This is my take on learning go and experimenting with it, again.
Learning a new language is often times a lot of back and forth between I got it and hmm what's next?
It is easy to get started but what is past the hello-word.go
Is it a web server or is it a cli tool?
This is the never ending loop of being stuck on more hello world examples and more CRUD using different frameworks that I dont intend to use.
Sometimes it is difficult to do paradigm switching, but a working playground environment will make it easy to get it going and not get stuck. I hit my own share of roadblocks trying to learn go, hopefully this list will make it easy for someone else.
Let's not get stuck and get it going :)
- Official Tour : This is just the start. Download, Install, learn where the docs are.
- Lean X in Y Minutes : I dont have time for all this, I need to learn something in the next Y minutes.
- Go By Example : Learn Arrays, Slices, Maps, and everything again by example
- Have Go installed properly and start exploring with simple programs. I made a cli dictionary for fun to combine few of these things together based on what I learned from the basics.
- Ultimate Go Programming by William Kennedy Wowza
- Ultimate Go Programming, Second Edition
- Review one more time with more examples
- : Exercise based go with simple and bit size programs easy to understand and chew on.
- Just build something you would like to use and explore. I keep this up to the reader to explore what they like to do.
- An Introduction to Programming in Go : A little more in debth coverage with GO
- The Go Programming Language : I am more of a textbook guy, give me the chicken soup for my gopher soul
- Safari Books again : Oreilly really does have an outstanding library of books
- Insert your own book search here
- Slackbot maybe? How about a drone?
- 50 Shades of Go: Traps, Gotchas, and Common Mistakes for New Golang Devs
- Start : Explain it like I am 5. A simpler take on explaining Go and Go tool.
- Learn some real testing and debugging here
- Whatever it is, let's dockerize and deploy it.
- CI/CD with GO
- The Kubernetes Native Serverless Framework
- Open source, Kubernetes-native Serverless Framework
- Build stuff from scratch
- Insert your own discovery phase here
I know, I know. There is no perfect list. The only way to learn a new language is by exercise and practice. This is just a documented list of my journey on what was available when I started writing me some GO. Here are more resources: