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Last active September 1, 2024 01:26
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  • Save Nullcaller/ec00480aa8ef9cf20d0f8835eff52896 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save Nullcaller/ec00480aa8ef9cf20d0f8835eff52896 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
A RouterOS v7.8-compatible script for automatic generation of an address list containing all Facebook CDN addresses required for maintaining a normal connection from the DNS cache entries. Designed for decent stability and low CPU usage spikes. This is a combination of scripts by @jgrossiord and @ZloyXEP with some additions.
:foreach i in=[/ip dns cache find] do={
# Turn this on while turning off other delays for ease of manual use. Don't forget to reenable later.
# :delay delay-time=5ms;
:delay delay-time=50ms;
:local cacheName [/ip dns cache all get $i name];
:local cacheType [/ip dns cache all get $i type];
:if (($cacheType="A" or $cacheType="CNAME") and (($cacheName~"^([0-9A-Za-z\\-]*\\.)*facebook(\\.[0-9A-Za-z\\-]*)*\\.?\$") or ($cacheName~"^([0-9A-Za-z\\-]*\\.)*fbcdn(\\.[0-9A-Za-z\\-]*)*\\.?\$") or ($cacheName~"^([0-9A-Za-z\\-]*\\.)*fbstatic(\\.[0-9A-Za-z\\-]*)*\\.?\$") or ($cacheName~"^([0-9A-Za-z\\-]*\\.)*fbexternal(\\.[0-9A-Za-z\\-]*)*\\.?\$"))) do={
# IP-based rule
:if ($cacheType="A") do={
:local cacheData [/ip dns cache all get $i data];
:local record [/ip firewall address-list find where (address=$cacheData) and (list=vpn_loopback_sites_dynamic)];
# One day I just randomly found in the list. I'm not sure how it got there, so I introduced this safety measure.
:if (($cacheData~"^0\\.") or ($cacheData~"^10\\.") or ($cacheData~"^127\\.") or ($cacheData~"^192\\.168\\.")) do={
:put ("script tried putting $cacheData into the address list, was prevented");
} else={
:if ($record="") do={
:put ("add: $cacheName $cacheType $cacheData");
/ip firewall address-list add address=$cacheData comment=$cacheName timeout=14d list=vpn_loopback_sites_dynamic
} else={
:put ("renew: $cacheName $cacheType $cacheData");
/ip firewall address-list set $record timeout=14d;
# Domain-based rule
:if ($cacheType="A") do={
:local record [/ip firewall address-list find where (address=$cacheName) and (list=vpn_loopback_sites_dynamic)];
:if ($record="") do={
:put ("add: $cacheName $cacheType");
/ip firewall address-list add address=$cacheName timeout=14d list=vpn_loopback_sites_dynamic
} else={
:put ("renew: $cacheName $cacheType");
/ip firewall address-list set $record timeout=14d;
:if ($cacheType="CNAME") do={
:local cacheData [/ip dns cache all get $i data];
:local record [/ip firewall address-list find where (address=$cacheData) and (list=vpn_loopback_sites_dynamic)];
:if ($record="") do={
:put ("add: $cacheName $cacheType $cacheData");
/ip firewall address-list add address=$cacheData comment=$cacheName timeout=14d list=vpn_loopback_sites_dynamic
} else={
:put ("renew: $cacheName $cacheType $cacheData");
/ip firewall address-list set $record timeout=14d;
:local record [/ip firewall address-list find where (address=$cacheName) and (list=vpn_loopback_sites_dynamic)];
:if ($record="") do={
:put ("add: $cacheName $cacheType");
/ip firewall address-list add address=$cacheName timeout=14d list=vpn_loopback_sites_dynamic
} else={
:put ("renew: $cacheName $cacheType");
/ip firewall address-list set $record timeout=14d;
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I may or may not make a similar script for YouTube myself in the future, though.

I'm afraid I won't figure it out myself(
I ask for help, in the current situation of YouTube blocking, I'm looking for the best solution to this problem through Mikrotik, Thanks in advance, I'll be waiting impatiently!!!

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