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Created July 31, 2011 17:17
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Template Matrix class
// Default type traits for class Matrix
template <class type>
class DefaultMatrixTraits
static const type zero() { return (type)0; }
static const type one() { return (type)1; }
static const type two() { return (type)2; }
// Matrix
template <unsigned int rows, unsigned int columns, class _type=float, class _traits=DefaultMatrixTraits<_type> >
class Matrix
typedef _type type;
typedef _traits traits;
Matrix(type arg1=traits::zero(), type arg2=traits::zero(), type arg3=traits::zero(), type arg4=traits::zero(),
type arg5=traits::zero(), type arg6=traits::zero(), type arg7=traits::zero(), type arg8=traits::zero(),
type arg9=traits::zero(), type arg10=traits::zero(), type arg11=traits::zero(), type arg12=traits::zero(),
type arg13=traits::zero(), type arg14=traits::zero(), type arg15=traits::zero(), type arg16=traits::zero())
switch(rows * columns) {
case 16: matrix[15] = arg16;
case 15: matrix[14] = arg15;
case 14: matrix[13] = arg14;
case 13: matrix[12] = arg13;
case 12: matrix[11] = arg12;
case 11: matrix[10] = arg11;
case 10: matrix[9] = arg10;
case 9: matrix[8] = arg9;
case 8: matrix[7] = arg8;
case 7: matrix[6] = arg7;
case 6: matrix[5] = arg6;
case 5: matrix[4] = arg5;
case 4: matrix[3] = arg4;
case 3: matrix[2] = arg3;
case 2: matrix[1] = arg2;
case 1: matrix[0] = arg1;
// Construction from value array
Matrix(const type *values)
*this = values;
// Assignment of value array
Matrix<rows, columns, type> operator=(const type *values)
for(unsigned int i=0; i<rows*columns; ++i) {
matrix[i] = values[i];
return *this;
// Element access
type &operator()(const unsigned int row, const unsigned int column=0)
return matrix[row + column*rows];
type operator()(const unsigned int row, const unsigned int column=0) const
return matrix[row + column*rows];
// Comparison
bool operator ==(const Matrix<rows, columns, type> &val) const
for(unsigned int i=0; i<rows*columns; ++i) {
if(matrix[i] != val.matrix[i]) {
return false;
return true;
bool operator !=(const Matrix<rows, columns, type> &val) const
for(unsigned int i=0; i<rows*columns; ++i) {
if(matrix[i] != val.matrix[i]) {
return true;
return false;
// Cast
template <class other_type> operator Matrix<rows, columns, other_type>()
Matrix<rows, columns, other_type> ret;
for(unsigned int i=0; i<rows*columns; ++i) {
#pragma warning( push )
#pragma warning( disable : 4244 )
ret(i) = (other_type)matrix[i];
#pragma warning( pop )
return ret;
// Addition / Subtraction
void operator +=(const Matrix<rows, columns, type> &val)
for(unsigned int i=0; i<rows*columns; ++i) {
matrix[i] += val.matrix[i];
void operator -=(const Matrix<rows, columns, type> &val)
for(unsigned int i=0; i<rows*columns; ++i) {
matrix[i] -= val.matrix[i];
Matrix<rows, columns, type> operator +(const Matrix<rows, columns, type> &val) const
Matrix<rows, columns, type> ret;
for(unsigned int i=0; i<rows*columns; ++i) {
ret.matrix[i]+= matrix[i] + val.matrix[i];
return ret;
friend Matrix<rows, columns, type> operator -(const Matrix<rows, columns, type> &a, const Matrix<rows, columns, type> &b)
Matrix<rows, columns, type> ret;
for(unsigned int i=0; i<rows*columns; ++i) {
ret.matrix[i] = a.matrix[i] - b.matrix[i];
return ret;
// Prefix + and -
Matrix<rows, columns, type> operator +() const
return *this;
Matrix<rows, columns, type> operator -() const
return -traits::one() * (*this);
// Scalar multiplication
void operator *=(type scalar) {
for(unsigned int i=0; i<columns*rows;++i)
matrix[i] *= scalar;
friend Matrix<rows, columns, type> operator *(const Matrix<rows, columns, type> &mat, const type scalar)
Matrix<rows, columns, type> ret;
for(unsigned int i=0; i<rows*columns; ++i) {
ret.matrix[i] = mat.matrix[i] * scalar;
return ret;
friend Matrix<rows, columns, type> operator *(const type scalar, const Matrix<rows, columns, type> &mat)
Matrix<rows, columns, type> ret;
for(unsigned int i=0; i<rows*columns; ++i) {
ret.matrix[i] = mat.matrix[i] * scalar;
return ret;
// Scalar division
Matrix<rows, columns, type> operator /(const type scalar) const
Matrix<rows, columns, type> ret;
type rec = traits::one() / scalar;
for(unsigned int i=0; i<rows*columns; ++i) {
ret.matrix[i] = matrix[i] * rec;
return ret;
Matrix<rows, columns, type> operator /(const Matrix<rows, columns, type> &val) const
Matrix<rows, columns, type> ret;
for(unsigned int i=0; i<rows*columns; ++i) {
ret.matrix[i] = matrix[i] / val.matrix[i];
return ret;
void operator /=(const type scalar)
type rec = traits::one() / scalar;
for(unsigned int i=0; i<rows*columns; ++i) {
matrix[i] *= rec;
// Scaling
void scale(Matrix<rows, columns, type> &val)
for(unsigned int i=0; i<rows*columns; ++i) {
matrix[i] *= val.matrix[i];
// Vector functions
type length() const
type sqr_sum = traits::zero();
for(unsigned int i=0; i<rows; ++i) {
sqr_sum += matrix[i] * matrix[i];
return sqrt(sqr_sum);
Matrix<rows, columns, type> normalize()
*this /= length();
return *this;
// Matrix functions
Matrix<rows, columns, type> setIdentity()
for(unsigned int row=0; row < rows; ++row) {
for(unsigned int column=0; column < columns; ++column) {
(*this)(column, row) = (row == column) ? traits::one() : traits::zero();
return *this;
Matrix<columns, rows, type> transpose() const
Matrix<columns, rows, type> ret;
for(unsigned int row=0; row<rows; ++row) {
for(unsigned int column=0; column<columns; ++column) {
ret(column, row) = (*this)(row, column);
return ret;
// basic_string output
operator std::string() const
using boost::lexical_cast;
using std::string;
if(columns > 1 && rows > 1) {
string ret = "Matrix:\n/ ";
for(unsigned int row=0; row<rows; ++row) {
if(row != 0) {
ret += "| ";
for(unsigned int column=0; column<columns; ++column) {
ret += lexical_cast<string>((*this)(row, column));
if(column < columns - 1) {
ret += " ";
if(row < rows - 1) {
ret += " |\n";
ret += " /";
return ret;
else if(rows == 1) {
string ret = "Vector: ( ";
for(unsigned int row=0; row<rows; ++row) {
ret += lexical_cast<string>((*this)(row)) + " ";
ret += ")";
return ret;
else {
string ret = "Row Vector: ( ";
for(unsigned int column=0; column<columns; ++column) {
ret += lexical_cast<string>((*this)(1, column)) + " ";
ret += ")";
return ret;
operator std::wstring() const
std::string str = (std::string)*this;
return boost::lexical_cast<std::wstring>(str.c_str());
type matrix[rows * columns];
// ostream output
template <unsigned int rows, unsigned int columns, class type>
std::ostream &operator <<(std::ostream &os, const Matrix<rows, columns, type> &mat)
os << "Matrix:" << std::endl << "/ ";
for(unsigned int row=0; row<rows; ++row) {
if(row != 0) {
os << "| ";
for(unsigned int column=0; column<columns; ++column) {
os << mat(row, column);
if(column < columns - 1) {
os << " ";
if(row < rows - 1) {
os << " |" << std::endl;
os << " /";
return os;
// Column vector ostream output
template <unsigned int rows, class type>
std::ostream &operator <<(std::ostream &os, const Matrix<rows, 1, type> &vec)
os << "Vector: ( ";
for(unsigned int row=0; row<rows; ++row) {
os << vec(row) << " ";
os << ")";
return os;
// Row vector ostream output
template <unsigned int columns, class type>
std::ostream &operator <<(std::ostream &os, const Matrix<1, columns, type> &vec)
os << "Row Vector: ( ";
for(unsigned int column=0; column<columns; ++column) {
os << vec(0, column) << " ";
os << ")";
return os;
// Matrix Multiplication
template <class type, class a_type, class b_type, class traits, unsigned int a_rows, unsigned int a_columns_b_rows, unsigned int b_columns>
inline Matrix<a_rows, b_columns, type, traits> matrix_mult(const Matrix<a_rows, a_columns_b_rows, a_type> &a, const Matrix<a_columns_b_rows, b_columns, b_type> &b)
Matrix<a_rows, b_columns, type, traits> result;
for(unsigned int row=0; row<a_rows; ++row) {
for(unsigned int column=0; column<b_columns; ++column) {
result(row, column) = traits::zero();
for(unsigned int i=0; i<a_columns_b_rows; ++i) {
result(row, column) += a(row, i) * b(i, column);
return result;
template <class type, unsigned int a_rows, unsigned int a_columns_b_rows, unsigned int b_columns>
inline Matrix<a_rows, b_columns, type> operator *(const Matrix<a_rows, a_columns_b_rows, type> &a, const Matrix<a_columns_b_rows, b_columns, type> &b)
return matrix_mult<type, type, type, DefaultMatrixTraits<type> >(a, b);
// Typedefs
typedef Matrix<2, 2> Matrix22;
typedef Matrix<2, 2, double> Matrix22d;
typedef Matrix<2, 2, int> Matrix22i;
typedef Matrix<3, 3> Matrix33;
typedef Matrix<3, 3, double> Matrix33d;
typedef Matrix<3, 3, int> Matrix33i;
typedef Matrix<4, 4> Matrix44;
typedef Matrix<4, 4, double> Matrix44d;
typedef Matrix<4, 4, int> Matrix44i;
typedef Matrix<2, 1> Vector2;
typedef Matrix<2, 1, double> Vector2d;
typedef Matrix<2, 1, int> Vector2i;
typedef Matrix<3, 1> Vector3;
typedef Matrix<3, 1, double> Vector3d;
typedef Matrix<3, 1, int> Vector3i;
typedef Matrix<4, 1> Vector4;
typedef Matrix<4, 1, double> Vector4d;
typedef Matrix<4, 1, int> Vector4i;
// Cross product
template <class type, class type_a, class type_b>
type cross_product(const Matrix<2, 1, type_a> &a, const Matrix<2, 1, type_b> &b)
return a(0) * b(1) - a(1) * b(0);
template <class type, class type_a, class type_b>
inline Matrix<3, 1, type> cross_product(const Matrix<3, 1, type_a> &a, const Matrix<3, 1, type_b> &b)
Matrix<3, 1, type> ret;
ret(0) = a(1) * b(2) - a(2) * b(1);
ret(1) = a(2) * b(0) - a(0) * b(2);
ret(2) = a(0) * b(1) - a(1) * b(0);
return ret;
template <class type> type cross(const Matrix<2, 1, type> &a, const Matrix<2, 1, type> &b)
return cross_product<type>(a, b);
template <class type>
inline Matrix<3, 1, type> cross(const Matrix<3, 1, type> &a, const Matrix<3, 1, type> &b)
return cross_product<type>(a, b);
// Dot product
template <class type, class type_a, class type_b, class traits, unsigned int dim>
inline type dot_product(const Matrix<dim, 1, type_a> &a, const Matrix<dim, 1, type_b> &b)
type ret = traits::zero();
for(unsigned int i=0; i<dim; ++i) {
ret += (type)a(i) * (type)b(i);
return ret;
template <class type, class type_a, class type_b, unsigned int dim>
inline type dot_product(const Matrix<dim, 1, type_a> &a, const Matrix<dim, 1, type_b> &b)
return dot_product<type, type_a, type_b, DefaultMatrixTraits<type>, dim>(a, b);
template <class type, unsigned int dim>
inline type operator *(const Matrix<dim, 1, type> &a, const Matrix<dim, 1, type> &b)
return dot_product<type>(a, b);
// Determinant
template <class type>
inline type det(const Matrix<1, 1, type> &m)
return m(0, 0);
template <class type>
inline type det(const Matrix<2, 2, type> &m)
return m(0, 0) * m(1, 1) - m(0, 1) * m(1, 0);
template <class type>
inline type det(const Matrix<3, 3, type> &m)
return m(0, 0) * m(1, 1) * m(2, 2) + m(0, 1) * m(1, 2) * m(2, 0) + m(0, 2) * m(1, 0) * m(2, 1)
- m(0, 2) * m(1, 1) * m(2, 0) - m(0, 1) * m(1, 0) * m(2, 2) - m(0, 0) * m(1, 2) * m(2, 1);
template <class type, unsigned int dim, class traits>
inline type det(const Matrix<dim, dim, type, traits> &m)
// Compute determinant recursively
type sign = traits::one();
type ret = traits::zero();
for(unsigned int i = 0; i < dim; ++i) {
// Construct sub matrix
Matrix<dim - 1, dim - 1, type, traits> sub_matrix;
for(unsigned int src_col = 1; src_col < dim; ++src_col) {
const unsigned int dst_col = src_col - 1;
for(unsigned int src_row = 0, dst_row=0; src_row < dim; ++src_row) {
if(src_row != i) {
sub_matrix(dst_row, dst_col) = m(src_row, src_col);
type a = m(i, 0);
ret += sign * a * det(sub_matrix);
sign *= -traits::one();
return ret;
// Cofactor matrix
template <class type, unsigned int dim, class traits>
inline Matrix<dim, dim, type, traits> cofactor(const Matrix<dim, dim, type, traits> &m)
Matrix<dim, dim, type, traits> ret;
type sign = traits::one();
for(unsigned int row = 0; row < dim; ++row) {
for(unsigned int column = 0; column < dim; ++column) {
Matrix<dim - 1, dim - 1, type, traits> sub_matrix;
for(unsigned int src_row = 0, dst_row = 0; src_row < dim; ++src_row) {
if(src_row != row) {
for(unsigned int src_column = 0, dst_column = 0; src_column < dim; ++src_column) {
if(src_column != column) {
sub_matrix(dst_row, dst_column) = m(src_row, src_column);
ret(row, column) = sign * det(sub_matrix);
sign *= -traits::one();
sign *= -traits::one();
return ret;
// Adjoint matrix
template <class type, unsigned int dim, class traits>
inline Matrix<dim, dim, type, traits> adjoint(const Matrix<dim, dim, type, traits> &m)
Matrix<dim, dim, type, traits> ret;
type sign = traits::one();
for(unsigned int row = 0; row < dim; ++row) {
for(unsigned int column = 0; column < dim; ++column) {
Matrix<dim - 1, dim - 1, type, traits> sub_matrix;
for(unsigned int src_row = 0, dst_row = 0; src_row < dim; ++src_row) {
if(src_row != row) {
for(unsigned int src_column = 0, dst_column = 0; src_column < dim; ++src_column) {
if(src_column != column) {
sub_matrix(dst_row, dst_column) = m(src_row, src_column);
ret(column, row) = sign * det(sub_matrix);
sign *= -traits::one();
sign *= -traits::one();
return ret;
// Matrix inverse
template <class type, class traits>
inline Matrix<1, 1, type, traits> inverse(const Matrix<1, 1, type, traits> &m)
return Matrix<1, 1, type, traits>(traits::one() / m(0));
template <class type, class traits>
inline Matrix<2, 2, type, traits> inverse(const Matrix<2, 2, type, traits> &m)
const type one_over_det = traits::one() / det(m);
const Matrix<2, 2, type, traits> ret(m(1, 1), -m(1, 0), -m(0, 1), m(0, 0));
return one_over_det * ret;
template <class type, class traits>
inline Matrix<3, 3, type, traits> inverse(const Matrix<3, 3, type, traits> &m)
const type one_over_det = traits::one() / det(m);
Matrix<3, 3, type, traits> ret;
ret(0, 0) = m(1, 1) * m(2, 2) - m(1, 2) * m(2, 1);
ret(1, 0) = m(1, 2) * m(2, 0) - m(1, 0) * m(2, 2);
ret(2, 0) = m(1, 0) * m(2, 1) - m(1, 1) * m(2, 0);
ret(0, 1) = m(0, 2) * m(2, 1) - m(0, 1) * m(2, 2);
ret(1, 1) = m(0, 0) * m(2, 2) - m(0, 2) * m(2, 0);
ret(2, 1) = m(0, 1) * m(2, 0) - m(0, 0) * m(2, 1);
ret(0, 2) = m(0, 1) * m(1, 2) - m(0, 2) * m(1, 1);
ret(1, 2) = m(0, 2) * m(1, 0) - m(0, 0) * m(1, 2);
ret(2, 2) = m(0, 0) * m(1, 1) - m(0, 1) * m(1, 0);
return one_over_det * ret;
template <class type, unsigned int dim, class traits>
inline Matrix<dim, dim, type, traits> inverse(const Matrix<dim, dim, type, traits> &m)
const type one_over_det = traits::one() / det(m);
const Matrix<dim, dim, type, traits> ret = adjoint(m);
return one_over_det * ret;
// Angle
template <class type, unsigned int dim>
inline type angle_between(Matrix<dim, 1, type> a, Matrix<dim, 1, type> b)
float angle = acos(a.normalize() * b.normalize());
// Check for NaNs and infinities
return (angle != angle) ? 0.0f : angle;
// Scale
template <class type, unsigned int dim>
inline Matrix<dim, 1, type> scale_vec(Matrix<dim, 1, type> a, Matrix<dim, 1, type> b)
Matrix<dim, 1, type> ret;
for(unsigned int i=0; i<dim; ++i) {
ret(i) = a(i) * b(i);
return ret;
template <class type, unsigned int columns, unsigned int rows>
inline Matrix<columns, rows, type> lerp(Matrix<columns, rows, type> a, Matrix<columns, rows, type> b, type factor)
return a + (b - a) * factor;
// X Rotation Matrix
template <class type, class traits>
Matrix<4, 4, type, traits> xRotationMatrix44(type angle)
Matrix<4, 4, type, traits> matrix;
const type zero = traits::zero();
const type one = traits::one();
matrix(0, 0) = one; matrix(0, 1) = zero; matrix(0, 2) = zero; matrix(0, 3) = zero;
matrix(1, 0) = zero; matrix(1, 1) = cos(angle); matrix(1, 2) = -sin(angle); matrix(1, 3) = zero;
matrix(2, 0) = zero; matrix(2, 1) = sin(angle); matrix(2, 2) = cos(angle); matrix(2, 3) = zero;
matrix(3, 0) = zero; matrix(3, 1) = zero; matrix(3, 2) = zero; matrix(3, 3) = one;
return matrix;
template <class type>
Matrix<4, 4, type> xRotationMatrix44(type angle)
return xRotationMatrix44<type, DefaultMatrixTraits<type> >(angle);
template <class type, class traits>
Matrix<3, 3, type, traits> xRotationMatrix33(type angle)
Matrix<3, 3, type, traits> matrix;
const type zero = traits::zero();
const type one = traits::one();
matrix(0, 0) = one; matrix(0, 1) = zero; matrix(0, 2) = zero;
matrix(1, 0) = zero; matrix(1, 1) = cos(angle); matrix(1, 2) = -sin(angle);
matrix(2, 0) = zero; matrix(2, 1) = sin(angle); matrix(2, 2) = cos(angle);
return matrix;
template <class type>
Matrix<3, 3, type> xRotationMatrix33(type angle)
return xRotationMatrix33<type, DefaultMatrixTraits<type> >(angle);
// Y Rotation Matrix
template <class type, class traits>
Matrix<4, 4, type, traits> yRotationMatrix44(type angle)
Matrix<4, 4, type, traits> matrix;
const type zero = traits::zero();
const type one = traits::one();
matrix(0, 0) = cos(angle); matrix(0, 1) = zero; matrix(0, 2) = sin(angle); matrix(0, 3) = zero;
matrix(1, 0) = zero; matrix(1, 1) = one; matrix(1, 2) = zero; matrix(1, 3) = zero;
matrix(2, 0) = -sin(angle); matrix(2, 1) = zero; matrix(2, 2) = cos(angle); matrix(2, 3) = zero;
matrix(3, 0) = zero; matrix(3, 1) = zero; matrix(3, 2) = zero; matrix(3, 3) = one;
return matrix;
template <class type>
Matrix<4, 4, type> yRotationMatrix44(type angle)
return yRotationMatrix44<type, DefaultMatrixTraits<type> >(angle);
template <class type, class traits>
Matrix<3, 3, type, traits> yRotationMatrix33(type angle)
Matrix<3, 3, type, traits> matrix;
const type zero = traits::zero();
const type one = traits::one();
matrix(0, 0) = cos(angle); matrix(0, 1) = zero; matrix(0, 2) = sin(angle);
matrix(1, 0) = zero; matrix(1, 1) = one; matrix(1, 2) = zero;
matrix(2, 0) = -sin(angle); matrix(2, 1) = zero; matrix(2, 2) = cos(angle);
return matrix;
template <class type>
Matrix<3, 3, type> yRotationMatrix33(type angle)
return yRotationMatrix33<type, DefaultMatrixTraits<type> >(angle);
// Z Rotation Matrix
template <class type, class traits>
Matrix<4, 4, type, traits> zRotationMatrix44(type angle)
Matrix<4, 4, type, traits> matrix;
const type zero = traits::zero();
const type one = traits::one();
matrix(0, 0) = cos(angle); matrix(0, 1) = -sin(angle); matrix(0, 2) = zero; matrix(0, 3) = zero;
matrix(1, 0) = sin(angle); matrix(1, 1) = cos(angle); matrix(1, 2) = zero; matrix(1, 3) = zero;
matrix(2, 0) = zero; matrix(2, 1) = zero; matrix(2, 2) = one; matrix(2, 3) = zero;
matrix(3, 0) = zero; matrix(3, 1) = zero; matrix(3, 2) = zero; matrix(3, 3) = one;
return matrix;
template <class type>
Matrix<4, 4, type> zRotationMatrix44(type angle)
return zRotationMatrix44<type, DefaultMatrixTraits<type> >(angle);
template <class type, class traits>
Matrix<3, 3, type, traits> zRotationMatrix33(type angle)
Matrix<3, 3, type, traits> matrix;
const type zero = traits::zero();
const type one = traits::one();
matrix(0, 0) = cos(angle); matrix(0, 1) = -sin(angle); matrix(0, 2) = zero;
matrix(1, 0) = sin(angle); matrix(1, 1) = cos(angle); matrix(1, 2) = zero;
matrix(2, 0) = zero; matrix(2, 1) = zero; matrix(2, 2) = one;
return matrix;
template <class type>
Matrix<3, 3, type> zRotationMatrix33(type angle)
return zRotationMatrix33<type, DefaultMatrixTraits<type> >(angle);
template <class type, class traits>
Matrix<2, 2, type, traits> zRotationMatrix22(type angle)
Matrix<2, 2, type, traits> matrix;
matrix(0, 0) = cos(angle); matrix(0, 1) = -sin(angle);
matrix(1, 0) = sin(angle); matrix(1, 1) = cos(angle);
return matrix;
template <class type>
Matrix<2, 2, type> zRotationMatrix22(type angle)
return zRotationMatrix22<type, DefaultMatrixTraits<type> >(angle);
// Arbitrary Rotation Matrix
template <class type, class traits>
Matrix<4, 4, type, traits> arbitaryRotationMatrix44(type angle, Matrix<3, 1, type, traits> axis)
Matrix<4, 4, type, traits> matrix;
const type c = cos(angle);
const type s = sin(angle);
const type zero = traits::zero();
const type one = traits::one();
matrix(0, 0) = c + axis(0) * axis(0) * (zero-c);
matrix(0, 1) = axis(0) * axis(1) * (zero-c) - axis(2)*s;
matrix(0, 2) = axis(0) * axis(2) * (zero-c) + axis(1)*s;
matrix(0, 3) = zero;
matrix(1, 0) = axis(0) * axis(1) * (zero-c) + axis(2)*s;
matrix(1, 1) = c + axis(1) * axis(1) * (1-c);
matrix(1, 2) = axis(1) * axis(2) * (zero-c) - axis(0)*s;
matrix(1, 3) = zero;
matrix(2, 0) = axis(0) * axis(2) * (zero-c) - axis(1)*s;
matrix(2, 1) = axis(1) * axis(2) * (zero-c) + axis(0)*s;
matrix(2, 2) = c + axis(2) * axis(2) * (zero-c);
matrix(2, 3) = zero;
matrix(3, 0) = zero;
matrix(3, 1) = zero;
matrix(3, 2) = zero;
matrix(3, 3) = one;
return matrix;
template <class type>
Matrix<4, 4, type> arbitaryRotationMatrix44(type angle, Matrix<3, 1, type> axis)
return arbitaryRotationMatrix44<type, DefaultMatrixTraits<type> >(angle, axis);
template <class type>
Matrix<3, 3, type> arbitaryRotationMatrix33(type angle, Matrix<3, 1, type> axis)
Matrix<3, 3, type> matrix;
const type c = cos(angle);
const type s = sin(angle);
matrix(0, 0) = c + axis(0) * axis(0) * (1-c);
matrix(0, 1) = axis(0) * axis(1) * (1-c) - axis(2)*s;
matrix(0, 2) = axis(0) * axis(2) * (1-c) + axis(1)*s;
matrix(1, 0) = axis(0) * axis(1) * (1-c) + axis(2)*s;
matrix(1, 1) = c + axis(1) * axis(1) * (1-c);
matrix(1, 2) = axis(1) * axis(2) * (1-c) - axis(0)*s;
matrix(2, 0) = axis(0) * axis(2) * (1-c) - axis(1)*s;
matrix(2, 1) = axis(1) * axis(2) * (1-c) + axis(0)*s;
matrix(2, 2) = c + axis(2) * axis(2)*(1-c);
return matrix;
// Scaling matrices
template <class type, class traits>
Matrix<2, 2, type, traits> scaleMatrix22(Matrix<2, 1, type> scaling)
Matrix<2, 2, type, traits> matrix;
const type zero = traits::zero();
const type one = traits::one();
matrix(0, 0) = scaling(0); matrix(0, 1) = zero;
matrix(1, 0) = zero; matrix(1, 1) = scaling(1);
return matrix;
template <class type>
Matrix<2, 2, type> scaleMatrix22(Matrix<2, 1, type> scaling)
return scaleMatrix22<type, DefaultMatrixTraits<type> >(scaling);
template <class type, class traits>
Matrix<3, 3, type, traits> scaleMatrix33(Matrix<3, 1, type> scaling)
Matrix<3, 3, type, traits> matrix;
const type zero = traits::zero();
const type one = traits::one();
matrix(0, 0) = scaling(0); matrix(0, 1) = zero; matrix(0, 2) = zero;
matrix(1, 0) = zero; matrix(1, 1) = scaling(1); matrix(1, 2) = zero;
matrix(2, 0) = zero; matrix(2, 1) = zero; matrix(2, 2) = scaling(2);
return matrix;
template <class type>
Matrix<3, 3, type> scaleMatrix33(Matrix<3, 1, type> scaling)
return scaleMatrix33<type, DefaultMatrixTraits<type> >(scaling);
template <class type, class traits>
Matrix<4, 4, type, traits> scaleMatrix44(Matrix<3, 1, type> scaling)
Matrix<4, 4, type, traits> matrix;
const type zero = traits::zero();
const type one = traits::one();
matrix(0, 0) = scaling(0); matrix(0, 1) = zero; matrix(0, 2) = zero; matrix(0, 3) = zero;
matrix(1, 0) = zero; matrix(1, 1) = scaling(1); matrix(1, 2) = zero; matrix(1, 3) = zero;
matrix(2, 0) = zero; matrix(2, 1) = zero; matrix(2, 2) = scaling(2); matrix(2, 3) = zero;
matrix(3, 0) = zero; matrix(3, 1) = zero; matrix(3, 2) = zero; matrix(3, 3) = one;
return matrix;
template <class type>
Matrix<4, 4, type> scaleMatrix44(Matrix<3, 1, type> scaling)
return scaleMatrix44<type, DefaultMatrixTraits<type> >(scaling);
// Projection matrices
template <class type, class traits>
Matrix<4, 4, type, traits> projectionMatrix(type fov, type aspect_ratio, type znear, type zfar)
Matrix<4, 4, type, traits> ret;
const type zero = traits::zero();
const type one = traits::one();
const type two = traits::two();
const float scaley = one / tan(fov / two);
const float scalex = scaley / aspect_ratio;
// x = scalex
ret(0, 0) = scalex;
// y = scaley
ret(1, 1) = scaley;
// z = zfar/(zfar-znear)*z' -znear*zfar/(zfar-znear)*w'
ret(2, 2) = zfar/(zfar-znear);
ret(2, 3) = -znear*zfar/(zfar-znear);
// w = z'
ret(3, 2) = one;
ret(3, 3) = zero;
return ret;
template <class type>
Matrix<4, 4, type> projectionMatrix(type fov, type aspect_ratio, type znear, type zfar)
return projectionMatrix<type, DefaultMatrixTraits<type> >(fov, aspect_ratio, znear, zfar);
template <class type>
Matrix<4, 4, type> orthoMatrix(type left, type right, type bottom, type top, type znear, type zfar)
Matrix<4, 4, type> ret;
// x = 2.0f/(right-left)*x' - (right+left)/(right-left)
ret(0, 0) = 2.0f/(right-left);
ret(0, 3) = -(right+left)/(right-left);
// y = 2.0f/(top-bottom)*y' - (top+bottom)/(top-bottom)
ret(1, 1) = 2.0f/(top-bottom);
ret(1, 3) = -(top+bottom)/(top-bottom);
// z = -2.0f/(zfar-znear)*z' - (zfar+znear)/(zfar-znear)
ret(2, 2) = -2.0f/(zfar-znear);
ret(2, 3) = -(zfar+znear)/(zfar-znear);
return ret;
template <class type>
Matrix<3, 3, type> translationMatrix2D(Matrix<2, 1, type> translation)
Matrix<3, 3, type> ret;
ret(0, 2) = translation(0);
ret(1, 2) = translation(1);
return ret;
template <class type>
Matrix<4, 4, type> translationMatrix3D(Matrix<3, 1, type> translation)
Matrix<4, 4, type> ret;
ret(0, 3) = translation(0);
ret(1, 3) = translation(1);
ret(2, 3) = translation(2);
return ret;
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