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Created October 4, 2020 08:27
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def pass = [
"| Övning | Vikt |\\n| ---------- | :-------------: |\\n| Marklyft | 3 set x 6–8 reps |\\n| chins | 3 set x 8–10 reps |\\n| Militärpress | 3 set x 8–10 reps |",
"| Övning | Vikt |\\n| ---------- | :-------------: |\\n| Knäböj | 3 set x 8–10 reps |\\n| Bänkpress | 3 set x 8–10 reps |\\n| Chins | 3 set x 8–10 reps |"
def message = pass[(env.BUILD_ID as Integer) % pass.size()]
pipeline {
agent {
label 'linux'
triggers {
cron '0 15 * * 1,3'
environment {
stages {
stage('Inform Lifter'){
steps {
withCredentials([string(credentialsId: 'MATTERMOST_WORKOUT_BOT', variable: 'BOT_BEARER_TOKEN')]) {
sh """curl -H "Authorization: Bearer $BOT_BEARER_TOKEN" -d '{"channel_id": "$GUSTAV", "message": "Idag är en träningsdag!\\n\\n**Dagens pass:**\\n\\n${message}"}'"""
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