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Last active July 20, 2019 11:34
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Save NovemberDev/868f8fb8908fb76c43aaad28982f13e5 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
extends Node
var API = "http://localhost:5000/api"
var current_request = {}
var request_queue = []
var is_busy = false
var http
func _ready():
http =
http.connect("request_completed", self, "on_request_completed")
func enqueue_get(endpoint: String, callback: FuncRef):
enqueue_request(endpoint, null, HTTPClient.METHOD_GET, callback)
func enqueue_put(endpoint: String, data, callback: FuncRef):
enqueue_request(endpoint, data, HTTPClient.METHOD_PUT, callback)
func enqueue_post(endpoint: String, data, callback: FuncRef):
enqueue_request(endpoint, data, HTTPClient.METHOD_POST, callback)
func enqueue_request(endpoint: String, data, method, callback: FuncRef):
if data == null:
data = {}
endpoint = endpoint,
callback = callback,
data = JSON.print(data),
method = method
if !is_busy:
func on_request_completed(result, response_code, headers, body):
if response_code != 200:
print("response was " + str(response_code))
var res = body.get_string_from_utf8()
if res != "":
res = JSON.parse(res).result
res = null
if current_request.callback != null:
func do_requests():
if request_queue.size() > 0:
current_request = request_queue.pop_back()
var headers = [ "Content-Type: application/json" ]
if Globals.token != null:
if Globals.token.length() > 0:
headers.push_front("Authorization: Bearer " + Globals.token)
http.request(API + current_request.endpoint, headers, false, current_request.method,
is_busy = true
is_busy = false
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