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Created July 20, 2021 16:02
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An example with chisel diplomacy
import chipsalliance.rocketchip.config.{Config, Field, Parameters}
import chisel3._
import chisel3.util.log2Ceil
import chisel3.internal.sourceinfo.SourceInfo
import chisel3.stage.ChiselStage
import chisel3.util.random.FibonacciLFSR
import freechips.rocketchip.diplomacy._
import freechips.rocketchip.util.ElaborationArtefacts
import{File, FileWriter}
case class UpwardParam()
case class DownwardParam(width: Int)
case class EdgeParam(width: Int)
case object AdderInputNum extends Field[Int]
case object BitWidth extends Field[Int]
object AdderNodeImp extends SimpleNodeImp[DownwardParam, UpwardParam, EdgeParam, UInt] {
override def edge(pd: DownwardParam, pu: UpwardParam, p: Parameters, sourceInfo: SourceInfo) = {
override def bundle(e: EdgeParam) = UInt(e.width.W)
override def render(e: EdgeParam) = RenderedEdge("#cc00cc", s"${e.width}")
case class AdderDriverNode(width: Int)(implicit v: ValName) extends SourceNode(AdderNodeImp)(Seq(DownwardParam(width)))
class AdderDriver(width: Int)(implicit p: Parameters) extends LazyModule {
val node = AdderDriverNode(width)
lazy val module = new LazyModuleImp(this) {
val negotiatedWidths =
require(negotiatedWidths.length == 1, "Can only give one output")
val finalWidth = negotiatedWidths.head
val randomAddend = FibonacciLFSR.maxPeriod(finalWidth)
node.out.foreach {
case (addend, _) => addend := randomAddend
case class AdderJunctionNode(
dFn: Seq[DownwardParam] => Seq[DownwardParam],
uFn: Seq[UpwardParam] => Seq[UpwardParam]
implicit v: ValName)
extends JunctionNode(AdderNodeImp)(dFn, uFn)
class AdderJunction(implicit p: Parameters) extends LazyModule {
val node: AdderJunctionNode = AdderJunctionNode(
dFn = { seq =>
require(seq.length == 1, "Can only give one input")
println(s"dRatio = ${node.dRatio} uRatio = ${node.uRatio}")
uFn = { _ => Seq(UpwardParam()) }
lazy val module = new LazyModuleImp(this) {
println(s"numInOutGrouped = ${node.inoutGrouped.length}")
node.inoutGrouped.foreach {
case (in, out) =>
println(s"numIn = ${in.length} numOut = ${out.length}")
in.foreach { case (inPort, _) => out.foreach { case (outPort, _) => outPort := inPort } }
case class AdderNode(
dFn: Seq[DownwardParam] => DownwardParam,
uFn: Seq[UpwardParam] => UpwardParam
implicit v: ValName)
extends NexusNode(AdderNodeImp)(dFn, uFn)
class ActualAdder(implicit p: Parameters) extends LazyModule {
val node = AdderNode(
dFn = { seq =>
DownwardParam( => p.width).max + log2Ceil(seq.length))
uFn = { _ => UpwardParam() }
lazy val module = new LazyModuleImp(this) {
val negotiatedOutputWidths = { e => e.width }
require(negotiatedOutputWidths.forall(_ == negotiatedOutputWidths.head))
val finalWidth = negotiatedOutputWidths.head
val result = Reg(UInt(finalWidth.W))
result := +& _) := result)
case class AdderMonitorNode(numInput: Int)(implicit v: ValName)
extends SinkNode(AdderNodeImp)(Seq.fill(numInput)(UpwardParam()))
class AdderMonitor(implicit p: Parameters) extends LazyModule {
val monitorNode = AdderMonitorNode(p(AdderInputNum))
val resultNode = AdderMonitorNode(1)
val outputNode = BundleBridgeSource(Some(() => Output(Bool())))
lazy val module = new LazyModuleImp(this) {
printf( => p"${n._1}").reduce(_ + p" + " + _) + p" = ${}"
val expectedResult = RegNext( +& _))
outputNode.bundle := =/= expectedResult
class AdderTestBench(implicit p: Parameters) extends LazyModule {
val drivers = Seq.tabulate(p(AdderInputNum)) { i =>
LazyModule(new AdderDriver(p(BitWidth))).suggestName(s"driver_${i}")
val adder = LazyModule(new ActualAdder())
val monitor = LazyModule(new AdderMonitor())
val junction = LazyModule(new AdderJunction())
val outputNode = BundleBridgeSink(Some(() => Output(Bool())))
drivers.foreach { d => junction.node := d.node }
monitor.resultNode := adder.node :=* junction.node
monitor.monitorNode :=* junction.node
outputNode := monitor.outputNode
lazy val module = new LazyModuleImp(this) {
// Nothing to do here
val error = InModuleBody { outputNode.makeIO("error") }
class Top(implicit p: Parameters) extends Module {
val error = IO(Output(Bool()))
private val ldut: AdderTestBench = LazyModule(new AdderTestBench())
val dut = Module(ldut.module)
error := ldut.error
ElaborationArtefacts.add("graphml", ldut.graphML)
case object PlaygroundConfig
extends Config((_, _, _) => {
case AdderInputNum => 4
case BitWidth => 16
object Playground extends App {
implicit val p: Parameters = PlaygroundConfig
(new ChiselStage).emitVerilog(
new Top,
// LazyModule(new AdderTestBench()).module,
Array("--target-dir", "generated")
ElaborationArtefacts.files.foreach {
case ("graphml", graphML) =>
val fw = new FileWriter(new File("generated", "AdderTestBench.graphml"))
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