".setTile", id, floorFlatten(*args))
def setting(self, setting, status):
"""Set a player setting (setting, status). keys: autojump"""
self.conn.send(self.pkg + ".setting", setting, 1 if bool(status) else 0)
class CmdEntity(CmdPositioner):
"""Methods for entities"""
def __init__(self, connection):
CmdPositioner.__init__(self, connection, "entity")
class CmdPlayer(CmdPositioner):
"""Methods for the host (Raspberry Pi) player"""
def __init__(self, connection, playerId=()):
CmdPositioner.__init__(self, connection, "player" if playerId==() else "entity") = playerId
self.conn = connection
def getDirection(self):
return CmdPositioner.getDirection(self,
def getPitch(self):
return CmdPositioner.getPitch(self,
def getRotation(self):
return CmdPositioner.getRotation(self,
def setPitch(self, *args):
return CmdPositioner.setPitch(self,, args)
def setRotation(self, *args):
return CmdPositioner.setRotation(self,, args)
def setDirection(self, *args):
return CmdPositioner.setDirection(self,, args)
def getRotation(self):
return CmdPositioner.getRotation(self,
def getPos(self):
return CmdPositioner.getPos(self,
def setPos(self, *args):
return CmdPositioner.setPos(self,, args)
def getTilePos(self):
return CmdPositioner.getTilePos(self,
def setTilePos(self, *args):
return CmdPositioner.setTilePos(self,, args)
class CmdCamera:
def __init__(self, connection):
self.conn = connection
def setNormal(self, *args):
"""Set camera mode to normal Minecraft view ([entityId])"""
self.conn.send("camera.mode.setNormal", args)
def setFixed(self):
"""Set camera mode to fixed view"""
def setFollow(self, *args):
"""Set camera mode to follow an entity ([entityId])"""
self.conn.send("camera.mode.setFollow", args)
def setPos(self, *args):
"""Set camera entity position (x,y,z)"""
self.conn.send("camera.setPos", args)
class CmdEvents:
def __init__(self, connection):
self.conn = connection
def clearAll(self):
"""Clear all old events"""
def pollBlockHits(self):
"""Only triggered by sword => [BlockEvent]"""
s = self.conn.sendReceive("events.block.hits")
events = [e for e in s.split("|") if e]
return [BlockEvent.Hit(*list(map(int, e.split(",")))) for e in events]
def pollChatPosts(self):
"""Triggered by posts to chat => [ChatEvent]"""
s = self.conn.sendReceive("")
events = [fixPipe(e) for e in s.split("|") if e]
return [ChatEvent.Post(int(e[:e.find(",")]), e[e.find(",") + 1:]) for e in events]
class Minecraft:
"""The main class to interact with a running instance of Minecraft Pi."""
def __init__(self, connection=None, autoId=True):
if connection:
self.conn = connection
self.conn = Connection()
self.conn.authenticate(security.AUTHENTICATION_USERNAME, security.AUTHENTICATION_PASSWORD) = CmdCamera(self.conn)
self.entity = CmdEntity(self.conn)
self.playerId = None
if autoId:
self.playerId = int(environ['MINECRAFT_PLAYER_ID'])
self.player = CmdPlayer(self.conn,playerId=self.playerId)
self.playerId = self.getPlayerId(environ['MINECRAFT_PLAYER_NAME'])
self.player = CmdPlayer(self.conn,playerId=self.playerId)
self.playerId = self.getPlayerId(security.AUTHENTICATION_USERNAME)
self.player = CmdPlayer(self.conn,playerId=self.playerId)
self.player = CmdPlayer(self.conn)
self.player = CmdPlayer(self.conn)
self.player = CmdPlayer(self.conn) = CmdEvents(self.conn)
self.enabledNBT = False
def spawnEntity(self, *args):
"""Spawn entity (type,x,y,z,tags) and get its id => id:int"""
return int(self.conn.sendReceive("world.spawnEntity", args))
def removeEntity(self, *args):
"""Remove entity (id)"""
self.conn.send("world.removeEntity", args)
def getBlock(self, *args):
"""Get block (x,y,z) => id:int"""
return int(self.conn.sendReceive_flat("world.getBlock", floorFlatten(args)))
def getBlockWithData(self, *args):
"""Get block with data (x,y,z) => Block"""
ans = self.conn.sendReceive_flat("world.getBlockWithData", floorFlatten(args))
return Block(*list(map(int, ans.split(",")[:2])))
def getBlockWithNBT(self, *args):
Get block with data and nbt (x,y,z) => Block (if no NBT) or (Block,nbt)
For this to work, you first need to do setting("include_nbt_with_data",1)
if not self.enabledNBT:
self.enabledNBT = True
ans = self.conn.sendReceive_flat("world.getBlockWithData", floorFlatten(args))
except RequestError:
# retry in case we had a Fail from the setting
ans = self.conn.receive()
ans = self.conn.sendReceive_flat("world.getBlockWithData", floorFlatten(args))
return stringToBlockWithNBT(ans)
def fallbackGetCuboid(self, getBlock, *args):
(x0,y0,z0,x1,y1,z1) = [int(math.floor(float(x))) for x in flatten(args)]
out = []
for y in range(min(y0,y1),max(y0,y1)+1):
for x in range(min(x0,x1),max(x0,x1)+1):
for z in range(min(z0,z1),max(z0,z1)+1):
return out
def fallbackGetBlocksWithData(self, *args):
return self.fallbackGetCuboid(self.getBlockWithData, args)
def fallbackGetBlocks(self, *args):
return self.fallbackGetCuboid(self.getBlock, args)
def fallbackGetBlocksWithNBT(self, *args):
return self.fallbackGetCuboid(self.getBlockWithNBT, args)
def getBlocks(self, *args):
Get a cuboid of blocks (x0,y0,z0,x1,y1,z1) => [id:int]
Packed with a y-loop, x-loop, z-loop, in this order.
ans = self.conn.sendReceive_flat("world.getBlocks", floorFlatten(args))
return list(map(int, ans.split(",")))
self.getBlocks = self.fallbackGetBlocks
return self.fallbackGetBlocks(*args)
def getBlocksWithData(self, *args):
"""Get a cuboid of blocks (x0,y0,z0,x1,y1,z1) => [Block(id:int, meta:int)]"""
ans = self.conn.sendReceive_flat("world.getBlocksWithData", floorFlatten(args))
return [Block(*list(map(int, x.split(",")[:2]))) for x in ans.split("|")]
self.getBlocksWithData = self.fallbackGetBlocksWithData
return self.fallbackGetBlocksWithData(*args)
def getBlocksWithNBT(self, *args):
"""Get a cuboid of blocks (x0,y0,z0,x1,y1,z1) => [Block(id, meta, nbt)]"""
if not self.enabledNBT:
self.enabledNBT = True
ans = self.conn.sendReceive_flat("world.getBlocksWithData", floorFlatten(args))
except RequestError:
# retry in case we had a Fail from the setting
ans = self.conn.receive()
ans = self.conn.sendReceive_flat("world.getBlocksWithData", floorFlatten(args))
ans = self.conn.sendReceive_flat("world.getBlocksWithData", floorFlatten(args))
return [stringToBlockWithNBT(x, pipeFix = True) for x in ans.split("|")]
self.getBlocksWithNBT = self.fallbackGetBlocksWithNBT
return self.fallbackGetBlocksWithNBT(*args)
# must have no NBT tags in Block instance
def setBlock(self, *args):
"""Set block (x,y,z,id,[data])"""
self.conn.send_flat("world.setBlock", floorFlatten(args))
def setBlockWithNBT(self, *args):
"""Set block (x,y,z,id,data,nbt)"""
data = list(flatten(args))
self.conn.send_flat("world.setBlock", list(floorFlatten(data[:5]))+data[5:])
# must have no NBT tags in Block instance
def setBlocks(self, *args):
"""Set a cuboid of blocks (x0,y0,z0,x1,y1,z1,id,[data])"""
self.conn.send_flat("world.setBlocks", floorFlatten(args))
def setBlocksWithNBT(self, *args):
"""Set a cuboid of blocks (x0,y0,z0,x1,y1,z1,id,data,nbt)"""
data = list(flatten(args))
self.conn.send_flat("world.setBlocks", list(floorFlatten(data[:8]))+data[8:])
def getHeight(self, *args):
"""Get the height of the world (x,z) => int"""
return int(self.conn.sendReceive_flat("world.getHeight", floorFlatten(args)))
def getPlayerId(self, *args):
"""Get the id of the current player"""
a = tuple(flatten(args))
if self.playerId is not None and len(a) == 0:
return self.playerId
return int(self.conn.sendReceive_flat("world.getPlayerId", flatten(args)))
def getPlayerEntityIds(self):
"""Get the entity ids of the connected players => [id:int]"""
ids = self.conn.sendReceive("world.getPlayerIds")
return list(map(int, ids.split("|")))
def saveCheckpoint(self):
"""Save a checkpoint that can be used for restoring the world"""
def restoreCheckpoint(self):
"""Restore the world state to the checkpoint"""
def postToChat(self, msg):
"""Post a message to the game chat"""
self.conn.send("", msg)
def setting(self, setting, status):
"""Set a world setting (setting, status). keys: world_immutable, nametags_visible"""
self.conn.send("world.setting", setting, 1 if bool(status) else 0)
def create(address = None, port = None):
return Minecraft(Connection(address, port))
if __name__ == "__main__":
mc = Minecraft.create()
mc.postToChat("Hello, Minecraft!")
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