does anyone know any solutions to trigger some function (actually a versel function) in the network every (for example) 5 seconds. Let's call it cronjobs... but cronjobs have granularity per minute
Don't suggest Versel's - there granularity is a minute and on the free tariff it's once a day.
I checked a bunch of services. (the closest to the right one, you can squeeze out 1.6k per day).
All their rates are "Fart, srenk, 500 requests per day" style. Ideally I need a couple tens of thousands per day and free.
While considering options
- Inngest,
- Hosting of a triggering node server on fly (Railway is already without free it seems)
- Hosting of the functionality itself, which I need to trigger every X seconds on the node server (bad that then I start to depend on the tariffs Fly and if my service is used - if not even take off the card, then at least bill and will not give further use until I do not pay, and with Versel like exceed do not exceed - in the next month will give as from scratch to use
Does anyone know by the way what they usually use to trigger something in node every N seconds?
I see that Cloudflare has kronor triggers with no limits, a maximum of 3 kronor per worker, 5 per account. If they support delay, I can get a request every 12-20 seconds
I'd like to make 5 separate requests from one trigger once a minute, at 0 second, at the 10th,... but I can't find what timeouts cloudflare has.
Versel's function + Trigger it even every second from Cloudflare
Vercel’s cron offering is not very competitive and highly limited. i’d personally recommend using:
i love Vercel for hosting projects and their developer experience, but you need to know when to leverage other tools.