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Created July 27, 2014 13:58
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  • Save Nora-Ballard/dc877248b2d8d99cbd44 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save Nora-Ballard/dc877248b2d8d99cbd44 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Reads HP Blade Enclosure XML (/xmldata?item=all) inventory page and formats in a PS friendly object. Does not require authentication to the chassis, so good for inventory in a new environment or quick status check.
function Get-HPEnclosure {
$URL = 'http://{0}/xmldata?item=All' -f $ComputerName
$Result = [xml](Invoke-RestMethod -Uri $URL -Method Get)
$Enclosure = [pscustomobject]@{
'Name' = $Result.RIMP.INFRA2.ENCL
'SerialNumber' = $Result.RIMP.INFRA2.ENCL_SN
'Rack' = $Result.RIMP.INFRA2.RACK
'ProductName' = $Result.RIMP.INFRA2.PN
'Diagnostics' = [pscustomobject]@{}
'FanStatus' = $Result.RIMP.INFRA2.FANS.STATUS
'FansRedundant' = if ($Result.RIMP.INFRA2.FANS.REDUNDANCY -eq 'REDUNDANT') {$true} else {$false}
'Power' = $Result.RIMP.INFRA2.POWER.TYPE
'PowerStatus' = $Result.RIMP.INFRA2.POWER.STATUS
'PowerRedundant' = if ($Result.RIMP.INFRA2.POWER.REDUNDANCY -eq 'REDUNDANT') {$true} else {$false}
'PowerSupplyNeed'= $Result.RIMP.INFRA2.POWER.NEEDED_PS
'PowerSupplyWant'= $Result.RIMP.INFRA2.POWER.WANTED_PS
'PowerOnFlag' = switch ($Result.RIMP.INFRA2.POWER.POWERONFLAG) { 'true' {$true}; 'false' {$false}}
'PowerSupplies' = @()
'Blades' = @()
'Switches' = @()
'OAs' = @()
Add-Member -InputObject $Enclosure -MemberType ScriptProperty -Name ArePowerSuppliesOK -Value {
@($this.PowerSupplies | Where { ($_.Status -ne 'OK')}).Count -eq 0
Add-Member -InputObject $Enclosure -MemberType ScriptProperty -Name AreBladesOK -Value {
@($this.Blades | Where { ($_.Status -ne 'OK') -and ($_.PowerState -ne 'OFF')}).Count -eq 0
Add-Member -InputObject $Enclosure -MemberType ScriptProperty -Name AreSwitchesOK -Value {
@($this.Switches | Where { ($_.Status -ne 'OK')}).Count -eq 0
Add-Member -InputObject $Enclosure -MemberType ScriptProperty -Name AreOAsOK -Value {
@($this.OAs | Where { ($_.Status -ne 'OK')}).Count -eq 0
$Result.RIMP.INFRA2.DIAG.ChildNodes | ForEach-Object {
if (($_.'#Text' -notin @('NOT_TESTED','NOT_RELEVANT')) -and ($_.Name -ne '#whitespace')) {
$MemberProperties = @{
'InputObject' = $Enclosure.Diagnostics
'MemberType' = 'NoteProperty'
'Name' = $_.Name.ToString()
'Value' = $_.'#Text'.ToString()
Add-Member @MemberProperties
$Enclosure.Blades += $Result.RIMP.INFRA2.BLADES.BLADE | ForEach-Object {
$Node = [pscustomobject]@{
'Type' = $_.TYPE
'Manufacturer' = $_.MANUFACTURER
'ProductName' = $_.SPN
'SerialNumber' = $_.BSN
'Status' = $_.STATUS
'UIDStatus' = $_.UIDSTATUS
'PowerState' = $_.POWER.POWERSTATE
'Diagnostics' = [pscustomobject]@{
'PowerConsumed'= $_.POWER.POWER_CONSUMED
'iLOIPAddress' = $_.MGMTIPADDR
'Mezzanine' = @(
$_.PORTMAP.MEZZ.DEVICE | ForEach-Object {
if ($_ -ne $null) {
'Name' = $_.NAME
'Type' = $_.TYPE
'Status' = $_.STATUS
'Ports' = $_.PORT
$_.DIAG.ChildNodes | ForEach-Object {
if (($_.'#Text' -notin @('NOT_TESTED','NOT_RELEVANT')) -and ($_.Name -ne '#whitespace')) {
$MemberProperties = @{
'InputObject' = $Node.Diagnostics
'MemberType' = 'NoteProperty'
'Name' = $_.Name.ToString()
'Value' = $_.'#Text'.ToString()
Add-Member @MemberProperties
$Enclosure.Switches += $Result.RIMP.INFRA2.SWITCHES.SWITCH | ForEach-Object {
$Node = [pscustomobject]@{
'Manufacturer' = $_.MANUFACTURER
'ProductName' = $_.SPN
'SerialNumber' = $_.BSN
'Status' = $_.STATUS
'UIDStatus' = $_.UIDSTATUS
'PowerState' = $_.POWER.POWERSTATE
'Diagnostics' = [pscustomobject]@{}
'ManagementIP' = $_.MGMTIPADDR
'ManagementURL'= $_.MGMTURL
$_.DIAG.ChildNodes | ForEach-Object {
if (($_.'#Text' -notin @('NOT_TESTED','NOT_RELEVANT')) -and ($_.Name -ne '#whitespace')) {
$MemberProperties = @{
'InputObject' = $Node.Diagnostics
'MemberType' = 'NoteProperty'
'Name' = $_.Name.ToString()
'Value' = $_.'#Text'.ToString()
Add-Member @MemberProperties
$Enclosure.OAs += $Result.RIMP.INFRA2.MANAGERS.MANAGER | ForEach-Object {
$Node = [pscustomobject]@{
'Manufacturer' = $_.MANUFACTURER
'Name' = $_.NAME
'Role' = $_.ROLE
'FirmwareVersion'= $_.FWRI
'WizardStatus' = $_.WIZARDSTATUS
'Status' = $_.STATUS
'UIDStatus' = $_.UIDSTATUS
'PowerState' = $_.POWER.POWERSTATE
'Diagnostics' = [pscustomobject]@{}
'ManagementIP' = $_.MGMTIPADDR
$_.DIAG.ChildNodes | ForEach-Object {
if (($_.'#Text' -notin @('NOT_TESTED','NOT_RELEVANT')) -and ($_.Name -ne '#whitespace')) {
$MemberProperties = @{
'InputObject' = $Node.Diagnostics
'MemberType' = 'NoteProperty'
'Name' = $_.Name.ToString()
'Value' = $_.'#Text'.ToString()
Add-Member @MemberProperties
$Enclosure.PowerSupplies += $Result.RIMP.INFRA2.POWER.POWERSUPPLY | ForEach-Object {
$Node = [pscustomobject]@{
'PartNumber' = $_.PN
'SerialNumber' = $_.SN
'Capacity' = $_.CAPACITY
'ActualOutput' = $_.ACTUALOUTPUT
'ACinput' = $_.ACINPUT
'Status' = $_.STATUS
'FirmwareVersion'= $_.FWRI
'Diagnostics' = [pscustomobject]@{}
$_.DIAG.ChildNodes | ForEach-Object {
if (($_.'#Text' -notin @('NOT_TESTED','NOT_RELEVANT')) -and ($_.Name -ne '#whitespace')) {
$MemberProperties = @{
'InputObject' = $Node.Diagnostics
'MemberType' = 'NoteProperty'
'Name' = $_.Name.ToString()
'Value' = $_.'#Text'.ToString()
Add-Member @MemberProperties
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