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Created July 14, 2019 09:48
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vec3 sundir;
vec3 I_R, I_M;
vec2 totalDepthRM;
// consts
const vec3 rayScatterCoeff = vec3(58e-7, 135e-7, 331e-7);
const vec3 rayEffectiveCoeff = rayScatterCoeff; // Rayleight doesn't absorb light
const vec3 mieScatterCoeff = vec3(2e-5);
const vec3 mieEffectiveCoeff = mieScatterCoeff * 1.1; // Approximate absorption as a factor of scattering
const vec3 sunIntensity = vec3(7); // sun is modelled as infinitely far away
const float earthRadius = 6360e3;
const float atmosphereRadius = 6380e3;
const float hRay = 8e3;
const float hMie = 12e2;
const vec3 center = vec3(0., -earthRadius, 0.); // earth center point
// Basically a ray-sphere intersection. Find distance to where rays escapes a sphere with given radius.
// Used to calculate length at which ray escapes atmosphere
float escape(vec3 p, vec3 d, float R) {
vec3 v = p - center;
float b = dot(v, d);
float det = b * b - dot(v, v) + R*R;
if (det < 0.) return -1.;
det = sqrt(det);
float t1 = -b - det, t2 = -b + det;
return (t1 >= 0.) ? t1 : t2;
vec2 densitiesRM (vec3 p) {
float h = max(0.,length(p - center) - earthRadius);
return vec2(exp(-h/hRay), exp(-h/hMie));
vec2 scatterDepthInt (vec3 o, vec3 d, float L, float steps) {
// Approximate sampling the middle
// return densitiesRM (o + d * (L / 2.)) * L;
// Approximate by combining 2 samples
return (densitiesRM (o) * (L / 2.) + densitiesRM (o + d * L) * (L / 2.));
// Integrate
// Accumulator
vec2 depthRMs = vec2(0.);
// Set L to be step distance and pre-multiply d with it
L /= steps; d *= L;
// Go from point P to A
for (float i = 0.; i < steps; ++i)
// Simply accumulate densities
depthRMs += densitiesRM(o + d * i);
return depthRMs * L;
void scatterIn (vec3 origin, vec3 direction, float depth, float steps) {
depth = depth / steps;
for (float i = 0.; i < steps; i++) {
vec3 p = origin + direction * (depth * i);
vec2 dRM = densitiesRM(p) * depth;
totalDepthRM += dRM;
// Calculate optical depth
vec2 depthRMsum = totalDepthRM + scatterDepthInt(p, sundir, escape(p, sundir, atmosphereRadius), 4.);
// Calculate exponent part of both integrals
vec3 A = exp(-rayEffectiveCoeff * depthRMsum.x - mieEffectiveCoeff * depthRMsum.y);
I_R += A * dRM.x;
I_M += A * dRM.y;
// Calculate the complete scattering effect for a ray going from origin
// along direction for a distance of depth.
// luminance represents the light coming from that point e.g. in a scene
// If luminance is zero the effective return is in-scattering from the sun
vec3 scatter (vec3 origin, vec3 direction, float depth, vec3 luminance) {
I_R = I_M = vec3(0.);
scatterIn (origin, direction, depth, 12.);
float mu = dot(direction, sundir);
vec3 extinction = luminance * exp(-rayEffectiveCoeff * totalDepthRM.x - mieEffectiveCoeff * totalDepthRM.y);
return extinction
// Add in-scattering
+ sunIntensity * (1. + mu * mu) * (
// 3/16pi = 0.597
I_R * rayEffectiveCoeff * .0597 +
// mie phase function is complicated [Nisita et al. 93, Riley et al. 04]
I_M * mieScatterCoeff * .0196 / pow(1.58 - 1.52 * mu, 1.5));
void mainImage( out vec4 fragColor, in vec2 fragCoord )
// Normalized pixel coordinates (from -1 to 1)
vec2 uv = fragCoord/iResolution.xy * 2. - 1.;
// Fix aspect
uv.x *= iResolution.x / iResolution.y;
// sundir could be set as a uniform or calculated dynamically, this is for demo
sundir = normalize (vec3(.5, .4 * (1. + sin(.5 * iTime)), -1.));
vec3 origin = vec3(0., 0., 0.);
vec3 direction = normalize(vec3(uv, -2.));
vec3 col = vec3(0.);
// Here you would do scene-intersection
float L = escape (origin, direction, atmosphereRadius);
col = scatter (origin, direction, L, col);
// not sure what's with the sqrt tbh.
fragColor = vec4(sqrt(col), 1.);
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