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Oliver Caldwell Olical

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Olical / meter-readings.js
Last active July 24, 2023 18:16
Get all meter readings from Switch2 MeterReadings page
// For use on
// Prints out a CSV which you can save to a file and then upload to something like
data = Array.from(document.querySelectorAll(".meter-reading-history-table-data-row.desktop-layout")).map(function (row) {
return {
date: row.querySelector(".meter-reading-history-table-data-date-row-item").innerText,
amount: parseInt(row.querySelector(".meter-reading-history-table-data-amount-row-item").innerText)
Olical /
Last active February 15, 2025 10:07
Conjure school without installing Conjure!
# Try an interactive Conjure tutorial without installing Conjure!
# All you need is curl and an up to date nvim.
curl -fL | sh
Olical / repair.clj
Created October 15, 2019 12:02
Repair translated Markdown -> AsciiDoc files from my blog
(require '[clojure.string :as str]
'[clojure.edn :as edn])
(for [file (fs/list-dir "posts")
:when (str/ends-with? (str file) ".md.adoc")]
(let [[_ date slug] (re-find #"(\d\d\d\d\-\d\d\-\d\d)\-([\w\-\d]+)\.md\.adoc" (str file))
title (:title (edn/read-string (slurp (fs/file "posts" (str date "-" slug ".md")))))]
(spit (fs/file "posts" (str slug ".adoc"))
(str "= " title "\nOliver Caldwell\n" date "\n\n" (slurp file)))))
Olical /
Last active October 7, 2019 11:57
Using a super alpha version of Conjure - Clojure socket prepl in Neovim

Conjure alpha preview

Neovim Clojure tooling over prepl

This is the legacy Rust implementation that I've replaced with Clojure. Check out the master branch for the main Clojure version. The old source can be found on the legacy-rust-implementation branch.

I've been working on [Conjure][] for a while now and using it day to day at work. It's coming along but I still have a todo list that stretches off the screen. This is mostly "nice to haves", not essential features. I don't want to release it until I've completed my main list and I'm happy with the level of polish.

This gist covers how to set up the current super alpha version (v0.3.0) in your own Neovim so you can give it a go and maybe give me some feedback. Here's the caveats:

Olical / fireplace-refresh.vim
Created April 18, 2018 10:58
Vim bindings for vim-fireplace that act like cider-refresh
autocmd FileType clojure nnoremap <buffer> <silent> <localleader>rx :Eval (do (bounce.system/stop!) ( "src/clj" "src/cljc") ( :after 'bounce.system/start!))<cr>
autocmd FileType clojure nnoremap <buffer> <silent> <localleader>rX :Eval (do (bounce.system/stop!) ( ( "src/clj" "src/cljc") ( :after 'bounce.system/start!))<cr>
Olical / scheme.vim
Created April 15, 2018 20:39
Some MIT Scheme bindings intended for Neovim
function! scheme#connect()
let s:repl_term_id = termopen('mit-scheme')
normal! G
function! scheme#eval_top_form()
let l:save_clipboard = &clipboard
set clipboard=
let l:save_reg = getreg('s')
Olical / cljs_namespace_tools.cljs
Created March 6, 2018 12:17
ClojureScript (node) to discover namespaces in a directory
(ns cljs-namespace-tools
(:require [ :as parse]
[ :as reader-types]
[cljs-node-io.core :as io]
[cljs-node-io.fs :as fs]
[cljs.test :as t]))
(defn path-kind [path]
(fs/file? path) :file
Olical / tree.cljc
Created September 16, 2017 11:18
Using clojure.spec to parse trees
(ns bonsai.tree
(:require #?(:clj [clojure.spec.alpha :as s]
:cljs [cljs.spec.alpha :as s])))
(s/def ::element (s/or :string string?
:element (s/cat :name keyword?
:attrs (s/? (s/map-of keyword? any?))
:children (s/* ::element))))
(s/conform ::element [:p])
Olical / lzfn.clj
Created September 4, 2017 19:01
A function macro that yields the EXACT same function reference if the arguments and body LOOK the same.
;; Wasn't sure on a name, but this'll do.
(def fn-cache (atom {}))
(defmacro lzfn [& forms]
`(let [fn-hash# (hash '~forms)
fn# (get @fn-cache fn-hash#)]
(if fn#
(let [new-fn# (fn ~@forms)]
Olical /
Last active February 6, 2017 13:18
Changes to so it doesn't make spacemacs error.
function rvm --description='Ruby enVironment Manager'
# run RVM and capture the resulting environment
set --local env_file (mktemp -t
bash -c 'source ~/.rvm/scripts/rvm; rvm "$@"; status=$?; env > "$0"; exit $status' $env_file $argv > /dev/null 2>&1
# apply rvm_* and *PATH variables from the captured environment
and grep '^rvm\|^[^=]*PATH\|^GEM_HOME' $env_file | grep -v '_clr=' | sed '/^[^=]*PATH/s/:/" "/g; s/^/set -xg /; s/=/ "/; s/$/" ;/; s/(//; s/)//' | source
# needed under fish >= 2.2.0
and set -xg GEM_PATH (echo $GEM_PATH | sed 's/ /:/g')