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Promise Ochornma Ochornma

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data class SelfieVerificationRequest(
val tag: String,
val documentType: SelfieVerificationDocument,
val documentId: String,
val residence: Residence,
val userId: String,
val firstName: String,
val lastName: String,
val email: String,
val birthDate: String)
fun mockMetadata(metadata: SIDMetadata, request: SelfieVerificationRequest, base64: String = "") {
val userIdInfo = metadata.sidUserIdInfo
userIdInfo.idNumber = "0000000004"
// userIdInfo.idNumber = request.documentId
// .replace("[0-9]".toRegex(), "0")
// .replace("0\$".toRegex(), "4")
if (base64.isNotEmpty()) {
// metadata.partnerParams.addtionalValues[request.documentType.mockPictureTag()] = selfieFile.toBase64String()
metadata.partnerParams.addtionalValues[request.documentType.mockPictureTag()] = base64
Log.d("Base 64 Image", base64)
let plus: (Int, Int) -> Int = {
return $0 + $1
let minus: (Int, Int) -> Int = {
return $0 - $1
let add: (Int, Int) -> Int = {
return $0 + $1
let plus: (Int, Int) -> Int = {
return $0 + $1
let minus: (Int, Int) -> Int = {
return $0 - $1
let add: (Int, Int) -> Int = {
return $0 + $1
let fullName: (String, String) -> String = {
return "The Full Name is \($0) \($1)"
print(fullName("Promise", "Ochornma"))
//The Result is:
//The Full Name is Promise Ochornma
let fullName: (String, String) -> String = { (firstName, lastName) in
return "The Full Name is \(firstName) \(lastName)"
print(fullName("Promise", "Ochornma"))
//The Result is:
//The Full Name is Promise Ochornma
func fullName(firstName: String, lastName: String) -> String{
return "The Full Name is \(firstName) \(lastName)"
print(fullName(firstName: "Promise", lastName: "Ochornma"))
//The Result is:
//The Full Name is Promise Ochornma
class VerifyAdapter(private val list: List<UnverifiedData>, val listener: OnItemClickListener): RecyclerView.Adapter<VerifyAdapter.VerifyHolder>() {
override fun onCreateViewHolder(parent: ViewGroup, viewType: Int): VerifyHolder {
val binding = VerifyBvnListBinding
.inflate(LayoutInflater.from(parent.context), parent, false)
return VerifyHolder(binding)
data class VerifyResponse(
val Response_message: String,
val success: Boolean
data class UnverifiedResponse(
val `data`: List<UnverifiedData>,
val response_code: String,
val response_message: String,
val success: Boolean