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A week ago I was CC'd in on a thread about Linux packaging, and how to avoid doing it the wrong way (i.e. RPM, Deb, etc.). I've always used MojoSetup and I've never forced distributions to do any additional work, but this is still a new concept to a lot of people. Additionally, Amos suggested that I expand on Itch's FNA appendix, so here's a guide on how I package my games.
This is a bit of an expansion on my MAGFest 2016 presentation, which you can find here:
I would recommend looking at that first! After that, read on...
Z-Order curves are used to encode multiple dimensions to one dimension while maintaining locality. This feature makes them useful for indexing multidimensional data such as geospatial data. In BigTable-like systems (Accumulo, HBase, Cassandra a z-order curve index can translate a bounding box query to a single range scan. As this example shows, sometimes the locality properties of the curve are very good and few points outside the bounding box are scanned. Other times though, many points outside the bounding box are scanned if using a single range.
This example was inspired by Mike Bostock's Quadtree example