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Last active August 13, 2020 06:52
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Declarative methods on array data collection
const students = [
name: 'Oliver Mensah',
email: '[email protected]',
name: 'Olivia Mansah',
email: '[email protected]',
const emails = =>;
// console.log(emails);
const oliviaData = students.filter(
(student) => === 'Olivia Mansah'
// console.log(oliviaData);
const combinedEmails = students.reduce(
(acc, student) => acc +,
//creating declarative methods
//imp map
function impMap(data) {
const studentEmails = [];
for (student of students) {
return studentEmails;
function impFilter(data) {
const oliviaData = [];
for (student of students) {
if ( === 'Olivia Mansah') {
return oliviaData;
function impReduce(data) {
let combinedEmails = '';
for (student of students) {
combinedEmails +=;
return combinedEmails;
function map(data, func) {
const result = [];
for (el of data) {
return result;
studentEmails = map(students, (student) =>;
function filter(data, func) {
const result = [];
for (el of data) {
if (func(el)) result.push(el);
return result;
console.log(filter(students, (student) => === 'Olivia Mansah'));
function reduce(data, func, initialValue) {
let acc = initialValue;
for (el of data) {
acc = func(acc, el);
return acc;
console.log(reduce(students, (acc, student) => acc +, ''));
const shoppingCart = [
{ product: 'Banana', unit_price: 79, quantity: 3 },
{ product: 'Milk', unit_price: 499, quantity: 1 },
{ product: 'Cream', unit_price: 599, quantity: 2 },
{ product: 'Sugar', unit_price: 249, quantity: 1 },
{ product: 'Apple', unit_price: 76, quantity: 6 },
{ product: 'Bread', unit_price: 229, quantity: 2 },
* Write a collection pipeline that calculates the total price of
* all the items in this shopping cart.
* Do not use any loops, if statements, or ternary operators.
* Good luck!
* $totalPrice = $shoppingCart....
const sum = shoppingCart.reduce(
(acc, item) => acc + item.unit_price * item.quantity,
const employees = [
name: 'John',
email: '[email protected]',
sales: [
{ customer: 'The Blue Rabbit Company', order_total: 7444 },
{ customer: 'Black Melon', order_total: 1445 },
{ customer: 'Yellow Cake', order_total: 700 },
name: 'Jane',
email: '[email protected]',
sales: [
{ customer: 'The Grey Apple Company', order_total: 203 },
{ customer: 'Yellow Cake', order_total: 8730 },
{ customer: 'The Blue Rabbit Company', order_total: 3337 },
{ customer: 'Green Mobile', order_total: 5310 },
name: 'Dave',
email: '[email protected]',
sales: [
{ customer: 'The Acute Toaster Company', order_total: 1091 },
{ customer: 'Green Mobile', order_total: 2370 },
name: 'Dana',
email: '[email protected]',
sales: [
{ customer: 'Green Mobile', order_total: 203 },
{ customer: 'Yellow Cake', order_total: 8730 },
{ customer: 'The Piping Bull Company', order_total: 3337 },
{ customer: 'The Cloudy Dog Company', order_total: 5310 },
name: 'Beth',
email: '[email protected]',
sales: [
{ customer: 'The Grey Apple Company', order_total: 1091 },
{ customer: 'Green Mobile', order_total: 2370 },
Write a collection pipeline to find the customer whose combined
* total order value is the highest.
* Do not use any loops, if statements, or ternary operators.
* Good luck!
* mostValuableCustomer = employees->...
max = employees
.reduce(function (acc, cur) {
return [...acc, ...cur['sales']];
}, [])
.reduce(function (prev, current) {
return prev['order_total'] > current['order_total'] ? prev : current;
->map(function ($groupedSales, $customer) {
return $groupedSales->sum('order_total');
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