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Last active July 16, 2020 15:46
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Read xml in OpenSubtitles format, output text intended for training machine learning models
#Read xml in OpenSubtitles format, output text intended for training machine learning models
import sys
from os import path
import time
import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET
if len(sys.argv) != 2:
print("Usage: "+ str(sys.argv[0]) + " input.xml")
input_xml_file = sys.argv[1]
if path.exists(input_xml_file) == False:
print("Error: "+ str(sys.argv[1]) + " not found")
root = ET.parse(input_xml_file).getroot()
all_s = root.findall('s')
previous_timestamp = 0
for type_tag in all_s:
all_time = type_tag.findall('time')
if len(all_time) > 0:
time_tag = all_time[-1]
value_time = time_tag.get('value')
ms = int(value_time.split(",")[1])
time_struct = time.strptime(value_time, "%H:%M:%S,%f")
timestamp = ((time_struct.tm_hour * 36000) + (time_struct.tm_min * 60) + (time_struct.tm_sec)) * 1000 + ms
#print('timestamp = ' + str(timestamp))
if previous_timestamp == 0:
previous_timestamp = timestamp
delta_timestamp = timestamp - previous_timestamp
previous_timestamp = timestamp
if delta_timestamp > 10000:
value_texts = type_tag.itertext()
print(''.join(value_texts).replace("\n", ""))
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