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Last active December 13, 2023 19:46
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Twilight Imperium Core Rules


The objective of the game is to be the first player to reach the end of the victory point track (10 or 14 VP).

Victory points can be gained through 3 primary sources:

  • Public Objectives : Players may only score public objectives if they control their home planet(s). Each round after the first one, a new public objective is revealed. All revealed public objectives can be scored by all players but only one public objective can be scored per player per status phase. Public objectives are all "status phase" objectives and must be scored in the status phase (unless a component says otherwise).
  • Secret Objectives : secret objectives are player-exclusive objectives drawn throughout the game. Each player may only score a max of 3 secret objectives and they may only have a max of 3 scored and unscored secret objectives at any point. Secret objectives can be "status" or "action" phase objectives. Only one status phase secret objective can be scored per player per shatus phase. Action phase objectives may be scored immediately during the action phase, however each must be in a seperate combat.
  • Mecatol Rex - Claiming the custodian token will reward one player 1 victory point. only the first player to do this gets the victory point. To claim the custodian token (and place ground forces on Mecatol Rex) the player must pay 6 influence.

Additional sources of victory points include: promissory notes and agenda items.

If there are no more public objectives to reveal (in the status phase), then the game is won by the player with the most victory points.


The game is played in a series of game rounds containing the following phases:

  1. Strategy - Each player chooses a strategy card.
  2. Action - Each player performs tactical, component, and startegic actions.
  3. Status - Clean-up
  4. Agenda - Players vote on agenda items.

Strategy Phase

Beginning with the speaker and continueing clockwise, players take turns choosing a strategy card. These cards provide you with unique and powerful actions only you can perform in a given round. In addition they allow all other players to perform a secondary unique action related to the strategy card. Finally, each strategy card dictates the "player turn order" throughout the coming round. This is called initiative order.

At the end of each strategy phase, unused strategy cards will become more valuable (for future selections) by adding a trade good to each one.

Action Phase

The action phase is where most of the game will be spent.

Players take turns in initiative order performing a single action per turn. Players may continue to take turns performing actions as long as they have actions to perform and have not passed already. Once a player passes they may no longer perfrom tactical actions but they may always perform the secondary of other player's strategic actions. A player may only pass after they have played their own strategic action.

There are 3 types of actions:

  • Tactical actions
  • Strategic actions
  • Component actions

Tactical Action

There are 5 steps that can be taken as part of a tactical action. They must occur in order:

  1. Activation
  2. Movement
  3. Space Combat
  4. Invasion
  5. Production


Choose a system to activate. That system must not contain one of your command tokens. Place a command token in that system. This is the active system for the rest of the tactical action.


You may move units into the active system.

  • A ship must end its movement in the active system
  • You cannot pass through a system with other player's ships.
  • You cannot move out of a system that contains command tokens but you may move through systems that contain command tokens.

Movement values are printed on the faction sheet. You may move ground forces and fighters along with ships that have capacity. Fighters and ground forces can be picked up en-route.

Moving into a system with space cannons triggers a "post movement" space cannon offense. All players with a space cannon in range, in clockwise order starting with the active player, may use their space cannon abilities. The active player may target opponents in the active system, while all other players may only target the active player in the active system.

Space combat

If multiple players have ships in a system after movement, then space combat must be resolved. Space combat occurs in 5 recursive steps:

  1. Anti-fighter barrage (only the first round)
  2. Announce retreat
  3. Make combat rolls
  4. Assign hits
  5. Retreat

These steps are repeated until there is only one player with ships (or none at all in) in the system. If there are still multiple players in the system, then another round of space combat is started, beginning with step 2.


If there is a planet in the active system it can be invaded. This also takes place in 5 steps:

  1. Bombardment
  2. Commit ground forces
  3. Space cannon defence (only defending planet's space cannons)
  4. Ground combat
  5. Establish control

To commit ground forces to Mecatol Rex (before the custodian token has been claimed), the player must spend six influence to claim the custodian token and commit at least 1 ground force to the planet. When the custodian token is claimed they immediately gain 1 victory point.

If you gain control of a planent that was not already controlled by another player you may explore that planet. You can only explore a planet that has a trait (Hazardous, Industrial, or Cultural). To explore: draw 1 card from the Exploration Deck corresponding to that planet's trait.


The player can produce units in the active system if it contains a unit with the production ability (such as a space dock).

The player can produce any unit on their faction sheet provided they pay its cost. The cost can be paid with trade goods or by exhausting planets. The number of ships you can produce is limited to the number in your reserves (and on the map). Fighters and ground forces are unlimited.

The player cannot produce more units than the combined production values of their units with the production ability in that system.

The player cannot produce ships in a blockaded space dock.

Strategic Action

Play a strategic card. The primary ability is resolved by the active player. And the secondary ability is resolved by all other players in clockwise order beginning with the player to the left of the active player.

A player cannot pass until they have completed their strategic action. Players who have already passed when a stargeic action is performed may still perform the secondary action.

Component Action

These are actions printed on game components. Component actions are always preceded by the word “ACTION.”. The Following componets can be component actions:

  • Action cards
  • Technology cards
  • Leaders
  • Exploration cards
  • Relics,
  • Promissory notes
  • Faction sheets

If the component action cannot be resolved it cannot be performed. If the action is cancelled via another effect then the action does not take place and the player must still perform an action or pass.

Status Phase

This is the clean-up phase. Eight things may occur in it. They take place in the following order:

  1. Score objectives - In initiative order each player may score up to one public and one secret objective.
  2. Reveal one public objectives.
  3. Draw one action card - you may have a max of 7 action cards in hand and must discard down to 7 if you exceed this maximum.
  4. Remove command tokens from the board and return to each players reinforcements.
  5. Gain 2 command tokens and redistribute command tokens on the command sheet.
  6. Ready exhausted cards.
  7. Repair damaged units.
  8. Return strategy cards.

When scoring objectives that say "Spend X trade goods" or "Spend X influnce", you must spend them on the objective itself during the status phase, not on other things during the previous round.

Agenda Phase

After the custodian token is claimed from Mecatol Rex the agenda phase is added to the game.

This phase involves the speaker drawing an "agenda item" from a deck. The agenda is then voted on by all players.

The number of votes cast for that outcome is equal to the combined influence values of the planets that a player exhausts.Tthe full amount of votes provided by the exhausted planet must be cast by the player.

Once the first agenda item is resolved, a 2nd one is drawn and voted on as well.

After the agenda phase, planets (not all exhuasted card) are readied up again.


Trade Goods & Commodities

  • Trade goods : universal currency that counts as a 1 resource or 1 influence (not both at the same time). Take note that trade goods can not be used as influence during the agenda phase.
  • Commodities : currency that cannot be spent (unless otherwise stated on a component) but become trade goods when exchanged with other players. Each player has a max commodities limit. When a player's commodities are refreshed when they are replenished to thier maximum.

Spending Resources and Influence

To spend a planet’s resources or influence, a player exhausts that planet’s planet card. The planet can only be exhausted for either the resources or the influence, not both at the same time.

To spend trade goods, simply return them to the common trade goods and state whether it is getting spent as a resource or influence.


The active player may resolve one transaction with each of their neighbours.A transaction may include the following components:

  • Commodities
  • Trade goods
  • Relic fragments
  • One promissory note

No other components may be used in a transaction unless otherwise stated on the component.


Deals can be made at any time with any player. If they include a transaction they must follow the rules for transactions.

  • Binding deals : If the deal can be resolved immediately it is a binding deal. Players must fulfill the terms of the deal.
  • Non-binding deals : If the deal cannot be resolved immediately it is a non-binding deal. Players do not have to adhere to the terms of the deal.


Asteroid Field

A ship cannot move through or into an asteroid field.


A ship can only move into a nebula if it is the active system and all ships moving out of a Nebular have a move value of one.

The defending player in a Nebula applies a +1 to all their ship's combat rolls.


A ship cannot move through or into a supernova.

Gravity Rift

A ship that will move out of or through a gravity rift at any time during its movement, applies +1 to its move value.

For each ship that would move out of or through a gravity rift, one die is rolled immediately before it exits the gravity rift system; on a result of 1–3, that ship is removed from the board.

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