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Last active March 18, 2021 13:43
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Spigot Configuration Boilerplate for Kotlin
package de.nycode.fynixlobby.config
import de.nycode.fynixlobby.PluginInstance
import de.nycode.fynixlobby.config.feature.LobbyWeatherType
import kotlin.reflect.KProperty
typealias ChangeListener<T> = (newValue: T) -> Unit
fun config(path: String, default: String): ConfigurationProperty<String> =
ConfigurationProperty(path, { it }, default)
fun <T> config(path: String, default: T, transform: (String) -> T): ConfigurationProperty<T> =
ConfigurationProperty(path, transform, default)
class ConfigurationProperty<T>(
private val configPath: String,
private val transform: (String) -> T?,
private val default: T,
private var onChange: ChangeListener<T> = { _ -> }
) : ReadWriteProperty<Any, T> {
fun onChange(listener: ChangeListener<T>): ConfigurationProperty<T> {
onChange = listener
return this
init {
if (PluginInstance.config.get(configPath) == null) {
PluginInstance.config.set(configPath, default)
override fun setValue(thisRef: Any, property: KProperty<*>, value: T) {
PluginInstance.config.set(configPath, value)
override fun getValue(thisRef: Any, property: KProperty<*>): T {
return transform(PluginInstance.config.getString(configPath) ?: return default) ?: default
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